Tell me about heliopsis helianthoides

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I have a large clump of a perennial, sort of like a smaller sunflower. Vey pretty, likes the sun. I've always called it heliopsis. Got it years ago, can't remember where. I tried once to split some off to start a clump in a different bed but was unsuccessful. A few of my neighbours have it as well so it obviously thrives in my area. Clay soil. It's in a bed to the north-west of my house, slightly coolish, which means it flowers slightly later than my neighbours.
Does anyone have any ideas of how I can make more of it? I generally cut it back after flowering but I'm thinking of letting a few more of my perennials develop seed-heads this year - depends on the specific plant probably! I'm needing more plants! A case of get one or two of something, make some more babies!!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

what you need to do is take basal cuttings when the new spring growth is less than 3 inches high. a basal cutting is taken where the growth is emerging from the parent plant, usually just under the soil surface. You must include part of the parent root stock for the cutting to work.


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

That sounds like I have to wait till next spring...

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