Watermelon Question

Kennewick, WA(Zone 6b)


Does anyone grow Petite Yellow watermelon? I purchased the seed from Baker Creek. The lady on the phone when I ordered had not tried this one. Does anyone have any comments on it?

I do know it is in Amy Goldman's book, but I let someone borrow it and now they can't find it.

Thank you!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

N o I have never encountered this one, nor is it on any list of cultivars available commercially in the past 50 years. Baker Creeks description is a bit scrimpy, but there have been yellow fleshed ice box cultivars (Japanese) available in that time period. Most of them are striped melons. This is probably a family heirloom.

Kennewick, WA(Zone 6b)

Thank you Farmerdill for the reply.
I will try it and see how it does. They did tell me it was an early one so I hope it is similar to Yellow Doll.

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