Herb Round Robin???

Monroe, NY(Zone 6b)

The robin called Goose landed yesterday. Looks like pretty interesting stuff in there.

Hope I have something just as interesting to offer.
It'll take flight tomorrow. Back to Texas???

Witch, will you rename goose? lol;)

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

YAY! I can't wait!

Hmm...pigeon? 'Cuz they return home?
I dunno.


Victorville, CA

What is neat is because we will all pretty much be growing similar herb gardens and we can share what we will be doing with those herbs that we got from each other. There is a recipe for the Lavender Lemonade and also a Lavender oil that is good for headaches. If you got the Lavendar seeds and want it then email me.
I hope it was the goose that laid a golden egg for you and you got something new.

Monroe, NY(Zone 6b)

Sorry all! I didn't get to mail it yesterday as planned but I did get it to fly off this morning. I put a couple of extras in there. Hope you like them!
I must apologise again because I only have commercial seeds and they're '03s to boot. The ones I've sown have germinated so you should have some luck with them. The purple basil I'm particularly happy with. It seems to do much better in warmer climates though. I gave some to my daughter, who lives in N.Carolina and she says it was the best.
Well, happy planting Michelle.

Confirmation # is 0304 3490 0000 5659 8011


Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

Woo hoo!
I am home tomorrow, I hope it comes! Come onnnnnn, Post Office!!

Victorville, CA

Happy Thursday Herbies! I found an interesting website that carries herbs and lots of info. http://www.crimson-sage.com/
I ordered the catalog and when I got it, it was full of all the herbs(which there are a lot!) and the uses for the herbs. So it was a free, nifty little booklet to have. They carry alot of Chinese herbals too. I also found a website that was simply all about Lavender. http://www.herbs.mb.ca/

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

You entered 0304 3490 0000 5659 8011

Your item was accepted at 8:01 am on April 12, 2005 in MONROE, NY 10950. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

waaaaaaahhhh! i want my robin!!!!!

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

...still not here... my PO is reallllllyyyy slow.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Gosh it sure is going back and forth. Can't see it yet.

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

it's here!
can't wait to see what's inside!

i do have a problem, tho. I work the next couple mornings and can't make it to the PO. so i can send it tomorrow morning (mailbox at my work) but not with delivery confirmation. anybody got a problem with that?

otherwise it'll be delayed a few days. don't wanna hold it up.


Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I don't have a problem with no number.

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

cool, i didn't send it today (slept in -ohhhh) but getting it out first thing in the AM! dropping it in the blue can at my work, don't wanna put it in my mailbox and have it get stolen!


Victorville, CA

And she's off....to sunny California!!! Look out Sheran! We've had an almost abnormal influx of butterflies lately so instead of being a robin she's a butterfly!

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

It went out yesterday, as promised!

She's on her way to Sunny CA!

It flew in yesterday and off again today........

chelsea get ready...

Victorville, CA

I didn't think about it when I started this rr but on another rr that I'm involved in they routed the robin by location. They mapped it out so it traveled in order to all the people in one state an then moved on. I just made the list in order of how people signed up. I think it moves faster the other way. I'll know next time :~) From Calif. to Ga. she flies.

In fact when I do a robin,, i start mailing to the farthest and then it comes home.. also saves on some postage...

I noticed but decided to keep quiet...... youll be another robin queen in no time...

thanks for the herb robin it was fun.

Victorville, CA

Well, I guess this is how we learn. I had thought it might be fun to be able to talk about what we do with the herbs since we all will have somewhat the same ones. Now if we could get this mint one up and running. I'm still waiting for mints from fragrantfields. I think something went wrong with the order from Mulberrycreek and I've sent emails and left a phone message but no answer. It's not on my credit card so I might just redo the order. All the posts in the Watchdog say how wonderful and prompt their cust. service is.
A scented geranium swap might be interesting too. I ordered a nutmeg scented one.

Taylor, TX(Zone 8b)

>I noticed but decided to keep quiet...... youll be another robin queen in no time...

That's because Sheran IS the Robin Queen!

ahhhhhh so has anyone started the mint robin???????????

Victorville, CA

Not that I'm aware of.
I finally got a call from the very nice lady at Mulberry Creek and she said the lady who does all her online orders had a baby last week and she had to take over doing those orders herself so things got a little miscombobbled but my order came yesterday. I had already done the order but changed a few things so I told her to go ahead and do the second order too.
I wouldn't have been offended if you all would have told me a better way to have done this robin. That is how we learn here at Daves is by advice from others. That's what I love about Daves. I learn something new every day.
I've got my mints and I'm gonna try to root some up so I'll be ready when SOMEBODY does a mint swap :~)

Box Springs, GA

Ok,it got here Saturday,and it's going out tomorrow:)Sorry it took so much time.


Box Springs, GA

Ok,it got here Saturday,and it went out yesterday:)


Victorville, CA

Hope you found something useful. Is she wearing her ten gallon hat as she heads to Texas?

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

She's getting closer.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I was OOT this week and the robin was here when I got home. It will be back in flight on Monday! SEEYA, Margie

Victorville, CA

Thanks Margie Hope you were on a vacation OOT! I wish I was. It should be heading to Makshi in In.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone. The robin flew in this morning and she will fly out again in the morning. She said she needs a few hours rest.

Victorville, CA

Hi all! Quick update as the birdie has flown to Oregon to Lelan. Lelan has been in the hospital (I got this info from another thread) so it might take a little extra time to get this birdie back in flight this time.

Victorville, CA

I apologize for this but I don't know what else to do with this. I guess it's stuck there. Anybody got any ideas here?

Lomita, CA(Zone 10a)

I've stared another herb RR, hopefully. http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/524670/

For any of you who missed out on this one, you can hope on my robin's back (you, too, Juli since it nver came back to you)...


Delivery Confirmation™ Label Number: 0103 8555 7494 6260 4492

box was marked edible and herb robin????

came to me today and is offf again.... to kim---is this one that was lost??????

Victorville, CA

Nope that would be Bassetmom/Barb's Edible and herb round robin. This one was supposed to go to marylouG and then to Drew_N_Corinn. The other rr that got sent to zztopsoil at the same time (Just For Fun) got finally sent on and arrived the other day to it's next destination so I'm wondering if this one will get sent on too eventually. Its next destination should be marylouG. We can hope.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

This one has gotten a little confusing.

Victorville, CA

No confusion. This round robin is either lost or still sitting at zztopsoil/Leland's. Sheran made a mistake and posted on the wrong thread that's all. She meant to post on the thread that Bassetmom/Barb did. It's a whole different herb rr :~)

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Oh, I see. I hope the ZZ one gets back to you.

sorry but wasnt sure what robin it was..... didnt have a name and got lost in robin land......

Willamette Valley-OS, OR(Zone 8a)

Sorry for the Delay in Posting Here.
As Alot of People in the Gardening Community Here and Over the Internet Know...
I Met with an Unfortunate Accident this Spring But am Doing Much, Much Better Now.

I Had to Dig Through Alot of Paperwork and...
Found the Delivery Confirmation for this 'Herb Round-Robin'.
(Surprised Myself)

This was Sent on for Me on May 19th.
to a Mary Goss in Sterling, Michigan.
Didn't Want People to Think I Didn't Send this Robin On.

Here is the Delivery Confirmation Number.
0304 0370 0001 2171 3413

Sorry that I Have Not Posted this Sooner.
My Life Right Now is a Bit Upturned but...
Things are Slowly Starting to Settle Back to Normal.
"Thank You" for All the Wonderful 'Get-to-Gardening' Wishes.


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

We're SO glad to see you back, Lelan, and glad you are feeling at least somewhat better. The robin was the least of our concerns. :-) Thank you for letting us know you sent it on.

~ Marylyn

just glad to see zz top... feel better!!!!!!!!!!

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