Where Might I Begin

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Edited March 24th- Sorry but this is a repeat kind of. I posted this in the Brug Forum some time ago and it was just moved over here. Forgive the duplication of photos, but I never knew this one would show up here:

Hello All:

I'm reasonably new to DG and am fascinated by the Brugs. If anyone recognizes my name, you may recall I was moving. That done and the toll taken, I would love to know how a person begins to collect the various varieties you all speak of. Are there certain catelogs, suppliers, or do some of you have seeds, and or cuttings for offer?

I've read some of the posts and like others am certainly willing to pay for what is offered. I guess you can either contact me through my email here, or if you prefer, I would be willing to give my personal email address as well.

As I said, I'm new to DG, Brugs, and I'm disabled so shopping can be difficult, so I'm hopeing that someone can stear me in the right direction in begining a great hobby, collecting and growing Brugs. The picture is of a Datura I grew last year, but I would love to try Brugs.

Thanks in advance for any replies you may send.

Richard T.

This message was edited Mar 24, 2005 5:33 AM

Thumbnail by richteaz
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

hello Richart T. You will enjoy this website in general, but in particular the brug people. I am presently rooting some white brug cuttings (variety unknown) and I will be happy to send you a rooted cutting in the near future. We can do a SASE if you'd like. Let me know if interested.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Welcome, Rich. I'm sure some us us will have some rooted cuttings we can offer you for postage, if not right now, a little later in the Spring.

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

Richard, this is a warning. You are entering the danger zone. This can become an obsessive hobby. Just kidding (NOT).

Send me a Private Message with your address and I can help you get started. You are probably still having very cold weather, so it will probably be better to wait a while.


(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Richard, lhughes is correct with what she wrote about entering the danger zone. It was only a few short months ago I didn't even know what a Brug was. And now I have 25 plants growing and they are waiting for spring so I can plant them out side. I am hoping that next fall I will be able to offer cuttings to other new or old Brug growers.


Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)


Now that does sound scarey. 25 plants in a very short time? Well, I freely walked to the edge of this abiss, so now I just need a tiny little "push" from you Bruggy Buddies. I'm sure I'll enjoy the plunge once I'm on my way. LOL And the scenery is beautiful along the way. I know there are worse ways to spend ones time so I'm not going to worry about family and friends having me taken away, (Yet)!

I do want to thank everyone for responding. I will take anyone up on their offer once the weather warms if that would be best for the shipping. But truly, Thank You All for the assistance.

One question I should be asking is, is the cultivation or Brugs different from that of Datura? I grew both the White and the Purple Datura last summer and I think I had very good success with those two. Should I be doing much the same or is there something special I need to know to ensure a good show of blossoms?

Richard T.

Thumbnail by richteaz
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Rich, Brugs like lots of plant food.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Richard, when it gets warm enough I can send you some cuttings. It is 19 degrees right now outside, so probably wouldn't be able to send any until March. Donna

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

That is a gorgeous bloom, Richard. Did you start the plant from seed?

I'm just learning here, but I think that daturas need less water and food than brugs.

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Good Morning Donna. We've got it nice here this morning with it being 35 degrees though light snow is just west of here along with colder temps for the next few days. Waiting to ship is definately the thing to do as I'm sure all of you offering to help me out have lovingly cared for the "babes" and I would hate for any harm to come to them.

I must say that this is a very nice group of people and I really appreciate all of the replies. You've picked what I think is one of the most beautiful flowering plants to fall in love with and I am really anxious to join your ranks. I can't remember the name of the person with the Bear amongst their Brugs, but I just loved the way the plants stood so proudly in that yard. I'm going to be spending time today looking at the photos and reading up on the care of these glorious beings. The name may not apply to Brugs as it does to at least one Datura but I can certainly see where the name "Angels' Trumpet" can be used with these things. I just love them.

Thanks to all for this forum, and again for your replies. Please do not hesitate to offer what you may think is basic care tips that "anyone should know" because I have Zero experience with Brugs. I've done a lot of landscaping and greenhouse growing but none involving these. So please feel free to give me any advise you think may help make my Brugs as beautiful as they deserve to be.

Richard T.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Rich, Terry, SnowHermit, is our lady with the bears. She grows some beautiful Brugs.

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

And it would seem some very friendly bears as well.....LOL

Thanks for recalling SnowHermit's name for me.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

You're welcome, Rich.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi Rich!! I thought I had said HELLO yesterday. Your daturas look so pretty. Though the first one could pass for a brug to me! WELCOME

edited so you have a hint that English is my first language

This message was edited Feb 17, 2005 10:36 AM

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Hello and Thank You KELL. With that picture of your orange Brug., I take it as a real compliment for you so say nice things of my Datura. I only hope that once I acquire some Brugs that I'm able to do as well with them. I do so enjoy raiseing the healthiest plants possible and then to be rewarded with the blossoms that smell so sweet. But that's what it's all about right?

To All, have a gloreous day!

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Kell, I got to thinking about what you said about the white Datura looking like a Brugmansia so I thought i'd post another picture of it. One of the biggest differences in them is that Datura flowers stand upright and Brugmansia hang down, or am I mistaken in that? If this is a Brug, I guess I'm not totally new to Brugs then. Anyone know which this is? I've thought it was Datura. Whichever it is, it was still beautiful and smelt even better.

Thumbnail by richteaz
Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Yet another one showing the plant a bit better.

Thumbnail by richteaz
High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

try this link http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/355/

Columbia, SC(Zone 8a)

Hi MaVie, how are you doin'? Hope you're getting better every day.

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Rich every time I see this, it keeps getting prettier and prettier .....love that white!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

No, it definitely is a datura! That upright picture is just stunning. So regal! I may need one of those. LOL.

Yes, the general rule is that dats go up and brugs go down. However there are a couple of brugs that do go up also. Brugs can be trained into trees while dats I believe are pretty much fat bushes! Though a dat tree with those blooms of yours would be amazing!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

hi Linda, i am trying hard to gain back my health. do not worry, i will be there slowly but surely.

Kell, datura can also be trained to grow into a tree. i know, i have done it before. i used Datura inoxia like the photo on this thread, also on Datura metel. i trimmed off all the side growth and focus on the plant to grow taller. i believe, if one is patient enough growing any plant, they could train them to grow upward and eventually become tree form for a season. some datura die back where other datura's are only grown annually.

edited cuz i could not spell LOL!

This message was edited May 25, 2006 8:00 PM

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Another thread that's sprouted legs and walked over to the Datura Forum. I guess I should apologize to everyone. I didn't know I'd be posting the same photos twice in this Forum...Sorry!!!
As you can see by the dates, these were posted in the Brug forum along time ago. sorry.

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