Please help with begonia cuttings

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

I rooted leaf cuttings of a Dragon's Wing begonia and planted them this week in a starter mix/compost mixture. In the 2 days they've been exposed fully to the grow light, they're drying up and look like they're dying. This is the same method I used for African violets with great success. Is this normal for begonias or can anybody see here a mistake I need to rectify?

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi, Michelle--I have had begonias dry up under my AV grow lights as well......I think perhaps it's just too intense for some? Anyway, I have very successfully rooted begonia cuttings in an enclosed make-shift terrarium (a hurricane candle jar w/charcoal, mix, etc in it, covered w/a glass plate) near an AV light. Have also just stuck them in a jar of water on a windowsill, and straight into a pot w/mix near a sill as well.

**tip--I've found that begonias much prefer soft water**

=) Best of luck!

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Thnaks for your help, Kathleen.

Louise, MS(Zone 8a)

Hi Michelle,

I've had great luck with just sticking cuttings right into the ground. As a matter of fact, this was the first thing I ever rooted! They really seem to like wet feet, so I put them where the central air drips water in the summer. Just stuck them right into the clay soil there. They survived August sun in Mississippi and grew into huge plants.

Not bad for a 25 cent ugly leggy plant I got at Walmart.

Good luck,


Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Wow, sounds like you have the touch! Thanks, Bill.

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