How many ponders are out there ?? List your names - Update!

Springfield, OH(Zone 6b)

This is my 6th pond and the most one I ever got involved with. It is 22 feet by 30 feet. I love land scaping and trying all kinds of things. It has 4000 lb. of concrete in the water fall, 6 tons of rocks, 2 tons of potted soil, 25 koi and 4 large frogs. I have about 1/2 achers and have 21 trees, 21 clematics, 54 ferns, 5 hydrangas and a lot of other plants. I really like Daves Garden it is the best. This was my first posting on the sight. Good luck to all !! Happy gardening !!!!!!

Thumbnail by budzy
Lake Villa, IL(Zone 5a)

My first small pond but not my last pond. New this season, loving it every moring during 'coffee' hour. We keep saying that if all goes well we'll try our hand at a bigger pond. Still a work in progress due to missing waterfall and young plants. Can't wait to see them next year!

Thumbnail by 1251casey
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Welcome Budzy and 1251casey, I am fairly new and love the whole website and I am sure you will too. Budzy, I am green with envy of the large pond and healthy looking plants you have. It is beautiful!!!!.......
1251casey, with the georgeous setting and space you appear to have, I bet you won't wait too long before expanding. Best of luck!
Sheila in TX

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

Love the alligator Budzy,but here I would be afarid it would attract the real thing.LOL.

Leesburg, VA(Zone 7a)

22 x 30 .... now *that's* a pond!!!!!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Welcome Budsey and 1521 casey.

Budsey what a nice large pond you have and on 1/2 acre, I did read that right didn't I? Great plantings.

casey you have a great spot for morning coffee and nice background and plent of space for trees and shrubs.

I don't have any tree very close to my ponds, didn't want to have to fight leaves all summer. The sun isn't really right for taking a picture but here are a couple, one shows my helper Bluebird, a trimmed Lhaso Apso. Loves drinking out of the pools. DonnaS

Thumbnail by rutholive
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

And here is another view with Blue deciding to drink or not. DonnaS

Thumbnail by rutholive

This message was edited Oct 27, 2006 3:47 PM

Leesburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Cactus. He/she was an rather handsome little specimen.

Granbury, TX(Zone 8a)

This is my pond after it was first built so the plants are not mature yet. Now it looks like a jungle!

Thumbnail by Tanarae
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Nice pond and waterfall Tanarae! It doesn't take long in TX for the plants to explode when they have all the water they need. What type of fish do you keep?

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 7b)

Great waterfall! Do you have some updated photos?

Thanks for sharing!

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I'll chime in. I have about a 600 gallon pond which came with my house when I moved 3 years ago. I had done a fair amount of gardening before this, but none with water. Its funny, at first I was afraid of making a mistake. Now, I'm amazed how my comets survive CT winters and keep multiplying. I would never want to be without one again.

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Well, within (I hope) 48 hrs, I too will be able to count myself among the ponders! I'm getting ready to install my first water garden, thanks to my BIL (he gave me the form) and my "bestest" buddy, ButterflyChaser for helping me scrape and paint the trim above where it's going, so I can get that cleaned up and start the digging! I think she's going to help me install it, too, thank goodness. She has several and knows all the "ins and outs."

It has a ground level waterfall / fountain that spills into an in-ground pond, 2 ft deep with 2 plant ledges. It has a crack I've got to repair, but other than that it's in great shape. I can't wait!

I did a "mock" set-up to see what it would look like.....

Thumbnail by gardenergail
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

bumping this up for Kathy_Ann


Virginia Beach, VA

Greetings from Virginia Beach, Va!!!. I have 2 ponds, the larger one is 4 years old, made by a pond designer and the 2nd one os a pre formed and like the landscaping. I maintain it and it is not an easy job. We have kois, lost all my kois on the summer of 2005, lost power but now we have designated lines for the ponds. Here are the pictures. Not so profficient so bear with me

This message was edited Oct 27, 2006 5:32 AM

Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

Above is not the picture i wanted to post!! LOL!!! I have to try again!!

Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

above is a better picture now I have to show you the inside. I need to delete this picture but does not know how!!!

This message was edited Oct 27, 2006 5:46 AM

Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

Here is the inside picture.
No picture!!!

This message was edited Oct 27, 2006 5:50 AM

Virginia Beach, VA

I am trying!! Persistence!!!
this just shows the water fall!!!

This message was edited Oct 27, 2006 5:53 AM

Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

I hope the picture is okay!!! Bellie

Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

Here is the 2nd pond. We are so proud of this backyard.We work hard for it to look like this!!! Bellie

Thumbnail by bellieg
Virginia Beach, VA

More picture of the 2nd pond. I hope ypu do not get tired!! Bellie

That is it for now, we are getting ready to do winter care. Kois are still eating!! By thwe way I truly enjoy looking at all your ponds. Bellie

This message was edited Oct 27, 2006 6:06 AM

Thumbnail by bellieg
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Bellie, you are right to be proud of your ponds, I can see you have put a lot of work into the area

Will finish preparing my two ponds for winter today. Have to move the pots of waterlilies to the deepest area and shut off the pump. Haven't fed the fish much in Oct. and will not feed them again untill spring. I have only one koi, It is 3 years old now. The rest are goldfish ranging in age from 1 to 15 years.

It hasn't been cold enough this fall for frost to form anywhere, but the prediction is for down into the 20s for next week. So fall is really here.


Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

We have a few too many Koi in our 3000gal pond. But we like to sit and watch them when we have time to relax on the patio. So I put up with a little extra work on keeping up with the fish on cleaning filters a little more offten. To start with, 8 or 9 years ago we decided to install a pond. We bought a preformed kit. Would have been about 100gal. Before the weather got decient enough to dig. another friend said he had wished he'd dug his deeper, so he could winter his fish in the pond. Well looking at the pond kit, about 18" if it were brim full. I couldn't see trying to move fish in and out every spring and fall.
So I bit the bullet and used the skid loader and had fun diging. with a machine instead of by hand. We now have about 50 koi that are pets. and a bunch of little ones that still dart for cover when they see something move by the pond. We have 3 now that are 24" and a bunch that are 8" - 18" Oh and the little preformed thing That is now part of the filter system. Sometimes I wish I had stayed with just that, but then I would have found out that koi do grow up, to be too big for their space." Bellieg" I do like the way you used the lettuce on the falls. Did doing that seem to help in keeping the pond cleaner?

Sorry I didn't take any new pics this year, so you may have already seen this one.

Thumbnail by randbponder
Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Aw just one more!

Thumbnail by randbponder
West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I guess I'll join in with a few recent pond pic's
This one is with the much needed critter excluder net cover.

Thumbnail by PalmBchBill
West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Here's one from above

Thumbnail by PalmBchBill
West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

...and a close-up of waterfall

Thumbnail by PalmBchBill
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Oh, goody, somewhere to show off! Here's a few shots of mine.
My photos won't post.

This message was edited Nov 9, 2006 12:12 PM

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I have tried to post my photos and they won't post, keeps saying "it has been submitted" but they aren't here...hmmmmmmm.

Still trying, anyone know what could be wrong???

This message was edited Nov 9, 2006 12:21 PM

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Are you clicking on the browse button and finding the picture you want to upload then hit open, preview and if everything is ok, hit the finish button. It's taking me almost a minute per picture.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I thought I would try uploading a pic and see if I had any problems. Our pond looks pretty bad right now. The oak tree above it has made an abundance of acorns this year; you can barely walk without your feet sliding out from under you on the pave stones. This pic is from spring 2005, it looked much better then. No way am I taking pictures out there now!
No problems adding a pic. Try again weegy, select the pic hit open and give it time to upload, then hit preview. That way if it was the wrong one you can click back and change it.

This message was edited Nov 9, 2006 10:26 PM

Thumbnail by Sheila_FW
Central, LA(Zone 8b)


What is that tiny leafed(if that's a word) plant you have growing in that contained area to the middle left & right of the waterfalls?

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

The area isn't really contained, it is all rocks, but the Asian Jasmine ground cover that was growing behind the waterfall took over. We pulled it all out this last summer because it was creating root systems that were redirecting the water and causing too much evaporation.
This pic was in Oct 2004, we had just finished our flag stone area earlier that spring. Like I said it is one big mess now. We got out there this afternoon with the blower and the wet/dry vac and vacuumed up about a 30 gal trash can of acorns! It was impossible to walk. We have decided we are going to put down tarps or something next year to help pick them up. We don't want to cut down the tree because it provides the only shade for the pond in the hot afternoons.

Thumbnail by Sheila_FW
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Sheila - I was checking out this thread. I've been reading and enjoying all the post and photos! I really like your pond and the flag stone around it. The area looks beautiful! The plants you chose look perfect! Great choices! Thanks for posting to inspire me!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Becky. It changes every year however. We have had to move some of the larger plants because they block our view from the deck. Then the rocks we used for the waterfall are all on shore now until spring. We had a leak in the seal by the lip and it took moving them to find and repair it.
We love it good, bad, or ugly though!

Emmaus, PA(Zone 6a)

This is my 'new' pond. The pond is just over a yr old, we put it in June 05, 2 months after we moved here.
Contingent upon the sale of my prior home, the new owners had to keep my fish till i got this pond set up for them..(yes! i had it in writing!!) I picked them up to bring them here in late June 05. All 15 of them made the 50 mile trip well.
I now have plenty of babies.. and everyone is fast asleep at the bottom of the pond..

The pond has been tweaked some since this picture was taken, July 06

Thumbnail by terri_in_PA
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

That is so neat that you thought of doing that ahead of time. I hope that while they cared for your fish that they became converts too! Nice pond at the new place too.

Warners, NY

Please inclyde us in the total, several ponds, stream with waterfalls and of course the sish, and plants, even Lotus in upstate NY!

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