I've started a blog

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I feel very proud of myself. Yes, I've started a blog!!! I'm on the second entry now - you can see the first by clicking on the figure 9 in the little calendar. Feel welcome to have a look and leave comments.


Wavre/ greenhous +/-, IA

Verry interesting, I just visited your pages. Continue it will become a roman. Ad a little love story and everybody will come every day to read the new pages of your live!!!!
Congratulations, continue ,
Albert (Belgium)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Well, how do you know that it won't have any romance in it? Tomorrow is another day after all!!!

/act thinks to herself, hey maybe I'm the new Scarlett!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Northener, I checked out your page, loved the story, but where is your blog? In fact, forgive me for appearing stupid (only appearing?) but what is a blog?

I assumed it was a little character.

You're not the only one who has had troubles with their phone lines when broadband was installed, we took it out twice, as we couldn't hear anyone on the phone fro computer noises.

All settled now, thank goodness, thanks to some extra bits, and advice from a pro!!...LOL

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Sue. I'm glad you enjoyed the story - that was the blog! "Blog" is short for weblog - it's an online journal or diary. Just what I need in fact to write up the accounts of my jaunts. I should be able to add images to it too, though I haven't tried that yet.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Wonderful Northerner :)
What a great place to post your stories and adventures.
A great read!

Congrats on the new puter and connection. Hope you sort out the phone problem very quickly

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

forgive me for appearing stupid too [so glad sue said that]..I am a real dunce at 'puter talk..can't understand half of what people talk about on these forums.. :))
[what that about teaching an old dog new tricks]..does it work ?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yes, it definitely works!!! I have three entries in it now.

Oh what a stormy day we have here. Heavy rain and high winds. I wish I hadn't got out of bed. Bed's the place to be on a day lke this.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

LOL - blue sky and sunshine here ;P
A touch of frost, as the saying goes.

Marion, click on the link on the first post at the top of this thread and you'll go to the blog - which is a space oin the web that's easy for an individual to add to, so is used as a sort of journal or whatever the mood takes them to put in.....
It's a very popular way of letting people know what you're up to and what you're thinking

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Eh! We'll be computer literate soon ,eh us old dogs...LOL

Philomel, send us some of your weather please.

is it the same sort of thing as a webpage? my son keeps trying to explain it to me, but I can't even understand the words he uses, let alone what they mean....

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yes, it is Sue. But a specialised sort of one. Blogs are used for online diaries and journal. They are used by people to keep a record of their thoughts. Some of them are very interesting and entertaining, particularly if the writer has a gift for humour. Of course, many are just plain boring!

It's basically a website with good facilities to keep adding to it on a regular basis. There's quite a number of free ones. Subscriptions are used to pay for extra functions.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Would if I could sue ;)

Thanks for the better explanation than I could muster Diane
(but then you are a pro now!!!!) :oD

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks Hilary, like Sue [from one old dog to another} I have one blank look on my face, but if I repeat it enough and try very very hard to concenTrate it may come to me..I will just give myself time...and try a little harder, clear the old brain.. and check out the blog... :)))

PS WOULD YOU BELIEVE OUR S U N IS SHINING..WELL FOR A FEW DAYS.. what a welcome relief..have no idea what next week will bring..saw the awful flooding in Scotland this moring and know Cumbria got hammered !!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Sun shing out there this morning, well for now anyway, just listening to forecast, apparently it's coming in wet soon. Think I'll go for a wander round the estate before .

This awful weather I think will become the norm for us, not quite how I envisaged global warming.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

We have F-o-g! Can't see very far this morning, so you wouldn't want me to send this sue ;o)

But have been hearing of the terrible weather in Scotland
I have a friend on the Black Isle just north of Inverness and she's been telling of landslips and roads and communications cut :(

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Oh good for you Northerner!! very interesting. I have to admit to being stupid though here too. I have been in the web now for almost 3 years and have never heard of a blog before. Like Peter said you learn something new everyday lol! I am really pleased that you are finally managing to get your writing down on paper. Do you have the facility to upload photos too? Great news about your new puter too. Its good to chat to you. My outer is still not fixed. It seems to have a hardware problem and needs to be mended. But still all my files are safe so I am not too concerned. Do keep on writing. I am hoping to add more birding tales to my website this year if I can get out and about as I love that kind of writing as I know that u do too. I look forward to reading more :)

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Hey Guys!!!

I've been blogging since way before there was such a thing, but I call it my Journal. We retired moved to the country to build a house and raise English Bulldogs, something that has to be a labor of love. I take in stray dogs, cats and a human every now and then.


Have a wonderful day!!!


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello psilo! Yes, I should be able to upload photos. I have a new puter so I'm still learning my way round it and installing software. One bit at a time, that's the way I think.

Hello Judy!!! Great to meet you!!!! Good journal!!!!!!

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Talking about learning something new every day..how is this for learning..
Several months ago our youngest son came down to show me how to use our new lap top [ I still use the webtv which only we here in the USA understand]..anyhooo, I had just been thru oral surgery, was in much pain, and not really at all interested in learning about this lap top, the screen was very bright and was hurting my eyes, well, how was I to know that I was not supposed to shove the screen back with my fingers [ by this time son is shaking his head..head in his hands no less]..I just wanted to go to bed....:((((

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell Marion. I hope you feel a lot better soon. Computing changes very rapidly.

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks Diane, but changing too much too quickly for me ..I am not even on the first step of the ladder..hopefully one of these days I will get caught up, maybe as I am able to learn more things...get so darned frustrated with it [them] as I do not have much patience right now, and I hate it when it won't work [or is it me that doesn't work ?]
well, I will try harder one of these days..
[I am told I will enjoy more when I finally use the lap top as webtv is so limited but comfortable]....

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Change isn't necessarily a good thing. You may be able to see blogs on a webtv - but I'm not certain whether you would be able to create them.

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