Worms in Seeds Packets...

(Zone 7a)

15 minutes ago I just opened an envelope full of WORMS and Eggs! My skin is crawling and my stomach is turning. This takes me back to this thread http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/463820/
The worst part is..I have had them for about 2 weeks. Also all my seeds are stored together. These seeds were in a 2x3 Paper (coin) envelope. I would have never even opened it. I was going to see how many there were to share with someone else. Just in my opinion..Paper does not help dry seeds..Aparently these seeds still had a lot of moisture in them. I know it was truly unintended and a mistake..But Pleassseeeeeee..I LOVE YOU ALL. ...pleaaseeee if dryness is questionable... Write in on my envelope! :-D Now I have to go through ALL my paper envelopes...or I won't be able to sleep.

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

Are you sure the seeds are not dry? It's easy to get bugs in with seeds and having them multiply has much more to do with temperatures or temperature fluxuations than moisture. I keep biocontrol agents in the fridge all the time-buys a few days if I can't release them right away.
If the seeds are dry then just pop them in the freezer for a day. It will kill the little buggers-dead.
I personally do not use plastic as static is a real problem and with all but the biggest seeds they stick horribly to the sides of the baggie. A real pain to deal with.
Good luck.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Please post a pic of the worms for identifacation, can't do much "brainstorming" w/o the id?

(Zone 7a)

I might have to find a picture of the worms somewher on the net. I was sooo grossed out that I couldn't stand to take a picture. They were white and about 1/2 long...They were coming out as I was opening the envelope..argghhhhh But it totally caught me off guard. Also I was in my bed...which I'll do. I'll get in the bed, prop up pillows, watch TV and play with my seeds. As I was opening the envelope the worms were coming out! I jumped out the bed! LOL LOL

Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

Maybe they were just those little flour moth larvae. They are icky and I get them when I am careless and leave animal food bags open in my house. Gross but harmless.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Gosh Kim I hope it wasn't something from me!!! A lot of the seeds I trade were 'purchased' seeds anyway but I did start collecting this year! All of my collected seeds have been sitting in open paper bags since collection so I wouldn't think so but I am a paranoid one anyway!

Oh and ICK by the way - in your bed too!!! :-(((


This message was edited Nov 23, 2004 12:43 PM

(Zone 7a)

Not Yours! LOL LOL LOL

(Zone 7a)

Heyyyy Everone wants to know if it was them! Quit it! My seeds probably aren't Critterless..And if you got seeds from me..You're lucky if a toad doesn't POP out with all the Creatures I have in my yard. Name it..and I've seen it. Saw a Crane recently..along with the
Beavers..Possums...snakes..and other unidentified Beings! LOL LOL LOL

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

I'll take some toads over here! I love 'em!


(Zone 7a)


NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Kim .. your REF: " You're lucky if a toad doesn't POP out with all the Creatures I have in my yard."

... I jes gotta Kim, I jes gotta! ...
It would seem more likely a chance to have some of your mushroom spores accompanying any of seeds you may have sent to anyone!! .. LOL ..

(only teasin' ya a bit kim) ..

- Magpye

(Zone 7a)

LOL LOL..Yup! ha ha ha

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

For future reference, after the seeds are dried, packeted and inventoried, you can store them in an air-tight Igloo cooler to keep the critters out. The little buggers can seem to get into almost anything, even tightly sealed jars, so one time when the house had a big hatch of grain moths from some old flour or something, I tossed a flea and tick collar into the cooler for good measure. Also, if there's any doubt about whether new or traded seeds have bugs or not, caron's suggestion to pop them into the freezer for a while is a good idea, especially before storing them with other seeds. I may just be lucky, but haven't had any bugs in my seeds for nearly ten years now.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Always keep my seeds in frdge or greezer, depening what they are. Where do most people keep their seeds?

Have found tiny tiny spiders in seed heads sometimes, when cleaning seeds, but thats all.


Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

I always had trouble with condensation when removing seeds from the freezer, which is why I use the cooler. The article at the link below states that optimum seed storage conditions are 40°F to 45°F with humidity readings of 45% to 50%.


I think the seed lab I worked in kept the seed locker a little warmer and lowered the humidity a bit so we wouldn't catch a chill when we had to work in there! We had squash seed that were stored in the same conditions give 30% germination after 15 years.

Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

I keep mine in the "butter" section on the fridge door. It's packed! My husband just cannot believe it!!! I told him this is one of the reasons I want a new fridge - so I can put the old one in the garage and store my stuff!!

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

Fridge or freezer here as well.
I let all seeds come to room temp before opening to prevent condensation forming on the inside of the jars.

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