Feeling pleased :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I had an appointment over at Stockton Riverside College today. As some of you may know I'm keen to improve my teaching qualifications for teaching FE/adults. I've enrolled on a course called City & Guilds 7407 at Stockton Riverside College, once a week on a Tuesday evening. Course lasts a year. My problem has been that the course demands a set number of teaching hours based in the classroom. And my distance learning work wasn't going to be suitable.

Anyway I had a chat with their IT Curriculum Head today. He was very pleasant and helpful. Looks like I'm going to be helping with the ECDL course. And in the autumn he can give me a chance to teach Digital Photography Level 1.

This means that I can stay on my teaching course (I was worrying in case I would have to withdraw). Unfortunately this looks like being unpaid work, but once I've got my foot in the door and some experience under my belt (excuse mixed metaphors) I'm sure it will improve my chances of further work.

I am SO relieved.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Well done Diane, that's really good news :)
Your persistance is paying dividends now - well hopefully literally soon *grin*

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yes. Won't it be great to have a pay cheque again? Not that there will be very much in it - my current work isn't going to pay very well for a while.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

It's just a start - from little acorns and all that.....
It'll just keep growing now :)

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

You're on the way now, it's who you know often, rather than what you knw. As you say, once you've got your foot in the door.

I was talking about you at Christmas (were your ears burning? ) to my friends who came from Redcar, and not sure which college you're at but, he's a friend of the ? ( guy in charge) The college he's on about is literally at the bottom of their road (or I should say parents road)

it's a small world at times.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Sue! Yes, they were bright red! (my ears that it is!).

/act giggles

I'm at the main campus (when I go there) but I actually work from home - not at the Redcar base apart from training sessions. There are a couple of campuses. The college is getting a huge amount of money soon and they are all going to be at one campus I think.

There is also an adult education centre I think.

I was over at Teesside Retail Park today, picked up a book on ECDL, to browse through, it will help with my teaching. It's turned into a really horrible day here, cold and rainy. Brrrr!!!

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