growing grapes up an arbor?

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)


I have one grape plant I want to grow, but am having a hard time finding a good place for it in my yard. I was orginally going to put it beside the fence, but I read that grapes need good air circulation. Then I was going to put in the middle of the lawn, but there it will get hit by the sprinklers, and I read that grapes don't like water on their leaves.

So, I am considering putting an arbor at the edge of the lawn. The ones that look like an archway you walk through. I figured I could grow one up one side, and possibly another up the other side. It would be about 6 or 7 feet tall, and about 3 feet wide. The grape I want to grow is Glenora Grape.

Any tips? Will grapes grow well growing vertical like that?

Thanks for any advice,


Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I don't think there is any problem growing grapes vertically. I am not familiar with that particular variety tho. I have a Thompson Seedless growing up an arch, and it bears prolifically. also a Clematis growing up with it. They grow up the end of the arch and all the way across the top to the other side about 8 feet across. Just pruned both today, Took out a lot of branches. Don't know what the quail will do now they were using all the branches to sleep in at night!! Good luck. DonnaS

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I've grown several varieties of grapes and have found that the vertical branches don't usually produce much and eventually get too woody to produce new branches. Its the branches that come off the horizonally trained branches that produce grapes. Three feet across the top of the arch may not provide much room for horizonal branches. Grape vines get very heavy and need a heavy duty trellis. I've heard Glenora is a very fine grape. Good choice.


Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I will plant the grape in the first location then, by the fence. Hopefully it will have enough air circulation to prevent fungal diseases.

Thanks for all your advice (:


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