Found these last spring!!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I think maybe you did, but it was fun talking about Milwaukee food. I hope you enjoy your trades. I won't have much of anything anyway as I divided everything this past fall. But "Sugar Blues" is blooming still, even through the rain. I can't get to it to smell it right now though cause the bulbs are coming up. I love the way Iris smell.

Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

mgh & Doss:

Re: Sending Iris.

Send me your particulars & how
many you want, & I'll get them
together for you.

I have some that I don't know
what color they are; a yellow &
a white with light purple speckles.

I'll post pics if you'd like.


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

KE6KAD, do we still have a trade going for this spring?


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Dear KE6. I'm realizing that I'm really fresh out of space given the Iris I've picked out from the websites. I don't know how I'm really going to cram anymore in. I have about a hundred cultivars already. (see, I am a junkie of the worst sort) You really are a dear. And I think that I hear Maxine calling you. :-> Thanks for the offer!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh, and if you want to drool some more, on the Photo forum under "tall bearded iris and Iris beds" are some beautiful photos.

Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

Doss--You're welcome. & I'll
be taking a look, thanks.

Maxine--No we haven't talked.

But if you want some let me

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Must be my aged mind! Thought I had mentioned that I would like some in the spring. also sent you pictures of some iris that I could trade?

Oh well, still would like the iris and we can trade if you wish and have room to plant more.


Thanks, Maxine

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

KE6KAD, Just 1 or 2 of each would be fine. The white with light purple speckles sounds great...what else do you have? I would love it if you could post pix. This is for postage right cuz I don't have anything to trade.



Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

Here is the speckled 1--
only, now that I look at it again,
it's not really speckled--don't
know how to describe it.

Thank God for pics--

"A pic is worth a thousand

Yellow pic coming up--

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

This is the yellow.

I also have a grab bag.

I don't know what they are--
all I ask is if it's something
I don't have & it multiplies,
you send me 1.

E-Mail me with particulars, i.e.
address & what you want/have.

I'll trade if you have something
I like--or not. Just want them to
have a good home!!

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

KE6KAD, you have mail.

Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)


Got it & so do you!


Haven't heard from you, yet.


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Gee, wonder what I am doing wrong? I have posted a return to you in this column, oh well, will send a personal letter to you, OK?


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