vigna carcalla corkscrew vine "the smelly one"

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

This is one of my 3 seedlings. A long way from seed pods !

This message was edited Mar 23, 2005 9:25 AM

Thumbnail by Charlotteda
Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

kewl i got one 2 i will show pictures

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

There has been some discussion that when kept in a pot they may not have enough "root room" to grow big enough to set seed. I hope to put 2 in the ground and keep one in a pot.

somewhere, PA


I got my first caracalla at Monticello - Thomas Jefferson called
it the most beautiful flower. I had it in a fairly large flower pot
in a very sunny south window. It flowered and I collected seeds.
They germinated and so I kept its line alive for a few more
years. Life & some major remodelling happened and I lost it.

But I can vouch for its ability to flower & set seed in a pot. :-)


Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Thanks Tam. may I ask what size pot (do you remember how many inches across it was at the top) and what kind of potting soil you used?

somewhere, PA

I think it was at least 12" diameter. I had a large (for a pot) iron trellis that it climbed. They are not hardy here in Pa but the vines do get really big. You probably could plant it outside.

And I don't recall exactly what potting soil I used but generally I simply mix
peat, vermiculite & perlite or use something like ProMix. I don't think it was any-
thing special.

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

OK thanks. So I assume you purchased a "small" plant in the spring - did you get seed that first year?

somewhere, PA

I bought the vine in Sept. It was pretty small but I don't know how old it was.
It bloomed the next year at the end of summer (after a full year from when I
bought it.)

I sure hope this helps. It was a wonderful plant & I've tried to buy one since.
Parks ran out of the plants I ordered last year. The seed was sold out when I
tried to buy it from them (and it was early - probably mid-Jan when I checked).

Good luck!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Tammy, it's good to know that V. caracalla will do well indoors! I have 2 little seedlings at the moment, and I'm planning to pot them up and let them grow across the very sunny window (also south facing) over my tub. I'll find them a nice big pot! :-)

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