On Line Nurseries.. Know of any good ones?

Big Bear City, CA

I have been going on line looking for rare seeds... and plants.. I found a tube of Rehmannia elata at Forest Farms but it cost me $17.00. I am new to the Garden and am looking for cheaper alternatives. So if you could post your favorites and comments I would really appreciate it.

Also, I saw in the newsletter that there were new vendors added to our site. How do I look them up?

Thanks so much!


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

The Dave's Garden member stores can be found under the 'extra's tab on your home page. You can also find information about the vendors under 'Garden Watchdog' tab AND you can find vendors that offer plants you are looking for under the 'PlantScout' tab. . .

Good luck!


Big Bear City, CA

Thanks Onalee... that was a gig help!!

Can you tell me how to save your respone in my email?


You could save the page as one of your 'favourites' or cut and paste the information you want, or the link and mail it to yourself.

Big Bear City, CA

I'm sorry to be a pest but how do you do that?

To cut and paste, highlight your text, right click - copy, go to your mail and select yourself, in the email body - right click-paste. Send yourself the mail. As for favorites, depending on what programming you use, it's a menu selection at the top for me.

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