Need your recommendations for an expert

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Who would be your top pick for another vegetable expert to join our forums? Or, who would you most like to be able to ask your toughest veggie garden questions?

The criteria is:

1) Please nominate just one name per particular genera - tomato, legumes, gourds/squash, peppers, etc.), along with any contact info you can locate;
2) It should be someone who is not currently a member here;
3) This person should be a familiar name in vegetable garden circles (hybridizer, grower, or seed collector, writer, etc.)
4) Since this person would be a regular participant in our forums, their availability/willingness to participate and their personality (no overblown egos, please!) should also be taken into consideration.

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Boy, that is a tough one! One that comes to mind would be Bill Best of Berea, KY. Bill is a collector of heirloom beans and raises and saves many of the old varieties on his own farm, I think he would be an excellent choice for the lugume category if he should be interested.

Bill's website:

Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

Amy Goldman comes to mind immediatley for gourds/ squash.
Her website:

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

oceangirl, I was thinking the same thing. Thanks for the link and suggestion!

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