Iris spring coop part #3

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)


Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

I got a book from Shreiners... I want them all... ;)

Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

me too!!!

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Here are my 3 fav's from the Shreiners Catalog...

Merlot, Final Decision, Coral Sunset... ummm and well, add American Classic to that.. ;)

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Waaaaaa...I don't have any catalogs....yet!

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Where did ya go, Tazzy?

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Starr - what a classy lady! Thanks for posting the pics.

I also cut my hair above my shoulders a year ago and had a 12" or so braid of the hair I cut off. My reasons are a little weird. My little one, Leah, has a hair fetish. She absolutely HAS to twirl my hair to go to sleep. Well.....that's what it seems like......but she does/has fallen asleep from exhaustion without my hair. But the reality is that if she's laying down for a nap or bedtime, she says, "" until I come over and let her twirl my hair until she falls asleep. A year ago, I was tearful because I just couldn't take her yanking on my hair anymore and I was also concerned that she'd have some lasting fetish or something weird. But I actually think it was more that I felt like I was tied to my child and couldn't leave her with a sitter. So I went in and had the stylist chop it all off and I took the braid home....just in case Leah would absolutely freak out. Well.....she didn't freak she just learned to stretch further to reach my shorter hair! So, my hair is growing out again and it's between my shoulder blades again.

Not sure if I'll get a Schreiner's catalog....I've never ordered from them.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Brenda, I have to admit something.....I am a grown woman and that's what I do before I fall asleep at night! I twirl my hair when I get tired....I know, I'm a weirdo! lol!

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)


Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Hey, Y'all don't sound wierd to me... I am glad you liked the pics.. I am a bit shy of posting pics of me (unless a horse is the center of attention)... I just turned 51 and am feeling a bit old right now.. I know it is silly, but it just doesn't seem right to have to get old and hurt a lot. I am feeling whiney... lol... I have had to give up so much.. and learn to live with even more... sometimes it is more than I care to deal with... dh is not well lately, either, so I can't crawl up on the pity pot. I have to stay focused and put on a happy face. OK, I am done whining now... snivel... don't pay any bit of attention to me... I will build a bridge sometime tonight and be over it tomorrow... but thanks for listening... it is nice to have friends to whine to ever once in awhile... ;)

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

No whiny hineys allowed .
just get up take your drugs laugh pain and death in face ,and one day at a time . I had to take a nap over did last two days felt whinny myself so locked me in bedroom and took nap .

Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

Brenda, here in Belgium they say Shreiners got the most beautyfull irises, but not the best. They mean for our climat, we can have cool and wet season's. Even last season spring was hot and dry and than weather changed in Juli and Aug. It was a disaster for daylilies.

Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

Good morning all!
Starr, great pictures, it is nice to see what you look like. Beautiful. I'm a long hair sort of person, too. It's funny I have cut it short a few times over the years and I just didn't feel like myself till I grew it back.
They are always cutting women's long hair short in those makeover shows, and a lot of them look so much better! But not me, I don't like mine short. I've tried it. Lots of times.
So even though it is baby fine and gets tangled into big impossible knots and breaks off, I keep it long now.
Terrie, you said at the end of the last thread that you used to get "a pixie" haricut! That brings back a lot of bad memories for me! My mom uses to hate dealing with my hair 'cause it was always a mess, so she had her friend come over and give me a pixie! It was horrible. Or sometimes I had to get a smelly permanent wave!!! Ugghhh, the horrors! All that smell to look hideous afterwards!
Got so when I saw her friends car coming down the driveway I would run and climb up a big old pine tree where nobody could see me- and stay there until she gave up calling me and went home!!!

Brenda, my DD used to rub my hair between her fingers, too, but later she got more attatched to her "silky" (satin blanket edge.) She is 26 now and she has a "silky" ribbon on the car keys that she rubs while she is driving! LOL! She even brought one to the hospital when she had her kids to have while she was in labor!


Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Cindy - LOL!!! That is a comfort to me!! You have no idea how much. (and I actually do look better with shorter hair, but hate going in for cuts all the time--I'm lazy that way).

Guess, I better request a Schreiner's catalog rather than wait to see if one shows up on it's own. Off I go to see if I can request it on their site.

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Morning All...

Cindy, Thank you for your kind words. I am like that, too, I just don't look good in short hair. I have always been jealous of the ones who can wear a very short do. Not me... My hair is thick and a little wavy... unless it is long, it won't do anything right.... the hair from hades...

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Guess I better go check Shreiner's for a catalog, too!

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Okay, Brenda, can you give me the website? I went to but that was a horse of a different color. lol

Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

Terrie, I just wanna say to you, on there pictures on the website, there colors are not relaible for what they might be in reality. That doesn't mean there irises are from less quality, but check other sorces to compair pictures. You will see what i mean if you do so.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

It's difficult to photograph & post correct colors of irises or any flower. All you can do is try to get it right.

Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

That's right Wanda, but lot of catalogs from some nurseries have colored there images, that something thats very easy to do.
A couple of years ago i found DG's on the internet. I just like pictures of amateurs, So you'll got the opportunity to see how a (for example) a 'Martina Verhaert' looks.
Check this link:
and compair with the pic i posted.
Do you see what i mean, and i got a real good camera!

Thumbnail by John_Benoot
Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I see what you mean, John, but your Martina looks pretty true to color to me. The only difference I see is that yours looks like a day old bloom that has been out in the weather. There's looks like a brand new bloom that has been protected. Either way, I will definitely check them out. Anybody know where I can find Devil's Fork?

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Hey--do I see Daylilies hijacking poor old Iris threads again??? I think we're getting our addictions confused... LOL

Great color on that pic John. Are you posting in the Plantfiles for everyone? Any new pics would be great of daylilies, iris or whatever so we gardeners can do research for our Spring purchases. :)

Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

Thanks Terrie.

Wanda, i did post it a long while ago; check all the images i posted:
You'll find it in John_Benoot's contributions and click on images there are 90 of them at the moment.

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

John, What great photos! The English roses have stolen my heart.....

Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

Well i'm happy something did, Wanda
Just make sure you get it back, because you'll needed sooner or later :)

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

John--LOL! You ARE quick! I fall in love with plants all the time & rearrange/widen my beds to accomodate my new addiction. My DH just watches and says: "Gonna leave some grass for the dogs?" I think the dogs have TOO MUCh grass--don't you think?

Thumbnail by Wandasflowers
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

All that grass is wasteful all the grass you need is under trash can ?

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

My Dh seems to think he needs room for the dogs to run & fetch. Transalated: poop & destroy my flowers.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Its a man dog thing ?
They think a lot alike

Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

Lock your dog and your DH up Wanda. end of story, LOL

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Good idea John! =)

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)


Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

Love to, but neither dog nor man will cooperate. I think it's my penace for a life well spent.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, way, way too much grass! LOL I see some raised beds leaving only paths for the dogs to run.

Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

You can put them in the shed...If they're good maybe bring them a blanket and a TV.

Every square foot of lawn could be a spot for a spider lily! Now what's better, boring green grass, or
gorgeous new spiders from the coop???

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

flower Up down with grass ,all together now Flowers up -------

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Down with Grass!

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

that a girl .?

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Brenda, Terrie, did you get your Shreiner's Catalog ordered yet? I just got another one today...and wow! I just love it... that Stepping Out and Sweeter Than Wine is awesome.

Brenda, did I misunderstand or did you say you used to have a pixie cut and now have long hair? I was rereading this to try to catch up again and missed something there. Sorry... My DGD loves to play with a twist her hair, too. So y'all are definitely not alone...

If Wanda got rid of ALL her grass, she wouldn't have her mulch... so she needs to keep a narrow strip down the center...

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

That's what I think, Starr. Just a little run for the dogs and her mulch. :-)

I got sidetracked and didn't order the catalog yet. Will do it today (thanks for reminding me)!

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