new to gardening a year newbie needs help with Propagation

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

I have tried a whole alot of seeds different ways yet i did try water and proxide.I must have not put enought water and proxide they look different but not any new growth.
Is there other ways to propagate seeds.I need any ideas to help me.
i also tried roses and hardwood with rootming hormone with jar in baggie,some reason I can't get it to work .I need help from my fellow garders.................. :0)

New Hyde Park, NY(Zone 7a)

Have you tried winter sowing? I am trying it for the first time this year. Try this link

Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Yes i have tried that :0)Robin

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

what kind of seeds are you trying??

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Maineroses--am wondering if the Winter Sowing worked when you tried it?

and what is proxide for? haven't heard of that.

I would like to start some seeds, too, and will try wintersowing....maybe I will try the proxide too. I will watch this thread for more info.

thanks for posting. t.

Big Bear City, CA

Peroxide will take the outer layer of anything it touches off. Thus why we use it on our skin, to remove the dead tissue and provide a clean surface. It actually disolves any outer layer without hurting the innner layer of anything organic that it touches. It must however be Hydrogen Peroxide. Not the kind you color your hair with LOL. May end up with some funny colors ya try that!

I am however a young sprout myselft so I will leave this to the real flowers to tell you strengths... like I always say, give me a problem ... and I will find a solution.. however, it may not be the right one.. but I love to LAM (laught at myself) for trying.


Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Peroxide is Peroxide! It just comes in different strenghts - I think the medicinal type is only 5 -10%, but it will still do a little bleaching. The kind the Beauty shops use for hair is usually 20%, but it also comes in 30 & 40% - it would work too, just have to cut it with water first. Haven't tried it for seeds but I have watered with a weak solution if there is a sign of gnats in the GH in the winter. Nothing can live in it!

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

Well, you learn something new every day. I was wondering how to get rid of the gnats that are flying around the hibiscus I am over-wintering inside.

Big Bear City, CA

Where there is G-nats there is too much water and a source of protein...

At least thats the G-nats I have found always flying around my sink when I dump some left over beer from the night before. darn G-nats.

Pesty suckers. LOL

This message was edited Dec 31, 2004 11:40 PM

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh, hydrogen peroxicide--using it sort of instead of "scarification" makes some sense.

Somewhere I think I read that watering plants with an H2O and Peroxide solution (occasionally) will add oxygen to plant roots--have you heard of that?

Big Bear City, CA

Yea, Tabasco I think your right come to think of it! H20 being water...and mix it with Peroxide... what a solution!!
If I am right and the peroxide disolves only the outer layer then it would only surve to be right that in doing so more water could then be absorbed.

Hey, I think we're on to somthing!!

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

if you cut down the watering and add a layer (about 1/4") of fine horticultural sand they will cut themselves to bits when they emerge and those that are already out won't be able to lay more eggs in the soil. In a few days most if not all will be gone.

I water with 2oz HP per quart of water occasionally and mist with it as well. Don't quote me but believe that growers use this to increase growth (leaf area). Not sure if it works but it doesn't hurt. HP is cheap so what the heck......
For watering and overwatering: even tho it goes against the grain to water an overwatered plant, the HP (H2O2) will give up and atom to form water and hydrogen gas (H2O + O2) which immediately fills and creates additional air space in the soil and temporarilly counteracting the overwatering problem. Seems to work while you wait for the plant to dry out and adjust watering habits.

Mainroses, what kind of seeds are you trying to germinate? And how are you going abot it?
This could be as simple as too much or enough water, too low or too high temps.
Lets not make this too hard-most times it's not, lol!!

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh ...

I'm one of those having a horrid time with fungus gnats...thanks to my own mis-management of watering can. ;-) Your help and advice is much appreciated!


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Julie, I had a terrible infestation of fungus gnats a few months ago. I bought fly paper and the strips filled up so fast with these gnats. I thought I was never going to get rid of them. Then someone told me to buy some Diatomaceous earth and sprinkle it on top of the soil. At first I did not think that it was working because the fly paper continued to fill up. But that was all of the ones that had not yet gotten into the DE. Now I only see an occassional fungus gnat. To make it easier to apply, I bought a sugar shaker from a dollar store and put the DE in it so I could control how much and how evenly I covered the soil. Now whenever I get a new plant or repot one, I sprinkle the DE on top of the soil and it works great. I never thought that I would get rid of those stupid little pests. But this worked and so I hope this helps.


Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Im trying to do a bunch of things now on a heater with glass over the top im trying to see how that goes any good way to get seed to grow really well and fast.

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

OK JesseK...where do I get the DE? The last time I used that stuff was in my swimming pool filter! :-D


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Julie, I bought mine at Home Depot. Look in the gardening section where all of the sprays and other gardening things are kept. It was not very expensive, and I will have enough to last me for years. Once you get them all covered, then all you have to do is maintain them and then use it on any new ones or when repotting.


Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Super info, JesseK! I'll be on the look out. I don't get to the "big city" very often so I'll do a little surfin and see if I can find it online.


Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

got to tell you i use a heatting pad under metal pan with flats on it with glass on top yesterday guess what i got some foxtail millet babies yeah hoo

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Maineroses...that's a great idea! I was looking at the racks that Park's sells, but I think your idea is *much* just might spread the heat out over a larger area at the same time. Look out Wal-Mart! I'm coming in for some cookie sheets! :-D Thanks for sharing that one. I just love it when I can learn something that saves me money. ;-)


Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

Today I got them right in sun.they are standing up so cute.just make sure you keep setting low it dont feel hot or burn your house down it wont feel that warm but heat is getting to the seeds.water seeds put in soil in flat.put glass i got big peice like picture frame glass over it.

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Hopefully I'll get right. I'm completely new with using the heat mats so I bought thermostat to go with mine. I think I may start a few coleus know, just to see if I can get something started. :-)

Right now I have dozens of wintering over geranium (pelargoniums) about to go into bloom under the lights. I'm completely shocked at how nice and complact they've stayed since I put them down there. Relying on the light from my windows definitely was a bad idea.

Yesterday, I decided to try a little "hot house" experiment with some coleus cuttings. I put the pots in a plastic cake pan and slipped the whole thing into one of those plastic bags that comforters come in. It looks nice and moist and comfy in there...I hope the plants like it. :-D

I've got several ornamental grasses to start, too. I just love the millet. I had a couple plants of the purple variety last summer and, for me, they were a great addition to my containers. Can't wait to get everything started.


Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

I just found a grow light to leave on at night....Yeah
I need more potting soil went threw a 20 lb bag
Julie i think things will do great for you : 0)
I want summer now lol

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh....Maineroses...summer sounds SO good. As for the potting soil, I think I'm going to cheat with my winter sowing containers and use the soil from my old pots at the bottom and cover it up with new stuff for the seeds to sit on. Outside in the freeze/thaw cycles, they tell me I don't need to worry about sterilized stuff. I sure hope "they" are right. ;-)


Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

me 2 so you don't lose ur seeds

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

tabasco wrote:
Oh, hydrogen peroxicide--using it sort of instead of "scarification" makes some sense.

Somewhere I think I read that watering plants with an H2O and Peroxide solution (occasionally) will add oxygen to plant roots--have you heard of that?

Abbyflower wrote:
Yea, Tabasco I think your right come to think of it! H20 being water...and mix it with Peroxide... what a solution!!
If I am right and the peroxide disolves only the outer layer then it would only surve to be right that in doing so more water could then be absorbed.

Hello all,

I was wondering, when do you add peroxide, only with seeds that require scarification or with any seeds?
How much do you add to the water?



St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Hi JesseK:
Does dicotimous earth cause a problem damaging the roots, say when it drains down from watering?



Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

mim--I don't really know a thing about how to use peroxide and water together although I think I read that to do the 'oxygenation' process to revive an overwatered plant you would use a 1 to 10 dilution--

don't know about the scarification idea though. maybe try a 'search' on the forums for more info...

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the info tabasco!

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

mlmo1, the DE does not hurt the plant in any way. But it sure does get rid of the fungus gnats.


St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Excellent...I lost an azalea to fungus gnat larvae last summer, I will definately keep this in mind. Thanks alot!

Big Bear City, CA

I use to work for the company that mines DE. It is a fossile. The reason it is working I think is because like the note at top of using Horticultural Sand, it is like finely ground egg shells, so it slices 'em up. DE is in many products even toothpaste believe it or not. LOL.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow, I didn't know it was in toothpaste. How interesting.


Big Bear City, CA

Yep Jessek,

It's in all kinds of stuff... even ceiling tiles.

The company was Grefco... they have 7 mines around the US... I use to be there Computer Guru.


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