I'm loosing My mind!! I Have to Propagate

(Zone 7a)

Ohhhh Myyyyy! I can't take it no more!! I have to be growing something all of the time. The fall is here and I'm pacing for having no plants to get my hands on. Arrghhhhhh! Ok..Just pulled out some Geraniums and Bolo Bolo seeds.. gonna go get the soil and pots from the basement. I promised I would not do this again. A person like me could die from not having a green house. Last year I said..just a few starts here and there won't hurt. I've included a picture of what I did to the Family's Den. I promised I wouldn't do it again. Ahhh! These seeds are burning in my hands...I'm gonna go heat me up some water for warm soil. Then I'll let yall know how many days it takes them to germinate...Gonna start:

Bolo Bolo
Geranium Samabor
Blanco Crab Apples (gonna stick the in the freezer with the Trilliums)
Columbines (I think I have every species..Ohhh my!)

I promised my family I wont do this again..Last December I had zinnias blooming in the house! and Phygelius everywhere..

I'm getting of DG to go play in the dirt! Bye

P.S. Somebody call the Seed/Plant Addict Hotline for me!!!

Greenback, TN

I think you will be allright, but you must commit to following the program step by step to ensure the addiction is removed. Step one: Mail your seeds to me. :D

(Zone 7a)

Rolling on the floor!!! Laughing OUT LOUD!!!!!!! ha ha ha ha That was sooo funny

Greenback, TN

Happy to help. Hee hee

(Zone 7a)

I was really reading it seriously..then when I read the last few words..I almost fell out my chair laughing!
Step One: Send my seeds to Tammy

Is there a step 2?

Greenback, TN

Yes, admit the problem. Say my name is kim and I am a seedaholic. one step at a time though...

(Zone 7a)

Step 2: Admitting to the Problem

Greenback, TN

There's a country song in this somehwere I bet...


I keep hearing jimmy buffet singing margeritaville for the music.

Greenback, TN

unrolling a seed tape
letting the sun bake
I know that soon my babies will grow

wasting not-hing in the gardenville
searching for my lost miracle gro
some people say that there's a emp-ty space
but I know
there's not one place

This message was edited Nov 21, 2004 2:18 PM

(Zone 7a)

Ahhhhhh...There it is!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Kim, you are a hoot! I love to propogate too, people and plants. Both are limited at the time by space restrictions and the abundance of daughters I have. LOL My only saving grace is that I mostly start annuals and tropicals now and it's too early. Well that is what I keep telling me anyway. :) I don't usually get crazy to make babies until it is time to wean and that is still several months off!

(Zone 7a)

Haaa haaa haaa haaa ...How many girls do you have?

Monticello, MN(Zone 4b)

I am addicted to propagating, too! Luckily I am too old for any more children.... probably the seed addiction came due to only having one child. I was working in my garage today to get ready for winter. Oh gee.... I can't stand putting away all the propagating materials. I used to wash and bleach all the flats etc but it is too much. I have used yogurt cups and plastic food containers so I don't have to wash them out and can just throw away. Any tips for storing al the pots and cells etc???? I have to carry them down to basement === too overwhelming and no place to put them....... Peat pots are ok but they do dry out and are expensive. Any ideas for help????

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

As far as fall weather goes, today was beautiful.
Needed to do something.
Cut down the castor beans and shelled the good ones.
Thought about a question I saw hear about butterfly bush seeds - Did some tapping and man they're small. Now have 3 film cans with seeds from the Harlequin, Pink Mist and a blue one.

Ok, what else. Ended up going around finding good growth on roses and now have 10 or so stuck in the basement. Decided to try the ziplock bag method I was pointed to.

Ok now what... rinsed off, sorted and added the pots that accumulated outside to the pot stacks in the garage. That's the first thing the wife suggests I toss when she thinks she should tell me what to do to clean the garage. I .... Don't.... think SO! I especially covet the Monrovia pots. :)

Ok now what. Out to the curb and retieve two big pots of bananas that I'd overwintered a couple of years but thought I'd toss them. Dumped and found that although the tops had been mushed by frost there were fresh sprouts below and good roots. Okey-Doke.. 6 banana pups and me head to the basement again for some potting action. Move some spider plants to the spare bedroom to make room on the main table in the basement.

I have brugs supposed to arrive tomorrow. More STUFF for the winter sport...

Eureka, CA

Know what? I got it too. First it was the dining room now it's the living room, bathroom and computer room next. Seeds and plants sprouting up everywhere. Now you shouldn't feel so bad.
Just accept your addiction and repeat, "Propagate, propagate, propagate, variety is the spice of life." You grow gal grow.

(Zone 7a)

Ha ha ha ha..I like the way you think shinny! Ummm 8ftBed...do you need to get rid of some of those Harlequin seeds??? he he he Peat pellets are good mdeano...I like them for cerntain plants..You're not alone with carrying the pots to the basement...LOL LOL

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Okay, I put away all the runner beans and barely felt a pain.
Then I put away the Manihot hibiscus but I know their time is coming. :)
Then I found the Brug envelope. Sigh, pain, push it to the back of the box.
I have six daughters, (7mos, almost 3, 5,7,9 and 11). I also have a 30 hour a week job, a deaf puppy that is still potty training and learning sign language and a hubby that works seven days a week. I can wait until January. Right. Right???Right!!!!
The Christmas tree goes up in a few days. I nearly found the floor and about killed the washer and dryer today and still have not found the laundry floor! The seeds can wait. Right??????

(Zone 7a)

OMG! OMG! OMG! That's all I can say...OMG!

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

The seeds 'll keep you sane!

``..deaf puppy... potty training...learning sign language ``
So how's it responding to gnashing teeth, fist shaking and the harried Mom's evil eye?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I think the puppy is selectively blind as well! Gritting teeth apparently looks like a smile. Waving the "no no" finger must look like a chew toy. Hmmm, she acts much like my kids. They all just sit there and wait for me to finish my lecture so they can commence to whatever thing it was that they were doing. LOL

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

ROFL to the point of rug burns!!

like trying to convince the DW's cat that the middle of my chest, nose-to-nose does not help me watch the Sat. morning gardening shows!!

(Zone 7a)

Okkk..I on my way upstairs to start these now..I'll let you know the outcome. Says 30 days for germination. I'm not going to try a concoction on them...he he he

Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 5a)

That's lovely! I don't think Iv'e ever seen it. Jessamine

(Zone 7a)

One online Company was selling the plant for 5 dollars. When I went to order it was gone! Booohooo but I got me some seeds :-D

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 9b)

I have a cure for your withdrawal. Move to Florida. You only have a garden indoors a couple times a year (between hurricanes) he he.

(Zone 7a)

Hurricanes???? Ummmmmm...Florida sounds nice..But No Hurricanes for me...LOL

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

good luck Kim. I've ordered and planted variations of those several times and end up with zip.

Last winter I had the propagation-jones bad for awhile. I talked the cafeteria into saving the tops off the pineapples they cut up for displays. Eventually I had about 15 tops prepared in multiple methods from various articles I pulled off the web. Stunk up the basement when I got sidetracked come spring and hadn't been down there in 2 months. Got 2 with growth and threw out the science experiments. Then gave them 3rd degree burns by setting them out one morning and forgetting to bring them in before leaving.

project like that need to start earlier in the winter I guess. I tend to forget I have a basement between Mar-Jun. It's bad when your cactus and jade leaves are shriveling up.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

oh my i have the bug i told dh last night i wanted a rack in the laundry room.

Question!! What are BOLO BOLO SEEDS?????

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

AHHHHH! I know the addictive feeling! I'm can't wait until January so I can start wintersowing. I bought 100 pots just for that.

Mc Call Creek, MS

Y'all have got me laughing so hard I scared the cat right off my lap!

Dang! I tell hubby to just be glad I don't spend my time sitting in a bar all day!

If you love plants, you have to be close to God. He made them all for us to enjoy and He needs out help. Right?

(Zone 7a)

Very Close to Him. It is becasue of me faith and belief in God that I garden. It teaches me about His word. There's sooo much to learn when you begin to grow plants. There is a life lesson within it :-D So many of the parables Jesus taught has to do with "SEEDS"

(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhh and all the torture I put my Silk Floss seeds through...I think they're actually sprouting! I see a white stem coming out! ha ha ha ha ha

(Zone 7a)

Nov. 23rd Post. I started the Primula http://davesgarden.com/pdb/showimage/1300/
BEHOLD! I have 5 sprouts so far. It took 7 days not 30 as stated on the directions :-D
I know you're thinking where? But believe me...they're there...LOL. The little microscopic seedlings...LOL. The seeds are just about microscopic too!

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

I believe that they are there. What concoction did you use on these? Any recommendations for hellebores (other than double stratifying-they keep getting lost/tossed in my fridge)? Thanks.

(Zone 7a)

I didn't use a concoction on the Primula...ha ha ha. I used very warm soil. Sprinkled the seeds on top and covered with plastic. I removed the plastic this morning because I saw sprounts. Fortunately...People gave me Hellebores and Helleborus..Haven't got a clue on them. But I have read that the seed needs to be fresh..These haven't bloomed for me yet. Heard it may take years...geez

Thumbnail by Kim_M
(Zone 7a)

sylvi, I thought about what you said...Are Helleborus a seed type that likes cold stratification? I've seen the seed before..They are a little hard right? Knowing me I would nick them, soak in water overnight, and then toss them in the freezer...LOL Well I grew a whole bunch of Gentianas..which also like this kind of cold treatment. I placed seed starting soil in a very small bowl. I ran hot water on the soil until it was soaking wet. I sprinkled the Gentian seeds on top. Then I let them sit on the counter for a few hours, so the seeds could soak up moisture. I then placed it uncovered in the Freezer for 2 days. Placed it in a warm place with light and within a few days every one of those seeds germinated...LOL I hope this helps.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2004 12:12 PM

Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

Well, I'll give it a shot. Just planting them did nothing, and trying to store them in the fridge for a set number of weeks didn't work because they disappeared. I'll let you know.

(Zone 7a)

Great! I can't wait to hear you outcome :-D Keep us posted!

(Zone 7a)

Okayyyy...today I went on the hunt for the perfect Blanco Crabapple cuttings. Much to my surprise..I found the perfect ones. The are sure to root! I'll be back in a few with a picture of the cuttings :-D
This Tree puts on some kind of show in the Spring! http://davesgarden.com/pdb/showimage/41294/

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