CLOSED: Who's my Furry little friend??

(Zone 7a)

I'm assuming they are caterpillars? But they crawl all over my gardens whenever they want to. Here's one crawling on the porch this lovely day in PA :-D

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

Woolly Bear Caterpillar
Isia isabella

(Zone 7a)

Ahhh Man! I have Moths...ewwwww

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

But s-o-o-o cute when they're young, lol!!
I haven't seen these in a long time. Gran'ma used to tell me that seeing them early and in large numbers meant a long hard winter. Guess we're outta luck here again this year.....

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 9b)

I don't think they are BAD moths, not miller moths or meal moths. Just outdoor, part-of-the-ecosystem moths. I never knew what the woolly bear turned into. Thanks to caron for the link!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the link caron.
I never put the Isabella tiger moth together w/ the Woolys.
We see tons of both around here but..........

BTW: The lore is the wider the brown band the shorter and milder the Winter.
There is even a festival for them in Vermilion, Ohio in early/mid October.

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