Canadian RU photos

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

another tulip, same bed

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

little wonderfully fragrant violets.

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

a view of Tod inlet, from BG, througha whole in the hedge that they have made for photos. This is probably one of the most taken shots in Butchart's

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

this is the same view but taken at he top of the hill. The Japanese gardens go downt he slope in front of this picture, and the Italian gardens and the old residence is behind. I thought we had pictures of more of the gardens, but guess we did taken them. I know the the others did, and they are hoping I can get there photos up on my computer, so if I can, I'll get them posted as well.

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

here's some hmmm, I forget, and there's no one home to ask, I'll edit later when I get a name.

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

another shot of the above, LOL

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Then we went to Butterfly gardens, the following shots are from there. One of the group, (name held to save my hide) saw a rooted plumie stick laying on it's side, just behind a bench, and was going to pick it up and take it home, however, the rest of us convinced her we couldn't afford bail.

This picture is a bit hazy, but it's the condensation on the lens form the heat and humidity entering the BF gardens. It was a great felling as it was a chillly, windy day.

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

another great shot of the flamingo, if I do say so myself LOL

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

this is a bird they call Spike, and her was tryign to eat Cheryl's shoes.

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

an orchid

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

another orchid

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

and I think a Tiger orchid

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

this was nice,

where's the botany experts when you need a name???

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

and this belongs above int eh Butchart's section, a huge , lovely bed of these deep rich coloured hyacinths.

Thumbnail by MG99
Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

and last for now, a group shot of everyone that attended except for Inanda.

Thumbnail by MG99
North Saanich, Canada

Great to see everyone's face and what great pictures you posted!! Sounds like you are all having a great time!!! I will look forward to more pictures.
I have had a relaxing time in Rocky Mountain House for the last two days, and heading off to Edmonton tomorrow!!!
And yes, we did drive through some snow around Lake Louise!!!!

Have fun!


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Looks like everyone had a great time! Beautiful pictures. Nice to see your face, Paradise.
:) Donna

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Wow. Linda, thanks so much for posting all these pics!!!! Almost as good as being there....sigh.... I really love that hazy pic of the flamingoes. Real, live flamingoes....amazing!

It sounds like a fine standard was set for Canadian RUs - one for the history books. Hope everyone's had a safe trip home - I'm looking forward to more stories and pics once you all get your breath back!!! :-)


Verona, ON

Wonderful, wonderful pics, thanks so much for sharing. You certainly brightened my evening as we in Ontario sit here either under a winter storm warning or a heavy rain warning.
No wonder people from Ontario retire to BC.
So glad you are having a great time. The BBQ sounds delicous.

Thanks you for showing us all these pics Linda. It's great to see you all there together. Just sitting here watching the snow melt.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

I might be the first of the travellers already home. I had a wonderful time meeting everyone. It really did feel like we'd known each other for ages.
Linda and Cheryl were tireless (and probably exhausted) co-ordinators and hosts. My heartfelt thanks for your generosity and hospitality for doing this for us. It was hugely appreciated by all.
Linda's greenhouse is great and it was swelled with all sorts of interesting trades. I love spending time in other people's greenhouses.
Jeanne, thanks so much for your slide show presentation. I could look at brug pics 24/7.
Heather, you and Ian were sweethearts to take all of us wayward souls into your home on Saturday night for dinner. Your home is lovely and so inviting.
Lynn, thanks to you for bringing a boxload of jumbo prawns on the plane and for all the extra gifties you brought along.
Again, I really had a fun time. THANK YOU!!!
(Now, I have to go find out about all the new plants I bought and which are still in the trunk of my car)

This message was edited Apr 4, 2005 8:15 AM

Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

Great photos. It is so nice to meet everyone & sounds like you all had a blast. I just luv the flamingo shots. I don't remember birds being there the last time I went but that was awhile ago. Will be waiting to see more pix & hope everyone made it home safely.

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

Great pictures everyone,
nice to see what everyone looks like,

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Looks like everybody had a great time!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3a)

Thanks for nthe photos- You all look like you are having a terrific time. Joelle

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

dillpickle, I sent a gallon sized ampelopsis home with inanda for you. I gave it to her on Friday night but didn't see her afterwards so I'm sure she will get it to you somehow.

Here's praying that bus gets her over the mountain.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

I understand that she had problems with it in Victoria and had to have something replaced which had to be stressful.

Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

Liz, thanks
Yes I am sure she will get it to me when she gets home,
yes hope that she has no troubles on her way home,

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

echoes; Inanda is right here, and she says to tell you that she is coming home a week later, not to worry. Her starter was replaced., and yes, we all hope she makes it over the mountains.

Dillpickle; Inanda has your porcelan vine.

Great pictures!! Thanks for posting them Linda. Looks like everyone had (is having) a wonderful time.

South of Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks for the great photos - both people pics and plant pics. Plants photos were great to see since everything is pretty much brown here on the prairies and it looks like the gang had a great time.

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

and what do you do at 1 in the morning????

bare root, re-pot and pack all her treasures. there were 3 of us out there watching & laughing.

Thumbnail by MG99
Winnipeg,, MB(Zone 3a)

well good to know that Inanda will be home later than what she told
us as I would be worried about her travelling.
sounds like everyone had a great time..

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

I just want to say, thankyou to all of you at the RU for keeping us informed of your jaunts, packing(I wish I was a fly on the wall at the airport)...........and most of all, your generosity to all of us gals who couldn't make it........there's always next year! Have a safe and well packed journey home................thanx to the coordinators for this event, even though I couldn't make it!.............Elaine......PS...I have two roses enroute from B Bay, as we speak!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

I know it looks as if Liz, Lana and I (Dawn) are commiserating about the poor, rare brugmansia that just passed on and how we expedited its farewell, but we REALLY were having a good time!

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

I just want to thank everyone that came. It's been a wonderful weekend, getting to know a bit of each of you, and lots about different plants and their growing needs. I learned so much. I feel there's many friendships started that will last. What a lovely bunch of women to know. We feel fortunate to have been able to host such a fun and entertaining event.

Heatherbelle and Mr. Heatherbelle added so much when they had us all for dinner. Heather's gardens are lovely and it's obvious the Mr. Heatherbelle also enjoys the garden, a good match they are.

It was easy to have our house guests, they worked hard, pitched in and fun to have.

Thanks to Inanda for taking over doing the driving and showing around yesterday afternoon and today, so that I could rest. It was much needed and appreciated.

Thanks to Jagonjune for all her help.

Brugcrazy, your talk and slide show on the history of brugs... what knowlege you have (and Liz too), and thanks so much for sharing. Oscar was such a good guy.

Most of all, thanks to everyone that came and traded. That was the purpose, and I think we could've opened up our own nursery with all the seeds, cuttings and plants that were here.

We mentioned numerous times what a shame that those of you that wanted to come, couldn't be with us.

When everyone is home, hopefully more pictures will be added.

Linda and Cheryl, thank you both for organizing and hosting this event. I think everyone had a great time. It was very special to meet everyone that we've been chatting with on this forum.

Glad you got some rest yesterday Linda. Hope everyone has a safe trip home.

Campbell River, BC(Zone 8a)

It's amazing how fast you can get behind here. My computer was down but thankfully I got it running again. I was dying to look at the pictures and put a few of my own in here before the whole event was too much a thing of the past.

I had a wonderful time at the RU. It was so neat to meet some of the people I've come to know a bit here. It's taken our relationships to a whole new of friendship. I just wish it hadn't gone so fast. I didn't really have a chance to have a chat with everyone.

Thank you so much Linda and Cheryl for getting things organized and hosting everyone on Friday evening. It was great fun meeting each person as they arrived and trading with them and the dinner and slide show was great.

I'm so glad Jeanne and I camped in your driveway Heather because it meant we had lots of time to visit with you and Ian and get to know you. Thank you for inviting us to stay inside but the camping really did add to the adventure. At least it was mostly just windy and not too rainy. It was wonderful of you to host the dinner on Saturday evening. We would never have had that much time or ability to mingle at a restaurant, so it was perfect.

All of my pictures are from Butterfly Gardens. I'll have to check and make sure I don't post duplicates. There were a great deal of pictures taken there. Here's one of us at the end of the tour.

Thumbnail by nightowl2
Campbell River, BC(Zone 8a)

The pond with the flamingoes and koi was gorgeous.

Thumbnail by nightowl2

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