Blanching brocoli

auckland, New Zealand

We have a surplus of brocoli .Is it possible to freeze it?


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

yep! Cut up the "heads" into 1-2 inch pieces, blanch about two minutes, cool quickly, dry on a tea towel, and freeze. Yummy!

auckland, New Zealand

Thanks Shoe


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Even the stem parts are good...peel the tougher areas and chunk them up. Treat the same as the heads....makes great soup fixins.

I cook broccoli in chicken broth with onion, run all of that through the blender. Then thicken with flour and milk. Makes a yummy cream of broccoli soup without all of the 'gunk' that comes in the canned stuff.
Season with butter and a touch of salt and pepper.

The stem parts make a perfect ingredient for this, they're going to get blended up anyway..

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