Seed Snatchin' Part IX ... Plantin' the Snatched Seeds!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

OK, here a new thread for you Seed Snatchers! I thought I'd start this one out with some of the seeds I've snatched and planted. How about the trailing lobelia seeds I snatched from the Seward downtown baskets!

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Good night! (as my proper southern MIL would say) That's a lot of good lookin' lobelia seedlings!!

I don't think I have any snatched seed germinating yet. The closest I can come would be the lemon & lime basil seedlings I just transplanted into cell packs, but I don't think it counts if you "snatch" them from your own front yard! LOL

WZ, I loved that photo of Bruno..... "rainwater makes his fenders curly"..... ROTFL!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I just love to start lobelia from seed. You transplant it in little bunches to each plub, but I find it looks so much better if I only put a few plants in each one. Last fall, when I collected all the old city baskets, I collected seeds from them before they went onto the compost pile. It's the first time I've ever collected lobelia seeds, so I was thrilled. I was also thrilled to find they were viable seeds. I'm eager to see what the blooms and habit are like, as well. Here's a picture of ol' Bruno with a bed full of spent baskets. What an opportunity for seed snatching!

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Yaaa!! New thread!! Send some of those extra seedlings on down to NC Weez! I never did get around to starting any. Oh well!!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

You'd probably open the box to find dead lobelia, which would cause you to burst into song....
'Lobeeeeelia, you're breakin' my heart,
You're shakin' my confidence daily
Lobeeeeelia, I'm down on my knees
I'm beggin' you, please, to go home
Go on home!

Rotterdam, NY(Zone 5b)

LOL I love that song.

Just curious...I've been lurking here trying to get the meaning of Seed Snatchin'. Is that collecting seeds from the little beds you see in front of novelty shops etc. or am I way off. Or even better...point me in the right direction so I don't take up too much space...since this topic seems to get filled fast and hard for dial-ups to load on puter.


NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

A big 'hearty' welcome to DG to ya .. lisamr !!

Yep, 'seed snatchin' .. is pretty much jes as you've ascertained Lisa! Sometimes, all-inclusive ... hee

No doubt, that our faithful mentor, Weezingreens .. has heard your beckoning inquiry .. and, will most assuredly fill you in, on everything .. as soon as she's spotted your post here!!! ... She's a keeper, and a 'sweetie' .. as I'm sure you'll learn and agree, soon also ...

In the mean time .. you can gather a wee lil bit of knowledge (and 'prowess') .. here, starting with the first thread (*heehee*) > .. However, I'd recommend fetchin' yaseff a fresh cup of coffee or a glass of soda or tea .. and a couply snacks too .. first, tho'! (*LOL*)

And .. Welcome aboard Lisa !!

- Magpye

Rotterdam, NY(Zone 5b)

Thank you Magpye! That was a really warm welcome! I'm really glad I found DG. Took your suggestion and am heading over to that thread with a cup of coffee. Yea...I've never read this much on the internet...usually all my extensive reading is with a good book! There is so much to learn here and so many very nice and helpful people to show the way....thanks.


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hi, Lisa. Magpye should be our Seed Snatchin' ambassador... or maybe she already is! Last fall I started a thread about my seed snatching activities. I go out every year when the plants start to seed up and 'steal seeds' from around town. You'll find me at the local bank parking lot, city flower beds, even at friends' houses stealing seeds. Of course, most all of it is in good fun, but I get lots of lovely seeds to trade and to plant.

I was surprised to find out that so many other DGers were doing the same thing, and some of their adventures put me to shame! Now, we are into Part IX, and though some of us our not able to collect seeds this time of year, other are, and there is always something to talk about. We imagine ourselves on seed snatching adventures, riding in an old bus, roasting marshmallows over a fire, diving into dumpsters... it's all an adventure.

Rotterdam, NY(Zone 5b)

Thanks Weezingreens. I'm currently reading from your first's hilarious! My mom and aunt do exactly that....seed snatchin...I usually get the product once the seeds have grown into plants. They're always takin pictures and talking with folks about their plants...and they seem to always leave with an armful of goodies! I just got an early birthday doubt something that was "snatched" all in good fun...I have just the place for it too. LOL! Well ladies/gents...I love this thread already. But for now...going to lurk until I get familiar...good luck to you all...and happy seed snatchin!


Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Lisa! Welcome!! We are going to corrupt you though! Hey, if you have a digital camera take a pic of your first snatch! We wanna see!! :)

Lurking is cool too but don't be shy if you want to jump on in! This thread goes all kinds of crazy places!!! :)


Weez - you made me laugh out loud AGAIN with yer song there woman!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Happy Belated Birthday to little Brandon, NC!

Thanks for the new thread Weez....

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Tamara! Hey Weez! I just had my first thread pulled! I guess it's was because some folks were posting crazy things last night - course I will never know NOW since I never got to read any of it. It's funny to me how I put in my original post that I wanted PROFESSIONAL comebacks to nasty looks - not crude ones. I would have thought if someone posted something crude their post would be pulled! Ick! Oh well -
I swear I am going to post some pics of my seedlings on your other thread too! I am just so LAZY this week!

This message was edited Mar 30, 2005 8:02 AM

Rotterdam, NY(Zone 5b)

Thank you Ncgardenaddict....LOL too late...think I'm hooked for sure! Thank you everyone for the nice welcome! Unfortunately, all my neighbors from what I can tell....are non-gardeners. So...I'll just have to work them...plants are awesome gifts...and great for starting up conversations. Ok well sorry about the OT

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Well, NC, you've joined the PTS (pulled thread society). LOL! I think that is how it goes. You start a thread that can potentially go bad and after a few attempts to get keep it on track, you just wave goodbye to it as it gets weeded out. I only feel bad if it is a thread with useful garden info that will be lost. It must be frustrating for admin to try to sort out the bad and save the good, so removing it is the only solution.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Frustrating and time consuming too I'll bet! I'm glad I don't have to play mom!!!

Just looked at the cutest little house for sale. It's only about 1/2 an acre - I'm still going to try for more if I can afford it though! Still gotta sell the old house first - and Snatch all I can from my yard!! :) Will start that this weekend too - I now have plenty of those cheap plastic pots!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Wish I were closer, NC. I've got all sorts of pots I never use in my shed. People bring their old pots to me to recycle, and often they just don't fit in my flats, etc. so they sit. I hope you find the house and grounds you really want. I can't imagine leaving here and trying to decide what plants to dig up. I wouldn't know where to start!

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

So the house behind me was sold a few months ago, there are no signs of life- no-one is there there is a chain link fence between us. There is this rose bush..... it is pink (ick- I have 3 pinks) BUT it is and old fashioned fragrent rose-- it smells like bubblegum.
I was freindly with the previous tennents and got to smell it... there are rose hips left on it....I want them.... I want a cutting.....opinions?


Maybe I could get one of the kids to toss their ball over the fence so I have to go get it......

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Those bad children!! Got get that ball Heather!!!

hee hee hee :)

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

Weezin.. I was at Walmart yesterday and saw some lobelia plants there... i started singing, (in my head) lobeeeeeeeeeeeelia, your breakin my heart.. HA!

Here is a pic of my Sunset Over Tuscany Lilies coming up ...

Thumbnail by IsThisHeaven
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Wowsers .. A big 'hearty' welcome to DG, to ya .. mysticwill !!

.. AND, still another royal welcome to ya - to the Seed (&, incidentally, the 'old fashioned' bubble-gum fragrant Rose hips) Snatchin' threads ! ! !

Dagnabbit, Heather .. jes go fetch the whole bush!! ... That thar ball that you and NCgardenaddict saw get kicked over the fence, went rollin' UNDER the bush, and is hung up on the thorns(?) ... Take yer shovel and plastic pail with ya hun! .. If I were right close - I'd come and give ya a hand, workin' that ball out of that bush !! .. lol ..

- Magpye

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi There! New voice here via sugarweed's suggestion. I do cuttings mostly, except for special needs, then I do seeds. My preference for cuttings is I feel you get a better replication of the host plant then with seeds. Plants from cuttings also seem to mature more quickly. I generally stay away from annuals because of the short season here. These are personal observations.
I enjoy having butterflies around so I plant for 'em. I don't have a camera yet, but I do have access to a digital camera from a good friend from time to time. This coming weekend is one of those times. In a week I am making a trip "up north" to Connecticut to visit with my daughter for her birthday. She is loaning me a Pentax ME Super, I gave to her years ago. I will have it for the spring and summer. Perhaps I will be able to send in pictures soon.
Nice forum you have here. I like the variety.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hi, Art! I know what you mean about seeds... not always reliable when you want the same sort of plant. However, we seed snatchin' addicts are just collecting seeds to satisfy a habit. If we plant em, that's good too! Cuttings and diggings are fair game too.

Rotterdam, NY(Zone 5b)

This is a little off topic...but Heather you need to get that rose. Here's a quick story of what happened to me. I saw this most beautiful petite old fashioned rose 5-petaled about 1/2 across. I love it...ok ok. I asked that gal if I can have a couple of clippings...she did...and I went on my happy way.

My rose was in nice soil and protected...growing happy etc. My gardener however, thought that it needed cut...the small pencil size cutting was working underneath...but she cut it down to 2 inches high! it died! of course...I was in literal tears. I went to the gal that I had got the clippings from. There was no rose bush in site.....she had uped and threw it out! SO GO GET THAT ROSE! LOL

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Not off topic at all, Lisa. That's what snatching is all about... not letting opportunities pass you by. It seems that every time I've thought I'd go back and get seeds or cuttings, the plant just wasn't there anymore. A couple years ago, there were some lovely columbine along the fence at the local post office. I did collect seed in the fall, but by then, the blooms were gone, and I had no idea what colors they were. I carefully described the placement of the plants so I could check it out the following summer. When spring arrived, they dug up all the columbine for some landscaping work. I have no idea what color any of these plants will be, so now I have to wait until my plants get big enough to bloom... hopefully this year!

Rotterdam, NY(Zone 5b)

LOL good...I always worry about that...cause I babble alot.

Well won't that be a big surprise when they ya can't wait!

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

OK- I'm going tonight!!!!!

Gotta save that rose!


Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

I did it!!!!!! Seeds and cuttings! whoopeeeee!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Way to go, Heather.. ain't a court in the country that'd convict ya!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Lisa, ramble away!!! I am guilty of that myself!!

Yea Heather!!! You go woman!! Now your an official Snatcher!! I am going to do a bit myself today but it will be out of my own yard. Hopefully be selling the house soon and I going to GUT the yard! LOL!!! Well, not to the point of ugliness of course! HA!

Morning everyone!


Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

I don't blame you ncgardenaddict, I'd be digging my butt off if I sold my house. Wonder if they would notice a weeping cherry tree gone? LOL!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Good for you Heather, I was reading through the thread and sweating it for ya, waiting to see if you got the nerve and got it over with, WOOHOO!

Now, I would be curious to see if a little rose hip tea would also smell like bubblegum LOL. You simply must treat yourself to some.

And all this snatchin has reminded me that an elderly woman REQUESTED I dig up her apricot trees. She will one day have to move to a nursing home and sell the house, and is sure they would be well taken care of here! I have been putting it off because I don't have a place ready for them. Does anyone know the best time to dig up fruit trees for replanting? I think she has at least three, and last year when she asked me, they were 1 and two years old....


Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

You know it Kathy! I dug a TON of stuff today!!! Weeping cherry trees are my favorite!! Mine unfortunately died last fall! My dh spayed it with something to kill the Japanese Beetles and ended up killing my beautiful tree! Arrgghh!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Tamera, I think the best time to move any tree is when they're dormant, in the fall or before bud break in the spring. SO, get to it! :-)

Good luck with your new rose, Heather! Way to go!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Good evening everyone! Here's some things I snatched today from my very own yard! Round up here I come!!!

Thumbnail by ncgardenaddict
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

second pic

Thumbnail by ncgardenaddict
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Last one! I ripped out some pansies to make room for Hostas!

Oh, and my gardening muscles are outta shape!! Ick!! Tomorrow will be fun...

Thumbnail by ncgardenaddict
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I don't usppose you are coming to the TEXAS roundup? I can wish. Sure looks great NC, take a hot bath, you earned it!

yeppers, those trees have probably bloomed by now. I will call her tomorrow and see how she is feeling. She is 92. I should probably dig them up this year, even if not at the best time. When all else fails, consult the almanac. Actually, since this is the best time of year to destroy noxious growths, I better wait a few weeks LOL don't want to destroy the apricot trees!

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

Uh- oh--- It's gettin addictive

I can't stop myself! LOL!!!


Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Always wanted to visit Texas Tamara!! Not sure if the plants would like to go that far though. LOL!!!

GO Heather!!!

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