Hybrid Tall Bearded Seedlings - Part 3

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

This is a continued version of the original "Hybrid Tall Bearded Iris Seedling" and "Hybrid Tall Bearded Seedlings - Part 2". So, those of you who wish to see the other previous hybrid seedling photos and conversations click these links:
Original one: http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/460152/
Part 2: http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/476834/

This seedling is still another sibling in the same cross as many shown in Part 2. It is a (Sapphire Hills x Pencil Sketch) x "Fights of Fancy" cross. I was taken by all the deep, rich colors going on with it, as well as the pastel creamy-yellow standards. It too bloomed for the first time this year. I'm anxious to see how it'll ultimately perform.

Seedling #02-10-C

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

This seedling is still another sibling in the same cross -(Sapphire Hills x Pencil Sketch) x "Fights of Fancy" cross. The brown and purple spots around the beard is kind of unique, with a very light lavender/blue rim on the falls. I'm amazed at all of the different "kids" that resulted from this same cross. But considering it was a "wide cross" - I'm told it can be expected.

Seedling # 02-22-U

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Here is another from the same cross as above.

SHFOF 02-23-L

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

langbr, Boojum, and Dan, I left you all a message back in Part 2. I hope you got to read it. (That's the downside about continuing with a new thread...................... you lose part of the original momentum. The good side is one doesn't have to scroll so far down to read or post a photo. I like that part!! (big grin)

Tazzy, Dan, and Inashade (or anyone else who may have some seedling pics) I'd love to see what other seedlings you all may have. We all have such diffferent ones, with so many different characteristics that is special to each individual seedling. It's exciting and inspiring to see :-) It'll be great to see what Jody's 20 foot seedling will look like someday, too. LOL. Just kidding Jody.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Ditto on your kind fantasy prophecy!

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't know very much about this, but the pictures are beautiful and I am having fun trying to follow along... lol...

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

o2 -10 - is beautiful no i have trashed most
may have some that are gones pic i will look .

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Margie - #02-10-C I really like those vibrant colors too. The contrast provided with the rich falls against the fair standards are always so attractive to me. And if you *EVER* need someone to trial #SHFOF 02-2-1 for you just holler. I'd take very good care of that darling. *big grin*

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Now I see why I want to grow iris seeds.lol.Jody

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Oh my gosh, you people are so talented! and to patiently wait for 2 yrs. or more to see a bloom.
At my age, I want it all NOW!!

Love all the variations of your seedlings, Margie and Dan.

I have a grow light set up now in the furnace room and am starting some lily seeds and put my resently rooted Xmas cactus's under it also. DH put a plant timer on it, so I won't have to run up and down the stairs for the light.

Please excuse my spelling today. Fibro fog is bad causing my fingers to run ahead of my pea sized brain.


Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thank you for all of your comments. They are so appreciated. Feedback is so important.

langbr, concerning #SHFOF 02-2-1..............I'll keep that in mind. :-)

Maxine, it sounds like you have a good thing going/a good plan!!! What kind of lily seeds are they?

Here is photo of a seedling that has a muddy mauve color to it. I don't like it that much, but does it ever grow and increase well!!! I remember Tazzy saying too................ sometimes the ones that aren't worthy of introdution are the ones with some of the best branching, growth, form, etc.

This is Vanity x (Chief Redskin or Chief Hemitite) # 2000-16 (Nice lookings siblings of this one are actually shown on this link where we discussed "How to Hybridize Iris". http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/476039/

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Here is a photo of one that "bit the dust". :-( It bloomed one year and died. I(t bloomed itself out; never had any increase.)

The cross was "Good Show" x Night Magic. No seedling number.

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Margie love that seedling ,
A much needed color and looks great
on form and substance .

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Tazzy, did you say maybe you have some pictures of seedlings that are now gone too?

Here is another seedling that "bit the dust." It was related to the (Sapphire Hills x Pencil Sketch ) x "Fights of Fancy" cross. I thought the greenish-yellow shoulders was a bit unusual.


Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Tazzy, which seedling color are you referring to? The muddy mauve (Vanity x (Chief Redskin or Chief Hemitite) # 2000-16 ), or the one under it - - the bright rosey colored one with red around the beard?

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

rosy one looks like bright pink raspberry

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Margie, the one #2000-16 is gorgeous. If you don't want it, I would be more than happy to receive it.

Didn't realize that you can get so many color variations.

I am starting Formosan lily's. I had a bunch, but then lost them a couple of yrs. ago when we had an open winter and frost went down 7'.
They are zoned for zone 5, but like to push zones. Never know what will grow unless you try.


Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yes Maxine.................. some crosses can produce such a variety; while other crosses.......may produce seedlings that look more similar. I'll remember your offer too, concerning #2000-16.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Margie, the #2-10-C is another gorgeous one. Do you have any favorites of the seedlings or hybrid iris that you have?

Can you tell that I am getting winter weary? They tell us too get ready for winter mid week. Temps. way below zero.
I knew it was too good to be true. Mother Nature always throws one a zinger every now and then!


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Beautiful!!!! Just beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! I look at your pics and look at my Iris and wish Spring woiuld hurry up and come. Can't take much more of this drooling everyday hehehehe. LOL Keep em coming a real bright spot on such a dreary day. Thanks for sharing!

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Maxine, it is so hard to have favorite seedlings................because in a sense they are all your babies. And one sees good traits (and bad) in all of them. Now, occasionally one will get seedlings that are referred to as "dogs" (really bad looking/bad growing irises, or even "so-so" looking/growing ones. Those are easy to throw out.) It's definitely a lot harder to pick a favorite. Stay warm in this winter weather of yours!!!

Starlight - - thank you for your comments. I think we are all hoping for Spring right now. (smiles)

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

This seedling resulted from a cross using World Premier x Estatic Echo. It too is so vigourous I had to remove part of the clump, so it wouldn't overtake it's siblings, before I had a chance to see them bloom.

seedling #WP-03

This message was edited Jan 10, 2005 9:15 PM

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

This is it's sibling (from the same cross). It has a luminous glow about it. And a slight tint of green to it as well. I'm not sure, but I believe it may be what is referred to as a "glaciata". I like the form and the nice ruffling it has. Very nice branching too.

seedling #WP-17

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Margie... just getting back to the conversation from the second thread regarding seedling SHFOF 02-05-03. I Love it, hope it turns out to be a keeper... it sure looks like it will.

As far as iris with the purple flush on the standards three come to mind... Kevins Theme, Kerr 93. and two really nice ones from up and coming hybridizer Vincent Christopherson... Shine on Thru 2001, and Let's Be Friends 2002. You're in good company with your beautiful seedling. I believe photos of these three are in the plant files... Here's Let's be Friends.

And thanks for your interest in my seedling 03-24e, Conjuration X Liaison. It looks to be a good grower. My irises are beginning to show some strong fan growth now, and this one is coming along quite well. We'll see how the second year bloom turns out in about three months... Dan

Thumbnail by zacattack
Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Me thinks you are going to end up with your name in the Iris and Registration book real soon . you are certainly going in the right direction t become a great hybridizer .

Yazoo City, MS(Zone 7b)

Margie, I just love that one that you don't care too much about....Vanity x (Chief Redskin or Chief Hemitite) # 2000-16. Any you want to trial down south, just let me know!

Dan, I went all drooly over your seedling 03-24e, Conjuration X Liaison!

I am just a newbie at growing iris, altho I have admired them for years. I have some mixed in with my daylilies, but they stand out on their own.....the daylilies can't hide them! And I noted that on #13 in thread 2 that it appears there can be hooks, knobs and curls on the edges of iris, like there are on daylilies. Or is this just my imagination? Hey I'm dreaming of an iris that looks like the daylily John Peat. Think it's possible? lol


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Margie, no. WP-17 almost glows thru the picture. Looks like a rain had just washed the blossoms.
How much acreage do you have and what type of soil? You must have hundreds of iris plants?

Dan, what a lovely combination of colors. Words cannot describe the beauty of this iris.
Let me know when it is raised commercially and I will stand in line to purchase said iris.

What a nice start to a cold day. Lovely pictures to drool over and then too think spring!!


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Sorry... but it looks as though my last entry wasn't very clear. The iris in the photo is Let's Be Friends... a 2002 introduction by Vincent Christopherson. It was introduced through Argyle Acres www.argyleacres.com Vincent is doing some great work... you may want to check out his other intros as well.

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yvonne, I'll keep your request in mind. You know - - I wouldn't be surprised if someday there WILL be some varieties of irises that look like daylilies. Just as daylilies have different forms, like spider, doubled, etc........... I believe we'll see that one day in Tall bearded and Intermediate Bearded irises too.

Maxine, WP-17 looks just like that - - (there was no rain when I took the photo). In fact, sometimes I take "rain" photos because we have so little of it; I take photos to remember rain it looks like. LOL Depending on how the sun hits it - - it can have an even softer lighter glo to it.

I do have a lot of irises Maxine. I'm guessing about 800 named varieties, and a couple hundred seedlings (Many of those have not yet bloomed for the first time). I grow my irises in a couple of places/ areas. I rent garden space from the Community Gardens of Tucson - 3 plots actually, then I have some room in our small backyard, and others I grow on the hill property we own behind our house. (The rocky hill is horrible to work with!!! One goes to dig a hole and it's nothing but rocks, rocks, and more rocks. We have to purchase soil to fill in the hole, because there was next to no soil to begin with.)


Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Here is seedling - This is Vanity x (Chief Redskin or Chief Hemitite) cross, that is really bright in color! Sort of a raspberry color. It tends to fade, so it's probably not a good one to introduce to the public. I'll be keeping it though just because I really like the bright color.

# 2000-24

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

This is a (Saphhire Hills x Pencil Sketch) x Chinese Empress seedling. The substance on this one is like hard plastic.............one flower last for 3-4 days. It stands up to most anything. This is/was first year bloom on this one.


Thumbnail by Margiempv
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Oh, gosh that last one is beautiful, Margie! Right before I moved to Tucson (2 year grad degree at U of A), I found out that folks gre irises in Southern AZ. I was amazed. While I was at school I practically lived at the Botanical Gardens and saw the iris in bloom. I still marvel that they can grow in your soil especially 1,000+!!! I'm so impressed!

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Boojum, Botanical Gardens still have that section of irises.

The Tucson Area Iris Society will be holding the Region 15 Iris Trek here in April. There will be 5-6 iris gardens on tour. One of the stops will be at the Botanical Gardens.


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Well, if I still lived there, I would be a member!! Where else are they going?

My friend who organizes the show of bearded, species, and siberian iris, as well as a show for japanese iris locally asked me to be on the tour for the japanese iris judges when they are in the area! I am very honored.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

great you are on tour '
use to have them here in bloom season but cant keep yard nice
as i want it
so i quit i still get a lot of Im coming any how folks !
Its fun had a guest book and refreshments ,such fun !
to sick and old now .

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

I am trying to learn and absorb all this.... it has been informative and fun.. very nice pictures, ladies, I have enjoyed them immensely.

boojum, so nice to see you posting again. I missed you. Were you gone for awhile? Are you ok?

Tazzy, You will feel better when the sun shines on you in spring... hang in there...

sorry to interrupt... ahem... just wanted to say hi ...


Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

Hi guys, guess i went for plant hunt yesterday.

Thumbnail by John_Benoot
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Oh boy, oh boy! I want to BUY! Must be the right day to buy those cacti from AZ. After I balance my checkbook.

Starr, been here all the time. Not sick, but thanks for thinking of me.

Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

Mary,I think Wanda will be interest i bought some historics and i got names:Susan Bliss; Party Dress; Ola Kala; Circle Step; Iris Tectorum; Iris Japonica(wild form)
The iris at the pic is: Iris unguicularis 'Walter Butt'( a winter bloomer)

Thumbnail by John_Benoot
Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

Here a closer look, forgot pic!

This message was edited Jan 15, 2005 1:29 PM

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