Tree Seedling advice please

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)


I have 3 maple seedlings I dug up this summer growing in pots in a terrarium. They grow extremely slow, in fact they only grow when I put fertilizer on them, and then the growth seems "leggy." I put them in the terrarium for humidity.

I got a bonus seedling when an acorn I left on the soil of one of the pots sprouted :)

They are now in the terrarium under a home depot grow light. I also have a wormsway fluorescent grow light, not compact or high output, that I grow bougainvilleas under.

Should I move my seedlings from the terrarium to the fluorescent light? It will be waaay less humid out of the terrarium.



Hanover Twp., PA(Zone 6a)

I grow bonsai because I have the smallest yard and I am in love with trees. All trees that grow out doors naturally in your area should live outside all year long. My bonsai live under a layer of pine needles all winter and I remove the needles the first day of spring. If your trees are getting leggy they need more of the correct light. I know it is scary to leave trees outside when they are so tiny, but that is what they do in Japan. There is a great pernament outdoor display in Washington DC at the National Arboretum. Here are some of the bonsai picture.

Thumbnail by mgarr
St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Hi mgarr,

I love trees also :)

I tried to dig up as many wild seedlings as I could from our yard this summer to save them but these 3 are the only ones that survived unfortunately. I know that maples need a dormancy period, but I thought I'd get some growth for one winter and let them go dormant next year.

I've moved them under a fluorescent light so hopefully they will get the correct amount now.

BTW, do you bury your bonsai pots in the ground before you cover with the pine needles?

And that is a very gorgeous maple pic!



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