
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi out there, please, tell me about your good and bad experiences with growing blueberries in South Central Texas. I just bought a Climax, Tifblue, and Blueray. What kind of luck am I likely to have growing them in pots? I'm really into this antioxidant thing and they are reputed to be the best. But, a 1/2 cup a day is a bit extravagant. I'm not sure I'm worth it.:) Thanks, Pua

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I grow Climax and Tifblue, don't know the Blueray. The first two are rabbiteyes which do well in the southeast. While not huge shrubs, I have my doubts about growing them in pots. They are easy to grow in the ground as long as you have an acid soil.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm contemplating a purchase of Sunshine Blue from Park's - it's a dwarf shown growing in a pot - which makes sense to me, since the soil here is slightly alkaline. In a pot maybe I can maintain acidity. My first attempt at this fruit, so I have my fingers crossed.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Check with your ag extension. I don't know Sunshine Blue, but the popular Tophat is container cultivar that is a northern type. The only ones that are recommended for the south are rabbiteyes and southern high bush. It is possible that one of those cultivars has benn introduced in dwarf form. Actually just found Sunshine Blue. According to the University of California it is a dwarf southern highbush ideal for containers. so it may be just what you need. Good luck.

Richmond Hill, GA(Zone 8b)

Lord have mercy, Farmerdill! How do you know and remember all you do? No wonder you're a UBER. :-)


Conway, SC(Zone 8a)

Have several Blueberries, including the Sunshine Blue, but don't understand why put them in pots. I'm in zone 8a and all of them have survived and produced even though the low's here get around to 10 degrees. They are dormant in the winter, but sprout back out each spring. I;ve had them about 4-5 years and all produce well. The only problem is the birds usually beat me to them unless you cover them with a bird-net. Good luck on the blueberries. Remember, they like lots of mulch and are acid loving.

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