Starting from Scratch & Need Advice

Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

Another looking down...

Thumbnail by AnniesWeePlot
Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

A wide view through a screen...

Thumbnail by AnniesWeePlot
Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

More later... I'm running wayyyy late! LOL

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

annie, you have been very busy, and some of those rocks look mighty big and heavy. I planted a Parrotia persica about 8 years ago it is way taller than me has never bloomed, is healthy, and has lovely foliage, so i keep it. Be interested to know how yours does.

Can't find a photo of Kay Parris Magnolia in my book, bet it is one that likes acidic soil. Glad to see your photos,, send more.


NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Good griefikins, Annie ...

You've got way too much time on your hands - looks like you may need to find something TO DO, kiddo!! Isn't there something else you can find to fill those vast blank spaces in your 'SLACK' SCHEDULE!!!
... LOL ...

(*grinnin' from ear to ear here .. and merely luvinly teasin' ya a bit!*) .. And utterly amazed at such super-rapid and mitey fantastic progress .. that you've been, apparently .. VERY BUSY .. at makin' ! ! ! !

Ahhh, gal .. your weeplot .. is lookin' to be coming along jes dandily and most fantasticly beautiful !!!

You're 'sounding' quite pleased and extrememely delighted .. with your progress! < And, that .. is always a most fullfillingly pleasin' feelin' .. with ones yard/gardening projects !!

Umpteen additional pats on your back, for ya, Annie!!! You've gotta be some kind of wonderfully proud of yourself!

You deserve to be!! .. YAY !!

- Magpye

SE PA, PA(Zone 6b)

Annie, I've just come on board and lurked a little. Reading thru this thread has been quite inspiring. I don't live too far from you--SE PA.

I highly recommend two books to you:

Lasagna Gardening by Patricia Lanza
Weedless Gardening by Lee Reich

Around here, I can get mushroom compost (raw or aged) and municipal yard waste. Piled on about 8" each, compost first, then leaf mulch, overwinter = wonderful wonderful garden. Put 6-8 layers of B & W newspaper over the area you want to build, weeds and all, then the above layers, then plant right into it without tilling in the spring.

I will be building many many beds later this summer/fall for spring planting.
For this year, I will incorporate aged mushroom compost onto existing beds and plant as much as I can, then mulch heavily with leaf mulch. By winter, I want most of the infrastructure of this garden/farm (2 acres of suburbia) in place. Mostly fences, another greenhouse, chicken house, etc.

I have a jillion plants in pots just waiting for beds, and many more are coming in as I write.

Congratulations on your house purchase, your new garden--it's looking lovely!! I wish I had half your energy. I'll tell you what: I'll come up there and criticize, and you can come down here and dig. Fair?????

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

3girls ... I jes wanted to extend .. a big ol 'hearty' welcome to DG ... to ya !!!

Think Annie may be workin' and goin' at it a bit TOO hard .. and don't have (or, can find) enuff time .. to check in here, and bring us up to date .. on her current endeavors associated!! .. (*hee*)

... Annie - it's time for a coffee, tea or hot cocoa break - haint it ? ...

- Magpye

Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ok, ok, ok... Magpye, in your honor I will actually sit still a bit here and try and give an accurate update on what's going on while chowing on Chinese food. :oD

Firstly, I'm not sure if this post should continue in this forum or not. I'll take the lead of whatever advice (or suggestions) any might wish to offer. But... for the moment, I'll stay on topic and mention the 'soil' out back. (after... of course... making sure I've addressed any Q's posted above...)

Magpye, I cannot help but smile when I see your posts. Cyberspace is an odd thing but I just swear I can see you at home looking at the stuff I've posted here goin', "Is that child NUTS??!!" LOLOLOL

In all seriousness, I can't believe all that's got done myself. I did have help with 10, of the now 16 yards of soil that was brought in via dump truck. And I'll tell ya, it was a huuuuuge help. It would have taken me a *whole* lot longer to get things together without that assistance.

Due to limited availability... err... rather... due to my not being able to get hold of a digital camera whenever I need one... the pictures I'll be posting are kinda outdated since sooooo much more has been put in the ground that these images will imply.

I built up what I'm now calling the Rhodo & Fern garden with soil mentioned above, lots of pelletized compost and also hollytone. Well, I must have done something right, because three days after planting the Ken Janek shown here, it POPPED like mad. Near it is also a Jane Grant (*LOVE* the story/history behind this particular rhodo!!!) and a Silver Sovereign. The two latter are building up their buds as I write.

Thumbnail by AnniesWeePlot
Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

For DonnaS (RuthOlive),

The Kay Parris is a brand new hybrid. That's why you can't find pics of it in your book. It's parentage is Little Gem x Braken's Brown Beauty. At least... they *think* it's Braken's Brown Beauty. It's a stunner. I cannot wait until blooms appear. The anticipation is gonna be a killer....

No one knows yet, exactly what hight and spread it will wind up. I placed it in an area where it could spread a little if need be but would also fill the spot if it chose a more vertical route. Either way is fine with me since it's absolutely gorgeous.

I'll try to make sure I get pics of this each year and get'em posted to the Plant Files if possible. I tried to take clear pics for you to see just how lovely it is. Following will be a series of pics.

Thumbnail by AnniesWeePlot
Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

Kay Parris 2

Thumbnail by AnniesWeePlot
Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

Kay Parris 3 shows you what "habit" can be construed from such a young tree.

Thumbnail by AnniesWeePlot
Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

I wish I knew more than I do. Mind you, I was the daughter of a horticulturist and the granddaughter of a horticulturist/arborist, but I don't know what they knew. And besides, they didn't use organic methods. I absolutely learned a lot about design from my father as well as my love of rhododenrons. I learned what limited knowledge of tree/shrub identification from them both (mainly my father), but I'm still at a loss most of the time. I figure, what's the worst that could happen by my mistakes in this garden? I'm using no poison of any kind, so... the worst, I figure, is that I'd misplace something and have to move it later.

Already thought I killed a tree peony.... Turns out, I just send it into shock from having to repot it. MAN! They do NOT like to be touched....

I'll absolutely check out your site. I had a chance to sneak a peek, but not much more. I saw you mentioned you've been organic gardening for 30 years? Very, very cool. I only learned the phrase 'organic gardening' sometime around '83, but didn't actually understand what was *not* organic gardening until recently.

From my own perspective, it can be a little overwhelming if you don't have someone to mentor you. Of course... I have a bad habit of overanylizing things sometimes, and so am sure that helps nothing.... But really, there are some conflicting things that one hears.

Anyway, yous guys please peek in any time! (Just *had* to fit that S. Jersey slang in somewhere... lol)

Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)


Sounds like you've a *lot* goin' on yourself! I'd kill for two acres. Ok... ok... I wouldn't kill, but I'd definitely beg. Definitely. I'm an excellent beggar...
[edit: homage to Raymond...]

I got my soil from right down the road from you. Lord, I wish I'd access to that mushroom stuff.... Mmmm Mmmm Good. Maybe next year after taxes come back. Ha!! Oh yeah... I'm supposed to get windows with that... Dang! ok, ok... maybe some weird holiday or something will come up and people will feel compelled to have truckloads of mushroom compost delivered to their gardener friends. Think we could talk Hallmark into that one??? I can see it now.... a tear-jerker commercial....

.... fade in....(background music: Simon & Garfunkle's "Old Friends")

Woman in her back yard weeping over the pitiful growth of her garden plants.

Sneaking around the corner of her potting shed are her three best friends in the entire world. They leave on her potting shed window, a Hallmark Card which reads,

"We thought you'd like to set the world on it's organic ear! So here's a little start...."
Inserted in the card is a Certificate for 25 yards of mushroom compost.... delivered... free..."

:::fades out to the four friends looking upon her garden which is now en masse blooms & greenery.... a tropical jungle...:::::

Hallmark. Care Enough To Send The Very Best....

Think they'll go for it?? :oD

I didn't order my soil certified organic, reason being the cost. But in reality, it's the same mix.
I'll tell ya... the stuff back there is H-A-P-P-Y so somethin's going right.

A neighbor of mine showed me the municiple joint this week that gives away mulch and such. I'm a little freaked though and prolly won't use it. Too scared there'd be round-up or something similar in there somewhere. The plants back here cost me too much money to risk it.

And for your deal? nyuk nyuk nyuk.... Sounds like I'm gettin' the short end here... *grin* Besides.... "I got blistas on my fingas!"


This message was edited May 13, 2005 11:46 AM

Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

Magpye, I been thinkin' a lot about you lately Lady. ;o)

I had a critter emegency over the weekend just past. Saturday night at dusk, I hear this strange noise. Kinda like a hiss/chuck sorta thing. But soft-like. The little princess here spotted 'em first. Three little opossum babies crawlin' out from under my neighbor's deck area just a cryin' for their mama. I searched and searched for the mama, but she must have gotten herself killed by an auto (my house is in a semi-urban area... LOTS of cars moving wayyyyy to fast). Anyway... I call the wildlife preserve I used to take animals to from my old house. (mostly birds hit by cars, bunnies whacked by lawnmowers, babies knocked out of their nests by crows with no way back up... that sorta stuff...) Anyhoo, they say, yep. They're in trouble. Scoop 'em and bring 'em in. I say, I live north of the preserve now. I don't know the way in from this side. Directions are shared. I get ready.

I scoop the three I see. I think there's one more out there *somewhere* but can't find it in the end after a two hour search. As I'm getting packed into the car to head out, Sunny finds the 4th. I re-scoop. We're on our way.... The reserve is about a round trip 1.5 hour ride from my house.

I get home. Go out into the garden to put the tools away I dropped to do the scoop.
Guess who else I find.... lil sis #5.
She's a hissin' away cause now she's alone. Scoop-Reloaded. Call the preserve. "Nooooooo" they beg... "You'll have to keep her overnight."

:o{ "Um. Ok. I can do that."

It's way late by this time.... Mad dash to the pharmacy for a heating blanket since I've somehow lost mine in the move last July.... oh yeah... don't forget the pedialite... even though everyone knows an opossum AIN'T gonna drink it.... (she winds up takin' 1cc... and lookin' like the Alien while takin' it...)

Anyway... uneventful overnight. She musta been freezin outside and is now lovin' that heating blanket under her box... Next mornin' first thing get to the preserve where she's reintroduced to her littlermates.

Everyone's all happy happy. I'm happy happy, pups are happy happy, preserve is happy happy (donation checks'll have that effect sometimes....) I get home... work for two more hours in the garden. And what do I hear?

You betcha. Number 6. I call the preserve. The staff and I are on first name basis by now. I can hear the laughter as the young lady says, "Annie, you're gonna know the route here in your sleep before this day is over ain't ya!"

"Uhhh.... yep."

I never did find the mother though. And I searched everywhere I could where I wouldn't get shot for trespassing. Didn't have the digital camera to take pics for ya of the little ones. They were pretty adorable though....

In all that... I did manage to get 20 bags of mulch down and a litany of new plants in. Baptistas, an Ostrich Fern, couple Lamb's Ears, couple Lantana, Lupines, Carolina Lupines, some Bearded Tongue, some Wooly Thyme and some Articus nana Thyme. I think there's more, but I'm confused at the moment which day what went in. LOL.

We've (Sunny & I) also now have a single baby bunny in the back. Spunky little cuss, I'll tell you! It's been taunting Sunny. I kid you not. It's figured out that she's not allowed to chase it. What a riot. The birds have also figured that one out by the way... They've been pickin' grass seed up to 2 feet from her nose. And poor Sunny is staring them down like, "MAAAANNNNN, One of THESE DAYS!!!" ROFL I have to get a picture of it for ya. You'll crack up. The bunny is the funniest one. It's been doing flips trying to get Sunny to take chase.
Literally. Flips.

It does the "I'm testing my legs nooooowwwwwww" thang and winds up jumping so hard it does a somersault. Then looks right at Sunny and I swear I can nearly hear, "Neener neener NEEEENER" before it runs under the Thuja. Sunny just turns and looks at me like, "How could you DO this to me?? The indignity! The injustice!"
"Just one taste mom.... pleeeeeeeeeeease???"
"I just wanna herd it. Yeah, herd it... that's the ticket..."
LOL It's enough to keep me gigglin' back there I'll tell ya.

I've just today finally got the permit to start the potting shed.
The house is getting shake in all the places there were previously siding. The shed will also be shake.
You can see some of the other work bein' done around here attached.

So, Magpye.
Can I go play now?

Keep lookin up Lady. ;o)


Thumbnail by AnniesWeePlot
Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

This is how bad the back entry was/is. Tried to order the doors last weekend, but some little critters put a stick in my wheel and I won't get to that until Saturday.

Thumbnail by AnniesWeePlot
Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

Rhodo & Fern Garden

There were a lot of groundcover planted in the last week. The next pics (when I get my hands on the camera) will show a huge difference from what you see here. Remember, the pics here are about the first week of May... (or so)

Thumbnail by AnniesWeePlot
Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

The Physocarpus are budding like mad.

Thumbnail by AnniesWeePlot
Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thank you for those book recommendations! I think I forgot to say it above.
Their on my list. ;o)

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Annie, glad you found time to update us on your progress with garden and animals!!! I too have bunnies and this morning as i was eating looked out and one was looking for some birdfeed on the brick path where i usually put seed out for the quail. I think i know where the bunny nest is but under some old step thing that i can't lift.

What kind of dog do you have.? I have a Lhaso Apso, who is 5 and of course the boss. Loves to go out discovering, but finally have the chicken wire fence that was installed 10 years ago, tightened so she can't go over, under or through it. There is a solid?? redwood fence just in from the chicken wire fence to keep the deer out. the only way Bluebird can get out of my 2 plus acre yard is through the gateway. Which of course she knows she is not supposed to do, but occasionally if she thinks I'm not watching she does go down the lane. Bad dog!!!!

I too wish I had access to mushroom compost, but not available in my area Your rhodie looks just beautiful, as does the rest of your garden.

I have a miserable annual grass that grows very fast and goes to seed almost immediately, that I am trying to keep under control. This morning I am going to try a new kind of weed spray that is organic and doesn't hurt animals. Hope it works on the grass.

thanks for the info on the Kay Parris. Can't afford any more new plants this year.


Pennsauken, NJ(Zone 6b)


Sunny is a Shetland Sheepdog and also a rescue I've had since she was 9/10 weeks old. She's 8, loves the elderly and those in wheelchairs, but does *not* enjoy the company of children, something very, very odd for this breed. Let's just say she's got issues. LOL

She is an absolute sweetheart who has no earthly idea that she is canine but rather, believes she's part & parcel of our homo sapiens clan.

One wild thing about this dear friend of mine is that no matter where I've lived, I've taken her outdoors and walked the boundary line of the property showing her what she can, and cannot, cross. It's unbelievable how she just plain won't cross the line unless given permission. Extremely intelligent, loving, and has a wicked sense of humor. I've seen her in dead-runs chasing a ball or other such thing and will stop straight on the line so hard that her little butt goes flying in the air. She'll then turn and prance frantically while asking if she can go get it. Same thing with the curb. She won't cross any street (while leashed or unleashed) without a hand signal from me that it's ok. I've trained all my other pet/friends in the same manner, but have never seen any take the training so seriously and literally.

I love your dog's name. Very cute!

Re: your annual grass. I keep hearing good things about corn gluten meal in stopping grasses from seeding. If you have a forsythia, use that to determine the correct time to lay it down using a broadcast seed spreader. You'll want to spread it, using manufacturer's suggested amounts, just before your forsythia blooms but will be a waste once the forsythia gets near droppinng its flowers. Can't recall immediately what university discovered this boon from the CGM, but I'm gonna try it next year.

You may be able to find it at your local Agway or similar farm supply store. If not, you can definitely find it online from vendors listed here at DG.

I hear ya on the 'can't afford anything more this year' thang. I've spent waaaaaaaaaaaay too much already myself.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Ohhhh, Annie ... no doubt about it - I certainly, am most honored .. that you broke down (and sat down a spell!! hee) .. to bring us current on your spectacular progress !! .. Duuble yays!!!

.. We can tell in your text, that you are wonderfully proud of your progress - and you've every reason to be!! Wow!!

Am humbly applauding your efforts and dedication (along with your repeated trips!) .. in aiding the lil possum-ettes too! .. Your tales of the incidents that took place over the few days with the multiple babies - and then, with Sunny's 'nature' tryin' to take a good hold of her, with the lil playful bunny, rallyin' her dawgy attentions . . . has truly cracked me up sumpin' fierce!! .. LOL .. Po' pup!! .. Bein' so denied to participate in such rituals! .. hee .. (but so glad she's such a sweetie and so well behaved!) .. She's really a most beautiful pooch!!!

Annie, the strangest thing .. I've read (rather, re-acquainted maseff) only recently .. that the lil possom-ettes are born way wee lil bitty fellers, and live in their mommas pouches for a long while, before they even crawl out and hitch the rides on/in their mommas fur!! (I know I lern'd it all in school - but have simply forgotten over half of that stuff!) .. LOL .. And definitely - their hissin' will put the fear of the devil in ya, in a heart beat!! .. And the momma's even worse!!! .. hee ..

Your descriptive details serve to aid tremendously .. in sharpenin' our imaginations, to put us right there beside you .. and witness such!!! .. LOL .. And, any pitters that can accompany your posts .. would be the super-bonuses!! ..

Annie, your 'Sunny, and .. Donna, your 'Bluebird' - - sound like the tru-est members of your families .. like our ol P'nut is, to us - the lil goof!! He stays outside, but right now .. he's in a fever, anticipating 'his turn' .. to get to come inside for an hour or so! The P'nut man (our hienz 57 variety terrier/mutt) .. is waiting on his bath! (Which is another part of the reason why I've not replied to your thread any sooner!). He knows sumthin's up and that he gets to participate and come along too!! .. hee

We'll be leavin' in another day or so, heading out west .. in hopes of seeing and visiting with a two of our eldest daughters, several grandy-yunkins and a batch or two, of some lil great-grandy-folks! Got my back-o'the-neck smoochin' kisses, all ready fer 'em !!! .. lol

SOooooooo .. (*heehee*) .. Annie, Imma gonna cut ya a 'bit of slack' in pesterin' ya, fer jes a wee spell - - sure hopin', that when we do return - I'll have a proverbial ton-and-a-half of posts and pitters waitin' .. for me, to catch up on here and on other threads, I've got my spy-balls on!! .. hee .. So, don't disappoint me! .. hee ..

Jes am really super thrilled and d'lited for you Annie! Everything is comin' together so doggone dandy for ya!! .. I'm plum tickled rhodie pink, and magnolia white .. fer ye!!! ..

(*huggerooners to ya kiddo !!*) .. But, be careful and take care of yerseff also!

- Magpye

This message was edited May 13, 2005 5:49 PM

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