Help! Need to dig up Bird of Paradise!!

Plano, TX

Can anyone help me!! I need to pull up a three year-old BOP and I don't want to kill it, but give it do I do this and is it okay to do it at this time of year...I noticed a couple of years ago, we tried to move it and it was indeed very embedded in the ground and I was scared to pull it up for fear of destroying all the winter okay to do this...especially since Texas weather has been pretty decent lately...???

Anyone out there able to advise???

Rose in Texas that's PLANO, Texas...suburb north of Dallas!!


Lakeland, FL

well, we moved one and ended up using a chain around the bumper of the truck, didn't hurt it at all. of course we dug around it first. then we devided it into 3 clumps using a huge knife. replanted and i got blooms the first season. they are tuberous? so ya gotta devide. marilynne

Plano, TX

Wow Great Marilynne!!

I was worried I would destroy it, so I'm confident old was yours?

Mine is only three years old and I've never been able to get it to grow tall at all where it's currently planted, that's why I am trading it off...


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