For a Happy and Prosperous New Year

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Cut the collards now for the blackeye peas and hog jowl.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Nice looking harvest there, Fdill!

I cut most of ours for Christmas and still have some, all cooked and ready to go!

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Lookin good Farmer! I've never tried collards, hmmm, maybe next year!

You guys have a great New Year!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Red it is a southern tradition. The blackeye peas bring happiness, the collards prosperity. The leaves are suppose to resemble greenbacks.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Just finished washing the dishes...add a big old skillet of cornbread...with enough left over to drizzle some honey on ,and you have a feast.

Red, we needed to inform you ahead of time of this's simply the only food to have today.

We have a choice in the stores of collards or cabbage...with huge piles heaped at the door.Bags of dried black eye peas right next to whole cooler in the meat section for various pork delicacies...although hog jowl is the preferred meat de jour.

It's better when you grow your own greens and peas though......ummmmmm

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)


Next year I'll be sure to try it, maybe before then. I have enough seed of cow peas to plant this summer, thanks to you! Collards go on my list for next fall's planting.

How is the hog jowl processed, salted, smoked, or fresh? In New England, hog jowls are usually ground up and used to make hog's head cheese. It's o.k., but not one of my favorites! ☺

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Smoked and cured...sometimes salted....use Country Ham if in doubt.

We'll be sure to remind you of the Traditional New Year's dinner next year......I should have thought....I sent black eyed peas to Norway for my cousin....they use cabbage and ham with their meal...but can't find the peas over there....he's still a southern boy at heart, even though he's lived there for 15 years...has to celebrate in proper Southern Tradition each New Years.

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