Cold hardy large avocados

Newman, CA(Zone 9b)

I would like a large fruited flavorful cold hardy avocado tree. I have been reading up on Marcus Pumpkin, Choquette, and Monroe varieties. Any oppinions on taste and cold hardiness and production on any of these or others?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Try contacting the University of California at Riverside. The "ag" division there specializes in citrus and avocados. When I was a member several years ago of the Inland Empire chapter of Calif. Rare Fruit Growers, we were often able to get samples from them for our exhibits at the National Orange Show and other events. Some of the fruits were enormous! Yet they were tasty with small pits. None of them were suitable for market because they were too fragile and subject to bruising in shipping. But what treasures they would be to grow at home!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Also the CRFG publications are helpful.

Newman, CA(Zone 9b)

CRFG seem to deal mainly with California avocados. I would love to find either a Marcus Pumpkin, Monroe, or Choquette avocado in California. I understand it is a problem to ship from Florida to California. Also any opinions on these varieties?

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