Hopefully we can trade bulblets in fall .. ?

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Last year I coordinated a multi person swap of bulblets (miniature offsets) from asiatic lilies. It was quite successful. I hope I can interest people here to do the same later this year.

This is a picture of my harvest prior to the trade:

Thumbnail by kdjoergensen
Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

That sounds pretty cool - count me in!

Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hey Ken - Nice to see you here on DG!!!! I've been spending alot more time here since I've joined!
See ya around!

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Ken, count me in. Have to transplant scales with seedlings attached some time today.
If succesful, will be glad to exchange with others.


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Gee, and I happen to have several Blackjack babies "wintering" in the fridge right now!

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

I planted out 274 bulbets (most the size of a quarter or larger) this past fall. About 32 varities, if they survive I would be interested also. Some I had lots of and some only one or two.

Haydenville, MA(Zone 5a)

I am in process of growing up some bulblets from scales....about 15 varieties...some sprouted and are under lights, the others I have in the cold...hopefully they will survive to be planted/traded this spring. So count me in....(sending prayers to the lily goddess for a successful crop)

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Just found pictures of your bulblets Kenneth. How neat and tidy you are. If those are the ones you left outside, am sure they will be fine in the spring. Are they in their pots in the garage now? They could do with some cold before you start growing them in the warm.

I picked a whole lot that I think are Prairie Sky and just planted them in the garden for the winter.

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Do they have to be Asiatics?

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

count me in

Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I'd be interested too.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

i would very much like to be involved with this and will keep an eye out for an update on this.
debi z

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Last year, the bulblet swap was done "blind", but I received several requests for a "named lily" bulblet swap, e.g. for bulblets from named lilies as opposed to "no-name" bulblets.

What are your feelings about this ? Should the swap be "blind", "named", or even "named and pre-arranged" so that names of known liiles are pre-circulated giving everyone a chance to sign up for the bulblets they really want ?

My reasoning for keeping it "blind" last year was twofold. First I thought it would discourage some people who did not know the names of their lilies, and we would avoid problems with misidentified lilies. Also, I stumbled over a stone and all my bulblets got mixed up (so there you go).

What is the preferred way of conduction the swap this year ?

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

i would like to see both done. i would be happy to give you a hand and do one of them, if you want.
i can see the unnamed one being mailed to the host and the host would then divide them up among those who had participated, sending the same # & size, (if possible) back to those who had sent. say i sent 10 bulbetts, i would get 10 back, unless i only wanted 5 back, then the extra could be given as a prize or something fun. the other way to do this would be by color, red, pink, white, bi-color, etc.... and requesting your preference for color.
my vote is for the easier way.

the named lilies, as you said, could have the list circulated, signing up for the ones you wanted 1st, 2nd and 3rd dibs on. then the host would have to divy them up as best they can. with the remainder of them being divided up by the host. same thing, send 10, get 10 back unless you want less and then they could be divided up or a contest/prize.

of course the participants would have to give the host some leeway and know that they would do the best they can in dividing them up and giving you what you want back. if there are 4 italia and 5 people have them as there 1st choice well someone will be disappointed. but i think that here at dg we all know that the host gives it there best to do what is right and fair.

the easiest thing would to have the host divide up the named lilies and not send the same back to the person who sent them.
if there were only a few of each bulbette sent in, i vote for putting in a first,second & third choice in and getting one of them back, any others back on your request lineup would be considered a bonus.
that is my humble 2 ¢ worth. ok so maybe it is 50¢ worth. LOL no one here ever said i wasn't windy. LOL
debi z and franklin (the silent one) ;-)

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Ken, I think that Debi has a great idea, but please do as you wish.
I will have named asiatic's, and others. Right now I have Robt. Griswalds leafing out here in the house, but did lose some of the Big Smile.

I can dig up bulblets of some of my un-named lilies [tags were lost] and trade some of the named ones.
Let me know what you decide. I know that I scaled a tremendous amount of lilies last fall, but haven't really checked them to see how they are doing. I should be potting them up, but we are going on vacation the last of March, so hate to give my son more work, as he takes care of my house plants while we are gone.


Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Maybe we should run two.
Last year, everyone entered a number of envelopes and mailed to different people (and got a similar number back).
This would avoid having one person doing all the mailing (which could be expensive). We simply got a list together with the number of people and the amount of envelopes each person wanted to comit (each evelope held 4-5 bulblets). You could enter as many envelopes as you wanted.

Before the trade, I had circulated a few pictures showing what a bulblet minimum should look like (in size). I then put together a matrix showing who should send to who (a bit of a puzzle, but not that bad). Then the email went out and everyone got their bulbs. Typically people were happy. Generally everyone send what they should or more.

This year, we may want to run two lists. One "no-name" list and a named variety. The named variety will then be collected and distributed so people have a chance to learn and choose their preferences. For any "hot" items we will then have to use some random draw, but I like your 1st, 2nd, 3rd priority idea. That should help balance it a bit. My idea would be to allow people to enter as many trades as they liked, both named and unnamed. However, to receive named trades, you must enter just as many named trades in return.


Alpharetta, GA(Zone 7b)

when is this swap? I love to participate

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Bump - to keep this on page 1

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

I would love to join Ken
since i trade I do have healthy lilies in the garden can you count me in>?

Englishtown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I might like to join too. When is it going to start? I would probably go for the named variety one since I don't think I have many un-named that will have bulbetts

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

i already have a few unnamed asiatics for the swap. :-)

??????????? how about the brown bulbils that are on the outside of the lilies, in the leaf axis? are those included too? i have some that are fairly large 4-5 cm. another month or so even larger, if they keep hanging onto the stem.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Ken, when are you going to run this swap? I would like to be included in both, if possible, but have mostly named varieties.

We will be leaving on vacation on Sept. 26th and will be gone for 2 1/2 to 3 weeks.

Lyndonville, VT

I have some unnamed bulbs to trade..but dont check the email here that often to email me at vtpugs@charter.net


Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

i would like to know too, only because it will take me a bit to get them out of the ground and ready to go. being disabled has its drawbacks.
thanks debia

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Hi guys.. I have been out of commission, so to speak, because of my very bad asthma this year. While I would love to carry out the swap, I can not guarantee I can do it. I had to move all my indoors seedlings out and stop gardening for most of the spring and summer. There will be no indoors seed starting next year either/. It has been a tough number of months, but hopefully my lungs will get better.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I was just thinking about you (literally!) and hoping everything was OK. Glad to see you!

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Ken, sorry to hear that you have asthma. Mine only bothers me now when it is real humid or I tour a barn where there are animals.
It was very bad when we farmed.
I hope things improve for you, healthwise.

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

I pray that you start feeling better Ken take care of your self I know how hard it is will a illness take care yours Robin

Victorville, CA(Zone 8a)

I'd love to participate too! What about those of us who didn't label what lily was where? I'd know the name once I saw the bloom:)

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Oh dear. Another year. Get better soon, Ken. Cooler weather should help, I expect.

Alpharetta, GA(Zone 7b)

Are u still trading any of those?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Ken has been feeling poorly and hasn't been visiting DG much. I think he may not be up to to coordinating a swap this year.

Ken ~ sure miss seeing you and having your expertice around. Feel better soon!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Should we ask Dave to put a sticky at top of this thread because obviously more people will read the title and ask what is happening.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

A sticky might generate more interest. Maybe a "pre-post" (if Dave can go in and put in a post before the original?)

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