Mexican Flame Vine, Orange Glow Vine (Senecio confusus)

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Mexican Flame Vine, Orange Glow Vine
Senecio confusus

Mexican Flame vine

Thumbnail by konkreteblond
McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow! Does this come back from the roots for you. Or did it take over that much from one plant in one year? I just bought a 4 inch pot of this from the Neil Sperry Garden Show and I was surprised to see how big yours is in this picture.


Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Ohhh man, they are selling these at the show?! Maybe I'll go tomorrow! I was just telling my gardening gal pals today that I haven't really been able to get a definite answer on whether this will come back or not. I really hope it does come back but am not getting my hopes up too high. I grew this from a tiny little pot of it just last season. I can't remember when I got it but it wasn't too early. It didn't flower until later in the season but when it got going it didn't stop. The butterflies love it!

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is a better picture of the flowers.

Thumbnail by konkreteblond
McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow! That's amazing how big it got in one season.

The garden show was neat. The flame vine was only $2.50 for the 4 inch pot. "Trunnels", "texasgarden" & I met out there today. Too bad you did not join us. The booth that had them had a bunch of really interesting herbs & perennials (some tender) for $2.50 to $3.00 and 4 inch pots of peppers and tomatoes for $1.00. It is in the back right corner of the first building if I remember correctly.

Antique Rose Emporium was also out there selling 4" pots of roses for $5.00.

We had fun out there but it's $6 to get in (with a coupon) and $5 for parking. I spent way too much money. :)

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I am waaay jealous! I've been looking everywhere for one. You'd think I'd be able to find it in Tucson! Ay, que hueva.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

No telling. I had been wanting to try it too and had not seen it anywhere. I was so happy to see it today and at that cheap. Good Luck to you. Maybe you can find it online.

Costa Mesa, CA

Hi Konkreteblond,
This is a great looking plant! I just bought one myself yesterday and can't wait to get it in the ground. :) I think I paid $2.75 for it (on sale) so I was stoked.

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Sherry, I'm so excited to see you here!! :))) You will love this vine because the butterflies love it!!


Deltona, FL(Zone 9a)

and to think I was going to grow it in a hanging basket in florida. I'm sure glad that I saw this picture! I think I'll grow it on a fence.

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh yes, you definitely need a bigger spot for it! I don't have one this year. The plant sale I got mine from last year couldn't get them this year. Looks like I'll be forced to go to more sales. :)

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Just ran across this thread. I bought 2 of these last year on sale in October and planted. They look dead. How long should I wait until pulling them out?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Paige and Connie, mine is growing in a large container and growing up a trellis on the southside of my house so it receives some winter protection. It has been there for 3 years with no other protection than my garage. I cut it back after the leaves finally received frost damage after the last 2 hard and prolonged freezes. I also cut it back to maintain its size. It has sprouted from the base with some shoots being 2 feet long or more already.

Connie, don't pull them out. Y'all have had temperatures lower than we have had in San Antonio. Of course wouldn't you know it ... another hard freeze coming Monday night and another probably Friday night. This is a pretty tough plant. It should be sprouting out a little later than mine. Some of the stems were not dead on mine ... just looked that way because the leaves were dry.

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm not pulling mine out. I'll just keep waiting for a while and see if anything sprouts from it. I'm not sure how long to wait tho because I've got some things that take a long time to come up, like my Duranta. If that starts coming up and no sign of green on the Flame vine then that wouldn't be a good sign.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Drat this freeze--cold weather-- tonight. I planted about 30 coleus Sunday. I went out tonight and placed 30 bowls over the little plants! Hope that does the trick!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I had moved over half the plants out of the greenhouse to repot some and to give them some fresh air for a few days. Then, the had to move them all back inside it. I had also bought some plants to plant in the ground. I am glad I hadn't planted them yet. I think it is supposed to freeze again Friday night.

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