I've got my first learners!!!!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I've got my first learners!!!

Came back from Riverside College (where I've started on a teacher training course) after getting some books from the library there, pottered about relaxing on my computer. Finally clicked on my elearning program - and there in my inbox - exciting messages!!! Three learners!!! Okay, well, I need more than three, but it's
a start!!!!

One of them has sent in some assignments. Unfortunately she has made a mistake on one of them. So, I'm just going over in my mind the best way to deal with this and help her to learn about the basic parts of a computer. I'll probably drop her an introductory email first, to introduce myself.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

This is really exciting! You are on your way for sure now!

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Great news Northerner! I am so pleased or you. The ball definatly started to roll now ;)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you all! I'm up bright and early this morning! Something to get up for, yes? I'm bouncing around like the Easter bunny!!! Hop! Hop! Hop!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Good on you, the start of something good and exciting. Long may it last for you.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, how exciting
I'm sure you will treat them gently and they will learn great stuff from you Diane

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I hope so Philomel. I'm busy marking some assignments that one learner has sent in. She's been sending them with the speed of a torpedo!!! She's obviously very keen on doing it, very enthusiastic. Unfortunately she's made some errors. And I'm not permitted to allow errors. To pass the assignments you have to get everything right. Sounds harsh I know, but that's the way it is. But in all fairness the learners can resubmit almost indefinitely till they get them right - there's very little limits on that. And of course we can't actually give them the answers either.

So the first two assignments I've marked already I haven't been able to pass. One had an attachment not done correctly - she was sending me an image and I got the dreaded Red X. I've asked her to tell me about her Internet connection in case that has something to do with it. I've let her have that attempt as a First Draft rather than a Fail (that's commonly done in some courses, including one that I've just started) in case there's a technical problem there. In the other assignment she got two answers wrong in a multiple choice question - she got them the wrong way round. I've emailed back lots of helpful advice for that one - almost given her the answers, but not quite. Gave her a helpful website anyway to encourage her to try independent learning.

Of couse, now I'm worried in case I've discouraged her too much. And that she might drop out. So I'll probably follow up tomorrow with another helpful email with some more helpful resources. Maybe give her a phone call. The personal touch. That would be good practice.

So I feel a bit up and down at the end of my first day. I'm still trying to know this online system so I'm a bit slow as well, and not getting everything right the first time.

Oh well, it'll all come right in the wash I suppose.


Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

After all, this is new to you. By the time a week has passed, you will be an old hand at this!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, sharp learning curve on this by the sound of it.
Do your employers give you training or suggestions on how to relate to your students?

You're going to need to keep as objective as possible by the sound of it, and not get too involved.
Good luck - and don't worry too much over what you have to do. Your employers are the ones setting the rules....

Too right doris :) A little experience will go a long way

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yes, we've had a training session, one morning. And true, we don't set the rules. I don't think we get paid though until they've passed Unit One? Or was it just submitted? Anyway even if we do work, we don't always get paid for it. And we are only supposed to give 6 hours of work per student per course. This lady will likely be well over it. So I'll be out of pocket. Of course, once I know the system better I'll be faster, a lot faster.

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

hmmn !! doesn't sound like you are going to get rich at this rate..but it should be good experience for you and get your feet wet
until something better comes along and pays more...you have to earn the experience tho.. and looks a lot better on the resume..also as you have pointed out you should pick up speed so you should do much better...
wishing you well..its a good start...marion

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Marion. New tutors are only given a few students to begin with, so we can begin learning our way round the system. I should be able to have a lot more eventually so will be able to earn a lot more, hopefully.

This morning I went to a Storytelling class. It's free, run by one of the local colleges. I was considering trying my hand at storytelling eventually. If I'm any good at it maybe I'll set myself up as a freelance storyteller and get the odd bit of work. I've heard there's a demand for them, and good storytellers can get paid quite well.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Sounds a good way to go
It's great not to have all your eggs in one basket (if you'll excuse the phrase ;)

A little bit of this and a little bit of that....
It'll add up in the long run :)

8 miles from Athens, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Northerner!
How is the class going? I've been reading this thread and thinking about you. Is your learner having success?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Not really Darleen. I think she may have dropped out. Haven't heard from her in 10 days or so. She hasn't attempted to re-submit the ones that she failed.

It's up and down. Don't think it's going to pay well. Have to give it a go for a while though, to get something on my CV.

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

Hang in there northerner. good luck

8 miles from Athens, OH(Zone 6a)

Do you know if your learners are non-traditional? Adults with families, jobs, responsibilities, etc. Sometimes they run head long into life so that the learning has to take a back seat for a short while. Maybe that's all that's afoot. And what is the subject that you are teaching?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi Darleen.

My learners seem to want to learn in fits and starts. They are a mixed bunch. Some work full-time. Others not at all.

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