monkshood seed germination

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Is it really as hard as they say it is, 3 weeks at 70 degrees then 7 weeks in the frig or freezer, then l-4 weeks at 55Degrees, why do it, I'm wanting to get some seeds to germinate but jeese, they'd never be ready to go outside.

How do you germinate yourmonkshood seeds?


CREZIERES, France(Zone 8a)

For me the main problem with Aconitum is getting the seed fresh. M. hemsleyanum germinates readily at 70. I had cultivar seeds named 'Blue Steel' which gave one germination out of seven after a period in the the freezer, but again they may not have been fresh seeds.

The thing to remember when you have a problem like this is that in the wild they must germinate OK. So use the 'net to find out where they grow and what time of year they flower, then if you add a couple of months for the seeds to drop, you can figure out the temperature regime to try out.


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