black walnut question

Cookeville, TN(Zone 7a)

do any of you eat the nuts? if so when are they ripe and are these like the one at the stores? any info would be great

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes: If you do not have squirrels they will fall from the tree when ripe. The outer husk is quite messy and will stain just about anything. Use to pile them in the driveway and drive the car over to remove the husks. Inner shells are hard,have to be cracked with a hammer, a vise or a special nut cracker. You can start shelling when the outer husks have completely lost thier green color. Like all nut trees there are several cultivars. The wild ones have harder shells than the improved cultivars.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

yes mam, and they are very tastee. think i preferr black walnuts over the rest. we normally pick up just enough for the wife to appease ourselves and the grandkids. like farmerdill expressed, ya have to have a way to remove the shells, then crack them and remove the meatie inside. ideal way to teach young people patience, for you caint get in a hurry doing that. do the same way with hickory nuts. guess most folks would just rather buy them in the store which i think are English Walnuts

Dexter, NY(Zone 5a)

I have about half a dozen large walnut trees. Last fall I filled a box with the nuts intending to save them from the squirrels. Went out for the day, and when I came home the little buggers had stolen every one of them right out of the box. Might just leave them to the squirrels; they seem to think the nuts belong to them. They seem like a great deal of work to get into, but the trees are beautiful.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Puleau, you can by both English and black walnuts in the store. They are labeled black walnuts if that is what they are. The meats are a darker color than the english walnuts.

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I never liked the taste of Black walnuts, and the mess is awfull, I prefer the English walnuts

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