Cross fingers, eyes, toes and knees

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

for me... I have some promising news!

I had an interview earlier in the week, at Redcar College. It went well. I arrived a little early so I had time for a cup of tea in their canteen, and had a look round their ground floor. Looked in at their classrooms and offices. Lots of busy, active people. The receptionist was particularly welcoming to some of their disabled students. One lad had a speech impediment, another was in a wheelchair. She was friendly and reassuring with them - the lad in the wheelchair was worried in case his bus went without him. The corridors were lined with lots of artwork - bright with colour, and with lots of photos of groups of students working on their projects. It looked liked a caring place, and a stimulating learning environment.

Then I went for the interview. It went very well. I liked the two women - one was the Personnel Manager, the other the Head of Admin and IT. They asked lots of questions - I was able to give an enthusiastic Yes to most of them. I felt like an excited, wriggly puppy - I'm sure my tail was wagging!!!! My only problem was that my voice speeded up in my enthusiasm. I kept saying to myself, Slow down Diane, slow down!!!! I had a lot of the skills that they were looking for. They're also an Equal Opportunities Employer - they weren't worried about my disability - they wanted to know what resources I'd need to help me! Wheeee!!!!

Good news is that they were in contact earlier today. I'm through to the next stage!!!!! I go to another interview later this month, right on Christmas. This will be to see if I'm suitable for taking their distance learners. Don't know if I'll get through that, of course, but it's looking promising. It's the best I've had so far!!! Keep fingers etc etc crossed for me later this month!!!!

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Have fingers, toes, knees, ankles,hands, wrists,eyes, and everything else crossed for you Diane, this does look very very very very promising [ do you think I need to say VERY one more time]..thinking good thoughts...positive ones...all the very best to you, many times over...marion

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

So pleased to read this Diane!!
Very best of luck with the next stage, it really does all sound very promising .....and the best thing is that it sounds as if it is a place that would be a pleasure to work in.
I do hope you get this one :oD

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

It's all crossed, double -crossed, hope you get this,as it sounds that you really like it.
Best friends of ours come from Redcar,and go up there quite often to visist parents.
Let us know when the second one is, so's we can all send posative vibes through the airwaves.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you all!!!! It has to be confirmed. If it's on, then it will be on December 20th.

Nice sunny day here, I'm off for the day!

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for sure you let us know

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, hope you get a happy Christmas present :)

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Crossing everything possible here too! Yes, What a wonderful Christmas present that would be for you! Would you have any problem traveling there if its any distance from your home? This has to be it!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

It's only part-time Doris. The bad news is that the work won't be suitable for the teaching hours I need to do for my City & Guilds 7407 course that I want to start in January. I've contacted another colllege and asked if they'll let me do some voluntary work for them, teaching a few classes. This other college leapt at the offer - they want me to help out with their Creative Media courses. It's also a good college, I could learn a lot form being involved with it.

Wish my bank balance was looking healthier though. Sigh.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

This sounds like a great thing coming up. Hopefully this will turn out to your benefit sooner or later. If there was only a way where you could earn a little extra by them offering you some other work that would pay a bit on the side. This time of year is not neat when there is not much money coming in. Once you get started, lets hope and pray they will find you indespensible! (spelled right?)

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Could you not do a bit of private tuition from home? Then you could fit this in with any hours you need to?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

No, there's no demand for private tuition really - there's lots of opportunities to study for free. And I'm not qualified to teach schoolchildren. I'm hoping that Riveside College like me enough to employ eventually

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Fingers etc crossed for that then - it certainly often happens that way
Good luck :)

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