Impatiens balsamina seeds?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I planted the old-fashioned I. balsamina 'Carombola' mix this year. Yes, they're easy to grow, yes the camellia-like blooms are pretty, but boy do these plants get big! The first seed pods are swelling, and I know they'll be ready to harvest pretty soon.

I've only seen "mixed" seed offered commercially or for trade, but I was thinking it would be nice to be able to offer the various colors separately.

Here's my question - will they grow true to parent if I take the trouble to keep the seeds separated out according to color?

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Go vols..I can't answer about the trueness of seed but I'll comment on the height:

I finally was able to plant Balsam Impatiens this year from seed (started early indoors). The plants have a flowering marathon going on now and they're as high as my Liatris spicatas! I don't remember them ever getting so big when I was a child..he he! I have purples, pinks, variegated I'm wondering the same thing about trueness.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Is this Himalayan Balsam? I have some. It's invasive in Britain and I should really dig it out but it's pretty and the bees love it!

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