Tacca or Bat Plant

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

Any suggestions on best way to germinate these seeds? I've heard they are difficult. Need some expert advice.



San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Seed germination can take from one to nine months, from some reports. Here is an outline from one grower: http://tinyurl.com/5swmc - good luck! I'd love to have one of those gorgeous plants, but I'm not confident I could keep it happy.

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)


Great Link. Thanks. I'm a newbie. But I can follow directions, IF I remmeber to do the daily grind of misting, etc. If that fails, I can always BUY a PLANT!


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm curious, Steve. Where did you find seeds? And are you attempting to grow both the black and white versions? Yuska

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

Just the Black version. From: http://gardensgreen.com/. But the seeds have yet to arrive. I ordered 2/8 and when it did not arrive I emailed them. They said it should be here today. We'll see.

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks I just received some in a trade.Now to wait 1-9 month.boohoo

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)



Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm glad to see that the spinach appearance on new leaves is normal.
I was afraid there was a problem with my 2 plants. These plants are putting out their second round of new leaves and they do appear to straighten out as they get older. If you're not paranoid before getting Taccas you will be after.
I drowned my first one but the wonderful person I traded with had enough faith to offer me another baby to try. It turns out there were actually 2 babies together so I separated them and potted them separately. I made sure the crowns were over the soil level so they wouldn't rot. I have them in a north exposure window and even though they say to keep them evenly moist, I have been keeping them on the dryer side. I will transplant 1 outdoors in the spring and keep one indoors as a backup. I also just received some seeds so I will be trying those as well.

New York, NY

Just germinated mine in under four weeks by using the Sleepy Oaks method: www.sleepyoaks.com. Used the bleach/peroxide solution to soak them overnight. They're planted in sphagnum with AV mix (mostly sphagnum) in a clear domed container on a heating pad under lights.

Now if I can only keep them alive. Would hate to lose them now.

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks. Will have to study this later.

Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 5a)

Thompson and Morgan carry the seeds. I haven't tried them. Jessamine

This message was edited Mar 2, 2005 12:09 AM

New York, NY

The reason I'm growing this from seed is that the plant I bought is going into a slow decline, as much as I'm trying to save it. Sounds like this:

"When something is not right, they slowly decline and eventually die. Unfortunately, sometimes the only way to know if you can provide them the right conditions is by trying."
----From http://www.rareflora.com/taccachanwhite.htm

Sounds like mine, so I'm trying.

Will try letting the plant dry out more (thanks, budgielover), have already tried using peroxide in the water.

The seedlings are getting bigger every day. When should I pot up the seedings and into what type of mix? When should I take the seedlings off the bottom heat? Don't want to lose them now.

Any help greatly appreciated for both original plant and seedlings. Please help!

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

I have NO idea. Never tried starting stuff like this before. But DW is a bat fan, so I got the seeds.

I'm learning too.


Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Mine seem to be thriving on neglect.
I just took this so hopefully you can tell.
They were pretty small with just 2 leaves when I got them and are putting out new growth now.

Thumbnail by budgielover
Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

Neglect I'm good at!

New York, NY


They sure look healthy. How long have you had them? Are you growing them inside?


Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Karen,
I got them around the end of October.
I have kept them indoors as they were so small when I got them and I was paranoid after drowning the first one. They will go outdoors in the spring though.

Kirbyville, TX(Zone 8b)

Jan so glad to hear that your tacca are doing ok....it's late, and I will try to give some advice on growing tacca from seed, from my experience tomorrow~ Debra~

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Debra,
As you can see, they are still alive.
Debra is the angel who gave me a second chance at growing these after I drowned the first one I got from her. Hopefully I can live up to the faith she has in me. I can still use all the advice I can get.
I know from what I've read that they can tolerate some pretty cool weather but I'm still afraid to put them outside quite yet as they're still young. I have a large concrete planter that gets what little shade my yard gets from the neighbors oak that grows over to my property. I want to remove all the old dirt and start with fresh soil but I need to know what type they prefer. Heavy, moist, dry, light, etc.

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

BY THE WAY --- FYI ---

Gardensgreen.com is rapidly joining my "fecal roster".

I ordered on 2/8. Four items. I got 1 of the 4 (not tacca) but was charged for all 4. I complained. They promised to send them right away. Still waiting!

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Be sure to post on garden watchdog if they are on there.

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

b.lover ---

yes, that is next. They are there. 1 comment: http://davesgarden.com/gwd/c/1980/

SO ---- if I post negatively, their rating drops to 50%!!!

[evil gleam in eye...]

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I'd give them a chance to fix the problem first and see if they come through.
Errors do happen but they should be willing to fix them.

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

But it's almost a month since I ordered. And they did PROMISE to send the missing seeds immediately... that was the 23rd of Feb! Immediately????

I see on their site that they are a business sponser of "another" garden website...

Kirbyville, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi there!! I wanted to share my experiences of growing Tacca with you.....I have started many tacca from seed. In fact I have a greenhouse full of seedlings that I started last season, that are ready to be repotted from their 4 inch pots....2 flats of small youngsters, and a flat I'm watching to germinate~ I get the seed from my mother Tacca, so I know they are fresh, and the pods are ripe from the plant (which is a must for germination rate). I start my seeds in a soiless mix that I buy at Lowe's, known as a seed starting mix. I have had great results using this~ I fill the seed trays(those trays you can buy at stores with the clear tops) with this mix, lay the seeds on top of the mix, lightly cover with more mix, lightly water as not to wash the seed from the soil.....then I cover, use bottom heat, set under shop lights, and wait~ I've had germination that's been erratic, taking from 2 weeks up to months to germinate. They germinate when their ready... lol.... I've never kept notes as to what time of the season I plant the seeds, so the time of the year might make a difference...I need to look into that~ hm?? Once the seedlings are up, I water lightly, but never overwater~when the plants are working on their second set of leaves I replant to four inch pots in Miracle Grow potting mix....these babies are then set under shop lights....I use Osmocote for a light fertilizer. I'll add more info later, as note to overwhelm you...tacca are fairly easy to grow, if you follow the guidelines...hope this info has helped~ Debra~

Kirbyville, TX(Zone 8b)

by the way Jan...congrats on growing your tacca!! How big are they now?? once the weather warms up they'll get a growing spirt.....they should bloom this season....Debra~

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

THX, Dance...

pls add more when u can

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Debra
The smallest is about 5 inch tall and the other about 7-8 in tall. I haven't been fertilizer for fear of overdoing it. Can I start to add some fertilizer? I did just give them a drink of alfalfa tea.

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

Tacca seeds arrived from gardensgreen.com. FINALLY!

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

At least they made good on their end.

New York, NY

Thanks for the advice, Debra. I need all the help I can get.

Good luck, Steve, and thank you for starting this thread.

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

Tacca seeds arrived... all NINE of them. Can't fill trades I had promised. New at this. Did not expect such a small amt!!!

If you read this and are waiting for tacca, akebia, dicentra 'golden tears' seeds from me, sorry! Email me and we can sub something else.

edited to add NINE!

This message was edited Mar 8, 2005 8:09 PM

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks for all the info, I just ordered seeds on eBay, and got word they were in the mail, I hope I have luck with them as I think they are fascinating.


Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

has anyone tried seedrack.com ? last i knew they had them there.

Kirbyville, TX(Zone 8b)

All I can say is that Tacca seed need to be fresh to get a decent germination rate....I have bought from SeedRack but never tacca seeds, so I can't say.....Debra~

Winnetka, IL

Okay, old thread, but I'm having a devil of a time with Tacca chantrieri seeds. Some germinated w/in a month, but only one cotyledon came out, and the second seemed to get stuck in the seed shell. Then they just sat there. I tried gently removing the seed coat on two of them, which of course didn't help at all : ) The other two haven't died, but haven't budged one millimeter. Has anyone had this prob? My T. nivea has shown no sign of germination, so I think those will be my 6 month-ers.

Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

I bought mine at Wal-Mart last spring. It later bloomed and was beautiful. It is planted outside. I covered it every time temps got below freezing. About 4 or 5 times. So far, there is a little green left. I hope it comes back with a vengence and blooms and multiplies and goes crazy. I think they are so exotic.

Thumbnail by PamelaQ

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