Found these last spring!!

Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

I hadn't been feeling well for several

Last year I got that ole'
"Gardening Urge", again. Moved
some Iris around and was I ever
surprised last spring. I don't
remember having hardly any of

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

The first one took my breath

This one did the same.

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

These were all around the mailbox.

How could I forget those!!

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

These are always the first
to bloom--and they multiply
like crazy.

They were in the baskets I
gave away.

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

This 1 popped up under
a tree.

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

I think this was supposed to
be a red??

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

This is a nice salmon.

This I remember.

They were in the front garden
my DH's first wife planted.

I thought we had lost them.

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

I was so excited when I
found this 1!!

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

I didn't care for this 1
at first.

It kinda grew on me.

So, I kept a bunch and
gave a couple of baskets
full away.

They must multiply like crazy, too!!

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

I can't figure out just what
color/colors this 1 is??!!

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

This 1 came from a neighbor.

It's NOT a suprise. She gave
it to me this spring.

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

This 1 also came from my
neighbor this spring.

She said it's Blue on Blue.

This is the last of what I have to
plant from last spring.

BUT--I bought about 10 new
ones, so I CAN still be SURPRISED
this coming spring.

AND THEN--there are the ones in
the baskets that I don't know
what they are, yet!!

They'll be put elsewhere until
I know if I like them, and if I do,
I'll put them with the others.

I might even have to--

Oh! N-o-o-o!! LOL

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

They're beautiful. Are any of them named? The second one reminds me a little of Champagne Elegance..

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

The all are gorgeous!! Loved the blue on blue.
Any chance of trading iris for iris?


Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

Champagne Elegance--I like that!!

I'm sure they have names, I just don't know what they are.

I'll ask my neighbor, Jan, if she knows the names
of the ones she gave me.

Next spring I'll do better--I'll have the names of
the new ones.

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Pictures 4 and 9 look like they might be historics. I'd bet Wanda would love to trade you for those!

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

I saw that too. Love to trade for some .

Farmington, ME(Zone 4b)

They are all very beautiful! I would like to find them hiding in my yard!

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I thought of Wanda too. She might trade some of her modern irises with you for the older varieties.

Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

Can we send rhizomes from state to state? I know you can't
send plants, but seeds are OK.

Right now, I only have extras of 4 and 8.

If any of the others survive & increase, I'd be glad to Trade or
even Give, next year.

Anyone want some Hollyhock seeds?

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

There are some things we can't send to the extreme western states, but nothing that says you can't send stuff out that I have heard.

Hixson, TN(Zone 7a)

Those are some beauties and your pictures are so clear and precise.I love them all.

Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

Well, I can try to send some. First come, first served.
I don't know how many extras I have. I'll have to count

You will visit me in the Big House if I get arrested--
won't you?!

As for the pics. Glad you like them. They were taken
with my old digital camera. I bought a New and Improved
Brand. Now, I get lots of BLURRY pics. Must be doing
something wrong.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

woodspirit1, I'm curious. What can't you send to the extreme western states?


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Would like to be put on your list for spring trading. Especially the one you called blue on blue.

I have both un-named iris and named iris. Many different colors.


Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)


It varies from state to state.

There are websites that list them.

There's a Classic Thread that tells all about
the evils of sending the wrong plants to the
wrong places. The thread is very adamant
about it, but if you sift thru it; it tells you where to go
to get the info. The name of the Classic Thread
is something like, "Is it legal?"


What colors do you have?

I'm not a Name Dropper, all I care about is if I likes
what I sees.

If they multiply I'd be happy to send you 1 or 2.

#4 & #8 are in baskets on the patio. Most of them
are growing already, so I'd say if you or anyone
wants 1 or both of these, they can be sent now.


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Joyce, I can send you pictures of what I have of the un-named iris, OK??

Give me a couple of days to get back to you.


I live in Wisc. so don't wish to trade any iris right now. I have 2 now potted up and sitting in the window that I purchased in Idaho. Just couldn't turn them down as they were 2 of the named iris that I was looking for.

Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)


I can wait.

I'll be planting everything (hopefully)
within the next 2 wks, but I'll be happy
to dig any extras up at anytime.

Would like to see the named ones, too.

I can wait until they bloom, next year.

I have nothing, if not TIME, God willing!!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Hey KE6! Saw that great picture of your dawgie and those Iris to die for. And here I am in California and able to trade Iris with you. And yes, we aren't supposed to bring in "plant materials" from other states. They have sniffer dogs about to find the booty.

You have no names??. I have plant name tags all over my yard, cause I can't remember my own name! I believe that i've seen the pink one with the red beards at Nicholl's Garden. I'll wander over and do some research. I haven't seen the flouncy one with the Apricot stands and raspberry falls. Now that suits my crazy sense of color. Sadly, reds can fade quickly and red just isn't much of an Iris color - but they are getting pretty close. I'm off to Nicholl's.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Looked at Nicholl's and the pink with the red beards could likely be "Mabel Andrews". See what you think. Their picture is a little more intense but that could just be camera work or lighting.

Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)


Been meaning to go there.

I'll do that soon.

Want some iris?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Yea! Iris! Thanks -

And to answer the question about why we can't ship plants into CA (which is a GREAT question) , well, it's our agricultural based economy and our weather. It never freezes in our central valley so you can't get rid of pests. When we had Mediterrean Fruit Flies you would have thought this was a war zone. Heliocoptors flying overhead every night spraying malathion. And I don't live in the country. Traps everywhere too. But there is not much we don't grow here and plant borne disease and pests are not welcome. There are actually guards at the state borders who ask you about bringing in vegetation and search your car. Either you eat it there, or you lose it! And you have to fill out a form when you fly into our airports saying that you haven't brought anything in.

And now there is some sort of bacteria that is killing the wine grapes, and we can't really grow fuscias anymore because of a fuschia mite. (you have to use a systemic, the little bugs can't even be sprayed.) It's amazing. Some idiot takes African Bees and breeds them with honey bees (which are also at risk here from a bacterial infection) in South America. Then he goes on vacation and leaves them with some other idot who lets them out - and Killer Bees, here we come. I know that others of you have them, and they are moving on their own - but you get the gist of my frustration. And those of you on the great lakes know about razor clams. Not what you wanted.

We grow rice, lettuce, garlic, artichokes, almonds, most stone fruits, broccoli, etc, etc. and all sorts of citrus, dates, tomatoes, .......and supply it nationally.

Sorry for the tirade. I hated those heliocoptors spraying poison on my yard.

Some of the mail order places won't even ship here.

So that's the "why". It isn't really arbitrary. Hope that my trantrum was OK, I don't do this too often. Must be that it's early in the morning. And from many trips as a kid coming back from Arizona in our car eating what was left of our fruit at the border! :->

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

doss, I didn't think a thing of it! You may sound off any time you like.
Have spent many a time eating fruit at your border so I wouldn't have to throw it.
We got quite a chuckle out of the border guards when they asked if we had any Wisc. cheese in our RV, and we said of course. Buttttt, it is going to relatives. You couldn't believe how many of those guys wanted to be our relatives.
Love your Calif. commercials for cheese. Those cows really are cute.
We farmed for 42 yrs. here in Wisc. so appreciate cheese commercials even thou it doesn't help our state.


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Yep, I'm fond of cows too. Those big eyes. And I don't know about cheese, I love all sorts. - I'm quite fond of Braunsweiger and nobody makes it here like they do in the midwest. I have a friend who brings it back for me when she goes to Wisc. I guess animal products are OK!

Now, maybe we can start smuggling in Iris tubers packed in Braunsweiger. Bet the dogs wouldn't pick it out as a plant product!

Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)


I'm serious. If you want some
Iris let me know.

I have 3 baskets of them on
the patio. They're trying to grow
(actually most of them are). I
think I can spare a few!!

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Wow KE6KAD, I would take some if you are offering....

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks! I've got some (as everybody knows) Harvest of Memories - a vigorous yellow rebloomer that I have to divide this fall - everything else I divided last fall so they will be a year or two. I've got nothing now. But I could pay for shipping on the other hand, I don't want to be greedy.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Hey doss, if you want braunsweiger, I can send you some when we trade iris?
Just let me know. Keeping wouldn't be a problem as I always send my plants by priority mail.
Yummy stuff, but maybe you have to be raised with it?


Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Guess my German Grandmother must have had something to do with it? She came from Milwaukee. She fed us creamed herring, sardines and soda crackers, raw hamburger. But then she also made blintzes to die for and let us eat pizza for breakfast. You are so sweet to offer. Beats the Agricultural problem!

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Think I got my ladies mistaken in whom I am trading iris with this spring, although more is great too.


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