Moorsbus starting soon

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

My trips out on the North York Moors will start next month. "Moorsbuzz", the bus service's newsletter plopped through my letter box this morning, putting me in the mood.

Bad news is they've put the fares up (by a £). Still makes for a very good day out though. One or two routes have been reduced but there are still some good ones. There is now an additional fare from Middlesbrough - one at 10.30 am as well as the 9 am one. That's a relief! I prefer the early one so that I get a good day out, but in mid-summer I get very tired and find it difficult to get up for the 9 am start every week. Some of the older passengers will appreciate the later start too as it won't make it such a long day for them.

The service is starting slightly earlier this year - 24th March instead of the beginning of April. One week earlier to Farndale! Though the Daffodil Shuttle finishes a week earlier too. Still, one can't have everything.

North York Moors here I come!!!!

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Sounds absolutely wonderful. I wish I could be there. One of these years...., yes, I will!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Wonderful news! We will be waiting to go with you on your first jaunt!

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

It's my dream to travel through England from Jersey to the Northlands, and then Scotland too. Also I want to take a walking tour through Britian, and a garden tour....all I need is money and stamina! I'm never giving up on my dream!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Just overe a months' time. I'm soooo looking forward to it! We have snowdrops out here now, and the daffodils have formed buds. The bright green spears of bluebells are poking through. Spring is round the corner.

I'd love to travel too, but I don't think I'll ever be able to afford it.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Oooh any day now then??
Looking forward to joining you on an outing :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Sunday. All being well. Depends on the weather - must check the forecast. If it's dry and sunny then it will be Farndale. Not if it's wet though - the path will be a mudbath. If it's wet I'll go into either Helmsley or Pickering and potter round the little shops.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

I'm coming along in spirit. Sounds heavenly.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Heavenly is totally the right word! For me Farndale is my little bit of heaven. When I was ill in the 90s and at one time thought I was going to die, it was the thought of Farndale (that I had always wanted to visit) that kept me going. I so wanted to see its wild daffodils that I had heard so much about.

Now I have visited Farndale several times. And it is incredibly lovely. If there was one place in England that I could recommend without hesitation it is Farndale. Set in a valley in the middle of the North York Moors, surrounded by farmland, covered in wild flowers. Wonderful!!! It never disappoints me. It lived up to my expectations.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Well Northerner, I'll put Farmdale at the top of my imaginary trip list. Glad you have recovered from your serious condition. Life can be difficult but it seems we just have to keep on keeping on.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Here is a website that someone has created. I must get round to creating one too. Just click on an image to enlarge. Lots of images of Farndale.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Those are lovely pictures. The photographer is skilled. No wonder you find the area inspirational. I wonder if all those daffodils were planted or have they been naturalized there for a long time? I will go back to the site later and explore it more fully and maybe the info will be there.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I'm looking forewards to your jaunts Northener, i've missed our walks.

I had a wander rounbd my garden yesterday, first time in a long while, and the crocuses are flowering, and various other bulbs, spring must be round the corner.

i've been sat in my sunlounge sowing seeds for Britain, could do with a bit of escapism.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Rose! Those are wild daffodils! They planted themselves!!!!

Hi Sueone! Yes, soon be gardening time. Blisters, aching back, splinters...

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Hello back to you Northerner! That's what I love about daffodills, they spread and nothing seems to bother them. A very long time ago, late 60's, I moved into an old farmhouse in south Georgia. ( I live in north Georgia now) with a row of 4 pecan trees outside in the side yard. What a delightful surprise in the Spring when I found masses of daffodills and jonquils bursting from the soil under the trees. Some gardener living there before me had planted them and I sometimes wonder if they are still there today, or even the old house.

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