Wal-Mart unloaded pallet of peonies today! Wanna swap?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Wal-Mart unloaded their peonies today!

Wanna swap?

I know that different wal-mart carry different ones, depending upon the region, and demand, and so forth...

My wal-mart just unloaded(but will run out super quick!!) a pallet of bulbs which included some peonies. They had Karl Rosenfeld(red double), Festiva Maxima(white double), Sarah Barnhardt(pink double), and bowl of beauty!

I got very first pick and was so excited...I have been calling for weeks, but today, he said "yep, just pulled them off the truck, and haven't even unpacked them, yet"...I grabbed my keys!

I wanted to know if any of you would be interested in an immediate swap of peonies for peonies. I can get those listed above. Please email me if you are able to get different ones from these, and would like to swap. I am after a single white with bomb of stamens and after one that looks like bowl of beauty but lighter, like Westerner, or such...

If not, I am very happy with the ones I picked out today, anyway!
But, I thought this way you could "shop"at my Wal-Mart(or Sam's club), and I could shop at yours! lol...

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

Seed.... none have shown up at my Walmart yet, I checked tonight.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

The California ones and the Texas ones have, but I imagine that it will take longer for northern states...

Our Wal-Mart here inTexas has even beat the Home Depot, Lowes, and Sam's and Costco, although I've called those others, and they say "any day now...".

I went back and bought some more, as I figured by the time someone else was ready and able to swap, they'd certainly be gone. Plus, the ones that are left are pretty dinky...glad I was persistant in calling and thereby got first pick!

I've stuck them in my gardening fridge, and am just going to "sit on them" for a bit. These have multiple eyes, and Wal-Mart's price sure beats $20 a piece, like I've seen on online nursery sites!...

I am hoping that the other companies carry some different ones, so I'll have more variety, but really happy to find the bowl of beauty. They've never been offered here before, and I've been actively looking every year, about this time, for the past three years. I almost paid $20 a piece for them last year, but something told me to wait...

Kathy-thanks for keeping me posted!

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

I did see that my Walmart has their seeds up now, and they have Burpee. For awhile, they quit carrying Burpee Seeds and only had the Plantation Farms, or something like that... never liked them as much. So, I'm getting excited about spring coming and I will keep an eye on those peonies for sure, how many bowl of beauties did you get?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

6 for myself, and 6 to trade...
I saw that you already had those on another peony post, in which you listed the ones you already have...
Are you wanting one of the other kinds that I did not pick up, or hoping that I'll come across something else when the other companies come out with theirs, or are you wanting more of the bowl of beauty??

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

I would like another bowl of beauty, and I will keep an eye out here for what they have. I already have the sarah barnhart and festiva. The strange thing is on the bowl of beauty I have, I have only gotten 1 bloom for 2 years and it just doesn't look like the bowl of beauty I see in the pictures, but I think it might be struggling.. therefore not looking right. (if that makes sense) I moved it last fall to a different place because obviously it did NOT like its other place. I know if you plant a peony too deep it wont bloom or have few blooms, but this was not the problem. So hence, therefore and unto... I am thinking I need another one for I'm not sure if I really have one. I don't have a Karl Rosenfeld but I see those at my Walmart all the time. I have planted last fall 3 felix crousse and 3 alex flemings. I would be up to trade 1 of those if I can't find the bowl of beauty, but we would have to wait until spring. I'll keep my eye out and keep you posted, the peony bin in any store always gets a good going through by me. :)

Corte Madera, CA

Thanks for the INFO. We don't have a Wal-Mart in Marin, but will drive north to Sonoma again...perhaps this weekend.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I called around again, today. Lowes said it will be next month, the other two wal-mart superstores said they've not gotten theirs out, yet, and Home Depot said any day now.

I'll just have to keep checking...


Corte Madera, CA

I will check my local Home Depot. The ones I got (just planted last weekend) came from Costco. Three (3) bulbs(?) with 5 eyes at least each in a bag. $9.89/bag.

VERY NEW at this. When you get yours, please post a picture what a good peony bulb should look like? Thank you so much!

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

When you buy them, feel them through the bag and make sure they are hard and NOT mushy at all.
If you can wiggle the root around in the bag and look at it, it should have no black spots on it, (mold) .. then.. bigger is better. :)

Corte Madera, CA

kathy, you read my mind. i was actually able to OPEN the box without tearing it and all to check. of course i didn't know what to look for last weekend, but MOLD and MUSHY can't be good (my guess).

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

sounds like you got good ones for a great price. The ones you buy online for $20 a piece, (and up!), are generally three eye.

The ones I got at Wal-Mart are 5, some even 7, or 8 eye.
Now, the picked over ones are a different story...I sorted through every single bag, shaking all the peat to one side, so I could get a real good look at the tuber. Some of the others I didn't purchase, are kinda dinky, small and only have a couple of eyes...There was quite a bit of difference between one bag to the next, so glad I took the time to sort through them.

Just be sure that you only just barely cover them, as you are in zone 10. They will need all the cold they can get, so plant very shallow. Also mulch in the summer to protect against sun scald. (-pretty much the opposite as they do for them in the north-they plant a little deeper and mulch in winter! lol...) They are a bit heat sensitive, and need a lot of chilling hours. (kinda like some fruit trees). It has even been suggested to me that in mild winters, that I dump bags of ice over them, to help "fake a colder winter", lol...just thought you might want to know that, as you are even warmer than I am...

One more thing, in warmer zones, you want to go for the ones that are "very early", or "early". Most peonies are classified as "very early", "early", "midseason", & "late", etc. You certainly would not want to pick ones that are listed as mid-to-late varieties in your zone(or mine), as they would probably never bloom...

What varieties did you have to choose from? Interested in getting any of the varieties I can get, and swapping?
So far, I can get bowl of beauty, festiva maxima, Karl Rosenfield, and Sarah Bernhardt.
Where you able to find different ones?

Corte Madera, CA

T, I will swing by Costco again to check the other varieties I can get locally and let you know. Perhaps tonight. I know there were other kinds there, but I fell in love with "Doreen" (Sass, 1949). Magenta-rose, Japanese, slightly fragrant, midseason, 32" tall, lactiflora cultivar. The magenta-rose outer petals are set off by a massive center of golden petaloids. A distinctive flower. - - - According to the packet.

Of course I bought 2 bags without knowing anything about peonies. LOL. I'm crossing my fingers zone-wise. Although I'm listed 10a - - - right smack where I'm at is not like it at all. We have so many pockets of micro climates here in Marin. Let's see how that plays.

Kathy and Kooger have been helping me a lot, too. One article I especially like Kooger sent was from a grower in Southern California! That boosted my spirits. I'm originally from SoCal, and if they are growing peonies there, I think I can, too. (That's for the cheer!)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

That one has a real similar look to bowl of beauty! I looked it up and it is classified as mid-late.
Bowl of beauty is classified as early.

I'd be very interested in reading about growing peonies in Socal!
Can you forward it to me??

Corte Madera, CA

ah, re-reading threads, kooger talked to a peony expert who grows over 100 peonies in socal. i hope i got that one right ;-). i think i may have found the article thru google. i'll locate it.

i have a few bowls of beuty chillin' in oregon right now that will ship next month. my goodness, can't wait to go to costco! lol.

Corte Madera, CA

hello, t! (is this mic on?)

i made it to costco BEFORE closing last night. now that i have the receipt right in front of me, i have to make another CORRECTION. the price per box (3 or 4 plants) is only $8.79, and the box actually notes 2-3 eyes, though some have more.

i am attaching a picture of "felix crousse" so you can see, the size, and if it gets your approval rating. i am spanking new to this.

in each box:
2 felix crousse
2 sarah bernhardt

in another:
1 festiva maxima
2 karl rosenfield

and another:
2 madame emile debatene
2 monsieur jules elie

please let me know if you need 1 or 2 in your collection. thanks.

Thumbnail by Moonglow
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

"Is the mic on"...funny! lol...
I'll take a pic of mine and post it in a bit...

I find it unusual that they'd put two different kinds in a box...have never seen them sold this way...


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

... I knew I shouldn't have peeked in here!. Ya'll talking about plants at Wallyworld and planting them, even. That's 2-3 months away for me. I've got a good 8-9" of snow on the ground with 10-15" more coming in now. :(

Corte Madera, CA

8ftbed, glad you stopped by! it's too late to turn back now.

=) have a great weekend, everyone!

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

Still no peonies at my Walmart, or at my brother's Walmart in Kentucky. I'm still keeping my eye out for them. :)

Corte Madera, CA

kathy, i bet the PEONIES will arrive at your wal-mart soon.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Went to Lowes today and they had put out their peonies. Their prices were higher, and the selection was less.
They only had Sarah Bernhardt and Bowl of Beauty. Their BOB were no better/bigger than the ones I got from Wal-Mart, and were more expensive.
They did have double tuberose, though, and had to pick up five packages of those! lol...

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Went to Costco!!!!

They had put out their pallet of bulbs. They said they just set four out last week, and have already run out of two pallets, and have two left. They said they'd run out by the weekend!!!!!!

They have the following packaged boxes with listed peonies inside:

I Krinkled white

2 Monsieur Jules Elie
2 Madame Emile Debantene

2 June Rose
1 Imaculee

1 Raspberry sundae
2 Adolphe Rousseau

2 Karl Rosenfield
1 Festiva Maxima

3 nymphe

1 Sorbet
2 Lady Alexander Duff

3 Doreen

2 Felix Crousse
1 Sarah Bernhardt

OMGoodness! I am in a panic!
Anyone up for REALLY quick trade?? I need to go back today before they are all scooped up! They are RIGHT by the checkout, so EVERYONE can see them!


Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

Seedpicker, I'm stuck in Missouri, Lowes has theirs out here, but nothing you haven't seen yourself.
What kind of trade are you looking for?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'd be happy to just split some boxes with someone! lol...

I am most interested in:

the krinkled white, but don't want the flame
the imaculee, but not the June rose

Or, I could always pick up what you wanted and you could trade something for the effort?? What were you interested in?

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

I am interested in:

Flame/Krinkle White

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

How much are they?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)


Sorry! I am typing too fast! lol...
They are something like $8.79, $8.97, or something like that for the entire box...


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Panicking aGAINNNN!!!

I called the other costco, and they do not have any of the ones I alread listed.
They do have a couple boxes of some different ones, left, though

3 Nymphe

6 Hopewood indiana(purplish)

3 veins of truth (yellow with red veins/stripes)

Corte Madera, CA

T, you are so funny! I am ROTFL.

I'll go to Costco tonight and see what else is new. I am also ARMED with USPS Priority Boxes, ready to go. LOL.

I won't remove them from the breathable plastic with medium, Kathy. I think that's why the ones I sent you were sad and tired from the trip. (That comes with a guarantee though, K. I'll replace them if they don't make it =).

Serenity now. Insanity later!

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

I'm sure they will make it just fine Moonglow. Peonies are hardy little things, I've not killed one yet and If I haven't killed one, they have to be hardy!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm BACk! lol...
Someone else shopped them while I was at home on the computer...*sniff

The hopewood and veins ones were NOT peonies! They were daylilies...lol.(leave it to a store employee!, lol...

I got the very last box of krinkled and you get it, Kathy. I really wanted that one, too, but I want three, and there was only one box. Must be your lucky day!

I also got the last two doreens.

I also got two extra boxes that had raspberry and Adolphe...
Kathy- do you want my extra Adolphes? I only wanted the raspberries...

I also got the Lady Alexander Duff, but don't wan the sorbet(love them, but already have enough of them)

Anyone want the extras?
Kathy? Moonglow? Any takers?

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

You got mail

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

What have you got left?
I'm next!!!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

8ft bed-
I've got sorbet(several), and 3 doreen, and 4 Adolphe rousseau
are you interested in any of these?

If you want any of the others listed, I'll have to go back. They are running out, quickly!
I'll be watching a movie with hubby, now, but will check back in a few hours

Mullins, SC(Zone 8a)

seedpicker I'd love a pair of Sorbets. I don't have much to trade right now though. Can I just reimburse you now and later on in the spring I can send you a rooted rose cutting or something for your trouble. Lmkp!


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

seedpicker - I'm tortured here. Want want want but where where where??

Any chance you're near Middlecove?
My oldest DS lives on that street in Plano and my youngest DS is in Grapevine. I'm thinking I'd like 1 each of doreen, sorbet and Adolphe rousseau. Arrange for Plano DS to pick up or meet you and my youngest DS can bring one to me when she visits in May.

save postage and share with my DSs.


Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

Welcome to the Peony Addicts thread, lol. I was in a tizzy yesterday with seedpicker.

I will be peddling 2 Nymphes, 2 Doreens, 1 Adolf Rousseau, if anyone is interested. But make your selections from seedpicker first if she has them, for she is the one that went running about, getting these.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

DianaT-do you have a paypal account? Yes, you can just reimburse me, and something in the Spring would be fun.

8ftbed-Sounds good, but would your sister want to just pop into Costco, herself? That way she could see the pictures and make her own selections? The one by me does have some left, and if she goes today, she could pick some up? Meanwhile, I'll save these for you, just in case she can't or they've run out...
I don't know where Middlecove is, but I do live in Plano. If you give me a bigger landmark, or even east side, west side, I can better guess where she lives compared to me...The Costco on the west side said they may have backstock, but only re-stock at night, since they have to use large forklift loaders. They said to call back at 9:30 this morning and see if they've stocked it...so I may make a mad rush over there to try to find some more krinkled white...

The other Costco by me said they already ran through their backstock, and what I see is what I got! lol...Man! They ran through two pallets of them in just one week! That is why I am in such a hurry! AND, I've been calling them every week for a month, now. Good thing I was trying that hard, or I'd have missed them for sure!

Kathy-I'll quote you the total price, once I've gone to the post office. One question, though. Do you want it sent in their original boxes, within another box, or do you want me to try to save postage, and remove the tubers from the boxes, and pack them all together in a smaller box? It doesn't matter to me, but thought it might, to you....

Sorry to freak everyone out!
~not! lol...

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)

Seedpicker... I don't need the original boxes as long as they are labeled with what they are. Do whats best and easiest for you. And many thanks for getting these!

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