My Silk Road

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

isn't nearly as flamboyant this time of year, but the old flower stalk does have some icy beauty despite its nakedness!

Thumbnail by llilyfan
Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

That road doesn't look very silky! Looks like your ice is thicker than ours. Lucky you! lol I think you're gonna get more snow too, if the weather forecasts are right. We're hearing 3-5" and more south and east.

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

Laura, unfortunately we are supposed to get about a quarter inch more ice before the 6 inches of snow.

Think I better slide to the grocery store and post office and bank before it gets started in earnest! It really is quite beautiful, too bad it is so damaging.

Thumbnail by llilyfan
Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

RIGHT!! It's really coming down here now. Barney had to go out....

Thumbnail by kooger
Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

We've got about 1/2" of ice covering everything today. Sleeting now and they say that will continue until
~3pm when it turns to snow. They said to expect 1/4" ice per hour and then ~1 inch of snow per hour until about 7pm. Yuck!

Thumbnail by langbr
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Just heard we have Winter Storm Warning for another 36 hours. Oh goodie....

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Its here sleet all night with rain it just dropped to 30 and there closing schools and the crashes starts . Sorry Starr headed your way i tried to sent it back to Canada but it has a mind of own i hate ice worse than snow . I want spring ??

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Our storm warning was cancelled at noon. It's still snowing, but lightly. Total maybe 6-8" of really fluffy stuff. Looks pretty out. School cancelled at noon. Our district is the largest school district (amount of square miles, not students) so they really have to watch the country roads.

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

No problem , Tazzy, Thanks for trying! We got sleet in the night and then a small amount of ice and it seems to be stopping. I think I may get lucky again. wunderground says it may get to 40 tomorrow!! Oh Happy Day!

I am sorry for those of you who got all the ice. Ice is bad. Snow is not bad til it tries to melt and then refreezes. That is the part I dislike.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

we luck out , temps dropped so fast ,streets here froze dry and little ice in side of roads and on roofs but ground was still warm enough it did not turn into ice rink .It was 10 this morning with chill of 0 not to hot yet . Star send me some of your 40 weather .PLEASE

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

4° this morning when I looked about 7:30. Up to a whopping 13° right now. Come on, 50's on Monday! Kids home again today and it was suppose to be their return to school day.

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

I am trying, Tazzy, but it's like trying to swim upstream... The weather just won't go that way... LOL...

We have sunshine, but it is still cold ... I am not out in it today, my neighbors are coming to help me right now, til I get a bit better.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

It is almost 4 PM and our high is 22 , wheres my swim suit ?

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Hang on, it will be better tomorrow. No swimming today, you'll catch a cold. Don't make me come down there... ;)

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh fudge !
I Do not like winter No Way No HOW

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Ugh! 8 inches of snow on top of ice, -3 this morning and a balmy high of 9 degrees.
(shudders with the chilliness of it all.)

But, the sun was out all day and the snow was glittery. Very pretty.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

I prefer pic to real thing ! BRR

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

We're at 35 right now but it was 22 this morning. Supposed to be back up in the 70s at the beginning of next week.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

I think we may get a little above
freezing tomorrow . YIPPEE

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

We might get as high as 22 tomorrow. Hi, ho, diggity...

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Hey, we're due for a thaw too.....all the way up to 32° they say! The ice melt might start working!

Went out to replenish the bird feeder on the patio table and when I went to pick it up the whole table came with it! Guess the birdies will be waiting a day for a refill --- too cold to be out messing with trying to pry the lid off. The hanging feeders are still half full ---- and the buffet has been busy today. This guy is a regular. I use to get mad at him, but now I figure he's a regular customer so I feed him too. He loves this suet feeder!

Thumbnail by langbr
Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

And this little lady was puffed up all full of air between her feathers to keep herself warm. Didn't see her honey all day today though.....he musta been too cold to come out. Doves didn't stop by either.

Thumbnail by langbr
Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

I like your pics... they are good. the little squirrely stealing some food... lol... the picture turned out good, mine won't take thru the screen.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Love that pic! Is that Mrs. Cardinal?

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Yep, Moby! She was out and about most of today - at least while the sun was out. Clouded over in the afternoon and started with VERY light flurries. Mr. Cardinal was nowhere to be seen. Odd too, because she's the skittish one and I hardly EVER get her portrait. He's a ham - all bright and cocky in his fiery plummage.

Starr - it's a crap shoot on mine. Half are blurry because of the screen but this one turned out okay if you don't mind the screen material in the photo. This was a bit later and not so good......

Thumbnail by langbr
Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

They are still great, screen at all, I can see through it! What fun, taking their pics and watching them. I haven't gotten my feeders out yet, but plan to this week end. I like to watch them, too.

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Some days in the late mornings as they are all fighting over who gets to the feeding ports I can sit for an hour and just watch them pecking at one another, timid ones cutting in while the dominant ones are squabbling, seeing who comes to visit. In an one hour's time I might have 6 different species visit (not counting my teenager squirrel).

The European Starlings and the doves are probably my favorites because they are so animated in their movements.

Remarkably I saw a robin all ruffled up and cold today out there, but he took off before I could photo him. He is sure one confused bird! Shouldn't he be down in Texas or Mexico somewhere right now?

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Yes, I think so, poor thing. He must have been having so much fun, he didn't see the others go...

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a) must be right. That's ok....if he sticks around, Momma Brenda will feed him well. lol

I'm logging off for the evening. So cold in here. Gotta go snuggle in bed. DH is outta town until Monday night and that means I'll need to throw on a couple more blankets as long as we're this cold. He might snore, but he's a good foot warmer! LOL

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Have a splendid evening! Night to all ....

I will be around for a bit if there is anyone still on... :)

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

i miss having my feeders up but really can not get out in cold to fill them any more .Got to slow down and not get in hospital this year last year was enough for both of us .

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Yes! No more hospital, Tazzy. Hope you are feeling better tonight...

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

I am warm because you reminded me to hook up heater in here . wonder how long it would have took me to think it out by myself ? DUR -- moments are getting more frequent lately ?
Sinus headache is all I have ,I can live with that it a yearly thing ,heat ,cold heat dry air mess-with my sinus .i did remember on my own to hook up Humidifier . So I have some cell of Grey still functioning !

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

It is just the weather getting you down... Once you see some green and blue again,,, you will feel better... glad you a bit warmer now, anyway... ditto on the sinus headache...

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Our warm spell yesterday did not happen high 20 sleeted flurries all day no sun . we have sun today but still not nice it 33 and SUNNY !
I will take it over yesterday.

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

25° and gloomy here in KC.

Refilled one of the bird feeders and have finally unstuck the one that was froze to the patio table. Beat all the ice off of it and tumped it upside down in the snow/ice on the deck (so good seed "blocks" for them to fight over). Have it sitting inside to dry now that the ice is all out of it. Will refill it later today and set out first thing tomorrow for a Sunday brunch for my feathered friends.

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Your a good lady to go out in cold
for our feathered friends .

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

They are my entertainment for the last few days.

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