Happy New year !

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2005 !

I did no postings because I've been seriously ill for a while and have been hospitalized, soooo...I have to read through your postings to catch up what you're talking about.. I've missed you all !


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

We've missed you saya!! I was wondering where you were.
So sorry to hear you've been unwell and do hope you are now recovered

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas and the very best New Year to you :)

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

thanks..saya...and the same to you...Missed you so much....Hope your New year..will be blessed with good health...and all the best of the best....hugs...smiles...Diana....

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Thanks my friends, I've had a very bad lungsinfection and they could'nt find the wright antibiotics ..I did'nt respond at the usual cure..my heart- and kidneys were'nt in a good condition also soooo ... I'm glad that I'm feeling better now..I've also finally contacted my second eldest sister..she was travelling 10 weeks through Asia visiting mostly Indonesia...she's safe and on Bali now ! She visited Shri Lanka, Thailand..got a (Christmas)card from Maldiven, but by that time she was already on her way to Java...so I was very worried about her....I hope I can visit her next february ..she lives in Germany.
I count my blessings but thinking of the tragedy in Asia I 'm so sad..

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, it is a terrible catastrophe. I'm so glad to hear that your sister is safe. The whole world is sad I think

It sounds as if you have been through a very tough time yourself. I hope you are now fully mended. Look after yourself

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Sorry to hera you've been so poorly Saya, hope you're well on the way to recovery now.

Have a very happy and healthy New Year.

Blenheim, New Zealand

Saya good to see you, sorry you have been ill .
your seeds are doing well , but do need to be potted on , like all the seed I have going, I don't know why but lately , I have been all over the place.
But I do know that things will be alright
happy new year to you and your son and your little gorgeous puppy

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

Saya, so good to see you back!!!! I sincerely hope you are fully recovered by now.

Big hug,


Wavre/ greenhous +/-, IA

Hello all of you,
Here Belgium and I wish you all a healty and happy 2005.
I hope, me as male, I will be accepted by the womens club on this site.
I am a cactus lover, I have a collection (in greenhouse) of about 2.500 pieces. Twice a year I am on the Canary Islands doing field research on endemic succulents. I obtained an official licence about 15 years ago from the Tenerife Cabildo (Medio Ambiente) and sinds then we are april, may and october on Tenerife and La Gomera. I have nearly the complete succulent flore of Tenerife in my greenhouse and in the last years I could discover 7 new species. If someone of the group is interested about Tenerife and his endemic flore, I am ready to comunicate together.
Best greetings to all from a prickly Belgian.

Thumbnail by albleroy
El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Hello Albert and welcome..you will be SO very welcome here ..have you checked out the succulent forum, cannot wait to see what you have, there are some wonderful succulent gardens here and in Mexico..your input will be greatly valued....[ I will be working on more in my garden this year..I have been so inspired]..bring on those photos...

Saya, we have not met, but so very sorry to hear about your illness, hope your progress now is good and getting better and better..

I too am recovering [sort of] from 5 years of chronic illness, so appreciate what you have been going thru..

I did post also on another thread as over Christmas my brother [who was travelling in Indonesia had not been heard from and no contact [except that we knew they were spending Christmas in Bali] so it was with great relief, after some very frantic phone calls, that he called me from Australia as soon as they got home...big sighs all round and very very thankful as you were..keeping those dear people over there in our thoughts and prayers..

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

ps and wishing you a very HAPPY HEALTHY NEW YEAR.. and to all

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Happy New Year everyone!!!!

I treated myself to a new computer over the holidays, and I've got a Broadband connection too!!!! Whee!!!!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Welcome albleroy. You're going to love this sight - as peterson says, you'll find so much in the succulent forum.

I bet that broadband connection is utter pleasure Diane :)
Have you got your first students yet?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Not yet, Philomel. The admin work for it is done by the college on a Tuesday normally, so fingers crossed for tomorrow!!!

Actually the connection this morning was quite slow and wobbly. Perhaps the Internet is clogged solid on a Monday morning?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Oh dear, I haven't ever had broadband, I thought it was always fast and sure
We're hoping we may get it here some time - a local business man wants it and a survey is being done to see if enough locals would like it to make it a goer....

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm finding my connection a bit unpredictable. There ARE faster services though, so ask around first.

Wavre/ greenhous +/-, IA

Dear all,
here-after you will have some www adresses where you can find pics of me. It is not only the Canarian flora you will see but also a large part of the Mexican and Brasilian. The collection is seen on broad band!!! ans so the succulents of all continents are represented.
Here they come :


http://www.flore-succulente.com (in french language!!)

Don't forget to give your comments!!!! Thanks in before.

Enjoy your visits,

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi friends,
Well I've had a little dip in health again. Thanks for the good wishes and responds. Great to meet you Albert..a warm welcome in DG from me too.
Are you from the Dutch or French speaking part of Belgium ?
Peterson, nice to meet you too.
Northerer....You've done so well getting a job...you've earned that new computer a hundred times allready...


Wavre/ greenhous +/-, IA

Beste Saya,
I am living in the French talking part of Belgium, my company lady is frenchtalking but I am from origine of the Flamish part, so Dutch is my motherlanguage (like you) . For me languages doesn't give problem. During my carrier I was living in Australia (Brisbane), in Brazil (Belem), in Tierra del Fuego (Ushuaia), Russia (St Petersburg), Poland (Gdsansk) etc. My ex wife was from Tussian/Polish origin, I am from French/Flemish origine. So you can see what a meltingpot it is by me at home. My oldest sun was born in Australia and is living in Saoudi Arabia (dahran) my youngest one was born in Brasil and is living by his godfather in Brasil (Santos). What a mix!!!! Sinds I am retired we are living part of the year (3 months) on the Canary Islands where I do (volonteer) field research for account of the local Government.
Can you still follow?? For that reason also I am organising, every year april and may, botanical voyages to Tenerife (CHEAP!!! as no travel agents in this business!!)
That's my history. If some-one should be interested in joining on Tenerife let me know with the nearest int. airport and I will give an approximative price.
Albert / Belgium (snow for the moment - 20cm!!!! cold!!!)

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