Anyone have experiece with tristar strawberries?

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I just bought a bunch of tristar strawberries. 25 to a gallon container. I'm having an hard time finding info on these guys. One site said to space them 18" apart? That seems a little far. How about depth? The soil I'll be planting these guys into is quite good, but is full of clay. I've added a bunch of compost, bone meal, and some perlite. Should I add anything else?

Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

only thing i can tell you is to keep the crown above the soil
or you risk getting crown rot and dead plants.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

Emily, I ordered some tri stars a few days ago, was hoping to get some info on them too.
I will post back after I recieve them and learn more.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Like sparky said, don't plant any deeper than the original planting at the nursery. Tristar is an everbearer, which means that most of your strawberrys will come from the original plant. They run very little, and do not create numbers of daughter plants like June bearers. They are excellent for container gardens. I have not grown this cultivar but have grown everbearers,
(Ozark Beauty) with 8-12 inch spacing.
You may find this helpful.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)


Thanks so much for the link as it was very helpful. It mentioned using 10-10-10 feritilizer. I have a bunch of 16-16-16 granules and wondering if that would work.

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