wheat grass

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Does anyone know where i can get wheat grass? Can it be grown in the uk?

Enkoping, Sweden

Hi,if I translate and understand right,is it for wheat grass juice?In that case its the easyest thing in the world.please tell me and I xplain


El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Hi Sue, are you talking about the wheatgrass that you put into a container for juicing ? you can buy the seeds here from the health food stores so you must be able to order them [have you checked with health food store where you are..]
If you want to sprout yourself just rinse in water [use a container for sprouting] place somewhere dark and keep rinsing the seeds until they sprout..I have used both ways as..
some of them also come in containers [growing in a planting mix] and already sprouted...have you tried it..yucky taste but very healthy of course..[have to have a good constitution to drink it]... :() ((

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Thanks both of you, yes it is for drinking (eughh! ) it was my daughters request.

She's really into juice making, and heard about this one, she's determined that by making me drink these concoctions, she'll make me better!...

I must admit Marion, that the thought of it doesn't rouse my taste buds, maybe it'd be easier to just go out and graze the grass, it desperately needs cutting anyway.LOL

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

I hear you Sue, grazing that grass [grin] bet it would taste better..to be truthful the wheatgrass tastes so bad I would rather drink cabbage water..[THAT tastes better]..it is also very healthy, but am sure the other would help you feel better..but why don't you suggest to your daughter that the cabbage water is good..it is really beneficial..[mabe could mix ? :( ] just do not know what to tell you about the other except that I barely got an ounce down me and like you said would have rather grazed on the outside grass instead ..(((..

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

ps your daughter will want to go la naturalle [smile] so cabbage juice is good [well almost]..I have to juice myself so try to stick to what I can tolerate..not carrots tho as they are high in sugar...have fun :))

Enkoping, Sweden

sue,saw the grass into pots with a little good soil and let it grow to 10 cm high into a light room cut the grass and blend with a little water or better with appeljuice then it will taste great I promise.You can also let it grow one moore time if you want


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