Our "6 inches of snow" in TX panhandle

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Last night ALL the weathermen said it would snow, through the night, into the day, and on for a day or two. Accumulation minimum, 6 inches. I was up till 2 AM starting seeds, and never saw a flake.

This morning, my youngest got all excited when he looked out the window (he always does that as SOON as he is out of bed). So I took a picture of the closest thing to six inches I could find. It is now completely melted, but before I got online, I went outside, and it was very overcast, with flurries struggling. I mean, this little snowflakes were so "isolated", they were seeking out each other, and fallin gin clusters as big as one inch diameter.

Pretty funny to have almost nothing falling out of the sky, then suddenly a tiny fluff of a snowball drifting down. Wish I could have gotten that picture, but my camera was full, so you will just have to believe me. SInce I am not a native Texan I am somewhat less prone to exagerrating these things LOL.

Come to think of it, maybe before I post this, I should go take another look, and maybe another picture... Well, it is slightly below 40 Degrees F, light nippy breeze out of the NE, high relative humidity, moderately overcast, and the concrete porch is barely damp over 50%+ of the surface area.

Sounds like I should get off the computer and get some work done outside, cus it AIN'T GONNA SNOW...

Here is 6 inches of snow, measured by sq ft. Covered in fluffy snowballs.

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Well, they said they were right on the forecast, wrong on the date. Here is our doorstep, those are 5 gallon metal buckets for woodash, and the rain guage to the left. We have about three inches of very wet, very fluffy stuff... Should easily get those six inches + they promised...

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

ooops forgot the picture...

Thumbnail by TamaraFaye
Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

We are supposed get some tonight but, the ground is warm and no accumulation expected.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Yeah, you are still above freezing... I had to go out and bring in one of those buckets to empty the ashtray in the woodstove. CCCCCc-C-old here...brrbrbbrbbrrrrrrrr

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

I'm going to get a wood stove this fall. I miss having one. A pot belly stove and, put it in the middle of the living room.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

You can have ours. We are getting a Woodstock Soapstone late this summer. But you will have to come and get it, and I guess while you are here, pick som ecorn and cucumbers and winter squash, and help install the new one LOL Triple insulated pipe, two blowers, THE WORKS. I am even going to redo the brick paltform, and brick the wall behind the stove...

Now, doesn' tall that summer activity make you feel warmer? I going to go sit by the fire and warm my toesies...

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Isn't wood kinda scarce up on the High Plains? Or, are you using dried up cow pies?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Don't use dung, we have big semi trucks deliver precut wood to a business here in town called "Up in SMoke". He lets it sit till it is well seasoned, and starts selling it in late summer/fall. We don't have any cut wood or logs left, cept for a few that need a chainsaw. Maybe when I return the circular saw I borrowed, he will loan me his chain saw. One thing I found, most of the time you ask to borrow someon'e important tool, they come alon gand help, unless they know you can do it.

Well, I collect scraps all year, from wood shops and such. Plus I got a little extry the other day when I cut my own wood for raised beds LOL, just brought those pieces in. Probably won't have naother fire till morning, the house is well insulated (12 inch walls). Cold outside but warm in here. Time for supper. That snow is sure blinding outside, but we have our drapes ddrawn...

and now, back to the weather, DAN? :-D

Winchester, TN(Zone 7b)

hey could anyone feel me in on where gordonville or fritch is located in texas when i was younger my dad worked for allstate we stayed in tx alot dallas tri ci area for eight years small town of cedar hill than brownsville for six i do miss it sometimes always something going on

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

And my place is right at the dot above the "i".!

Not exactly near Gordonville.

But John sure is near the Texoma Roundup! You would be welcome ot come ot that deschazkody!

Should be in the 60s tomorrow, but I am bettin gon another snowstorm by Sunday!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Does Anadarko have a mule sale every spring? Seems I've been...

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

If you're not a native Texan, what are you? (besides a sweet rascal. he,he) Isn't DM from Amarillo?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

DM was born in Clovis, but grew up and graduated in Amarillo. Luckily, she moved to California and met my dad at the State Capitol Offices. WE moved back here when I was just a youngun. So I have acclimated and spent almost 2/3rds of my life in Texas, living in Amarillo, Canyon, and Fritch.

But for the most part, I don't tell people any of that (aren't you special). Because I am proud to be a Texan!

My kids are both Amarillo born! And we built a Snowman today, maybe I'll post pics tomorrow. Enjoy your warm weather if you've got it! It gets so hot here in teh summer, I should enjoy the cool while it lasts...

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

The cool won't last. :-)

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