Has anyone grown Jicama?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I have started the seeds of Jicama and seedlings are about 3 inches tall. Have any of you grown them? We have a long growing season, but not sure how early I can put them out. Will they tolerate a light frost? Guess i could put them in wall-o-waters. Any experienced advise would be appriciated. Thank you, Margie aka Queen of Dirtland

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Where did you find seeds? I've not grown it, but have often wondered about doing so. I can't offer any suggestions, but will be interested in how your project turns out.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I got the seeds from Pintree Gardens. I need to read up on how they grow. Long season is about all the pak told me.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Just out of curiosity I did a bit of searching...found nothing at all on starting seeds! I hadn't realized it is a legume. Since it is tropical, I wonder if the seeds would benefit from bottom heat. Do you have enough seeds in the packet that you can experiment with several methods?

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