leggy peppers

Greenback, TN

My peppers are a teensy bit leggy, if I bury them deeper will it hurt them? They get lots of light and are due for more root room...

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

You can plant them deeper if you want...sounds like you still need light. Are you using artificial light? If you are, the bulbs need to be only a couple of inches from the leaves...if the bulbs are further away, move them closer...if you are not using artificial light...then you need to. Pepper and tomato seedlings will get pretty leggy and weak even with the strongest light from a window....unless you are actually in a greenhouse, you need artificial light.

Greenback, TN

yes I have lots of artificial light, but I have yet to transplant them and the dirt is shallow. I'm hoping that is the prob cause my lights have the whole neighborhood curious! LOL!

Greenback, TN

yep they were all getting pot bound, I almost heard them sigh with relief when I gave them deeper dirt.

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

did someone say pot? was that you or your neighbor?

Greenback, TN


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