Last years Hydroponic Peppers.

Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

Just thought i would share my experiances with doing outdoors
hydroponics with habanero peppers.

I used a home made "General Hydroponic Aeroflo" single unit.
Dug a big hole in the ground and droped in a 45 gal. Storage
container for the resevoir.

Ran GH flora series nutreients at a EC of 3.8 ( hot mix )

Had a few water pump problems that caused them to wilt a few
time but was a good thing too. ( makes the peppers HOTTER!!!)
and man were these things HOT!!!

All in all this turned out great, i had more peppers then i knew what
to do with and my 3 plants hit the 6 foot tall mark .. they looked like
trees in the yard. The neighbors loved them but didnt dare to
try any .. LOL ..

Thumbnail by VbSparky
Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

Wow! That is impressive. Way to go!!!!


Greenfield, MA(Zone 5b)

Holy Cow! I ain't never seen a pepper plant THAT tall before! Way to grow

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

please tell me you are a special effects artists in the movie industry and that pepper plant is just a computer image that you have put up on this forum because if it isn't, i'm gonna go crazy. my habanero plants get about a foot off the ground, if that much and i'm lucky if i get 6 or 7 peppers.
where is dansville in new york. i'm a little south of poughkeepsie
i've heard and seen pictures of hydroponics but don't understand it too well.
maybe you can post something explaining how you go about it complete with pictures in very plain language so i can understand. thanks

Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

Herbie , no computer majic here. just peppers on steriods LOL ..

here are some links to my setups and DIY building.

The start of the pepper plants inside ..
Germd the seeds in rockwool and and for about the
first 3 weeks of there seedling stage they were in my NFT setup.
Then i moved them to the Aeroflo unit.

There are 5 sweet bell plants and 3 habs. the habs are on the
right side of the photos. they started out as the smallest plants.

moved them outside .. temps in the house were to hot.

How to build this aeroflow ....

The resevoire was a 45 gallon storage tote i buried in the ground
you have to keep the water temp 65 to 75 F , 80F and above will
cook the roots.

the only thing besides the nutrients i used was a product called

Hydroguard is a bio-fungicide water treatment that helps suppress and resist damping off diseases. Hydroguard is an all-natural biological stimulant that assists in the management of disease cycles. Unlike the use of fungicides alone, the use of Hydroguard breaks the chronic disease cycle while leaving no toxic residues.

when i would mix up nutes i would make a 25 gallon batch
and add 300 ml of Micro , 300 ml of Grow and 200 ml of bloom

when the plants drink up and the resevoir gets down to where its
2 inches or so deep I would just top off with plain water ..
let the plants drink till it goes down again and then refill with
a new batch of nutrients.

if you have any questions just post them and i'll try to answer.

Oh ,, edit ... Dansville is just south of Rochester NY

This message was edited Feb 6, 2005 4:21 PM

Corte Madera, CA

wow, i'd love to try this. this is my first season gardening and i'd love to try growing PEPPERS mainly for the LEAVES. we (filipinos) use it like spinach. great in soups, too.

Corte Madera, CA

gee, where's my manners....CONGRATULATIONS and thank you for sharing this with us.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)


Beautiful plants! Love 'em!! Ya done good!!

A hearty WELCOME TO DG, also!!

Thanks for the info on using pepper leaves as spinach...will have to try that!

Have any speciall recipes?

Again, welcome to you both! Hope to see you around the site!


Corte Madera, CA

thanks for the warm welcome, shoe. you'll be seeing more of me, that's for sure. i have questions everyday!

my favorite recipe with PEPPER leaves. we'll call it VbSparky Chicken Soup here =).

a few cloves of garlic, minced
half an onion, chopped
ginger root, julienned (about the same amount of onion)
a few pieces of chicken, season with salt and pepper
as much pepper leaves as you like

brown chicken in oil. set aside. using the same oil, sautee garlic until brown, then onion until translucent, then ginger root. add chicken back to the pot, 4 cups of water and simmer until chicken is tender. add pepper leaves before serving. serve with steamed rice.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

vbsparky - thanks for those sites. will check them out - welcome to daves garden

moonglow - welcome to daves garden. you might want to put your chicken recipe on the recipe forum. it looks good. thanks

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