HELP with Peach Leaf Curl

Encinitas, CA

Anyone know what to do once a peach tree has a very bad case of leaf curl? I'm in Southern California and we just experienced record breaking rains that promoted this outbreak of leaf curl on my peach tree. The leaves and fruit have just appeared within the last week and every single leaf is affected. Too many to pull off. Do I just ride this season out with bad fruit/leaves or what should I do? It's too late to prevent it.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

When I lived in Southwest Virginia peach leaf curl was a major problem. I finally got it under control using the fungicide Ferbam as a dormant spray. I had tried Bordeau and lime and sulphur, but still got some curl. I never found anything that was was helpful once the leaves were infected. the good news is that the tree will put new leaves. the bad news, you will lose most or all of this years peach crop and if you don't spray this winter it will be worse next year.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Applying fertilizer at the normal rate now will help the tree when it produces its 2nd set of leaves. The first diseased leaves will fall off. Rake the leaves and throw them away. Don't add them to a compost pile. The fruit will eventually fall as well. Taking the fruit off now will help the tree conserve energy.

It's important that you spray this winter. Repeated outbreaks of peach leaf curl can eventually kill large branches or the tree itself.
Farmerdill gave you sound advise.


Encinitas, CA

Thank you both, Farmerdill and bettydee! I will follow your advice and hopefully have fruit next season. It's a great peach tree that produces white fleshed fruit that is very tasty so I don't want to lose the tree.

Thanks again!!

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