Help! Need to Know! Coreopsis seed and Salvia

Medicine Hat, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm hoping someone can show me what coropsis seed looks like. I have a bunch of it here but I think I might be packing up the wrong part. Same with Salvia East Friesland. Here is a pix of the coreopsis if that helps.

Thumbnail by Songbird839
Medicine Hat, AB(Zone 3a)

Here is the Salvia East Friesland.

Thumbnail by Songbird839
Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Your coreopsis will form a seed pod type thing where the center of the flower is. The petals will have fallen off and a brown, dry thing will remain. The seeds are dark brown/black and are flattish.

I don't have any left in my garden right now, but you should get a great number of seeds from each flower...they reseed with abandon.

The seeds are a little smaller than my pinky fingernail. I have small hands and keep my nails clipped close.

If you are harvesting before the whole stalk turns brown and the petals have fallen's too soon. The seeds will be inmature. It should be dry and crunchy.

Salvia seeds should be tiny and sort of round blackish things. This is a named cultivar, so plants from seeds of this plant probably won't look and bloom exactly like the parent. Hybrids (which is what this most likely is) will revert to the plants that were used to make it. Sometimes, there's not much difference...and sometimes they won't even resemble the parent. If you are trading seeds from a hybrid, please let the person getting them know this. Most won't care, but some might.

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)


I have lots of Coreopsis seed left, if you will send me a SASE I will send some to you....Melody is right, they are in the send of the flower, and will be a dark brown. The center will be sorta crunchy, and when you open it, all these seeds will come out. They redseed all over the place. I consider this an invasive perennial but lovely.


Medicine Hat, AB(Zone 3a)

Deann, thanks for the offer but I probably am not going to need any.
I took another look at the coreopsos seeds I haven't cleaned yet, and made two piles. One is what I thought was seed and the other is what it sounds like you are describing. Take a look and tell me which are the seeds, the top or bottom pile.
Thanks for the help everyone!

Thumbnail by Songbird839
Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

The bottom things are the seeds. Do a germination test to make sure they are viable.

Put a few in a damp (not wet) paper towel and place it in a ziplock. Place in a warm spot for several days and see if they sprout. (top of fridge) This way you'll know if you are trading good seeds and are not going to dissapoint anyone.

Medicine Hat, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks! That's a good idea. My biggest thing is knowing which ones need cold stratification before they break dormancy. I've been trying to find a good book on the subject but I haven't found one yet.

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Songbird......neither looks like coreopsis seed to least my coreopsis seed does not look like that. Mine are round and small and dark brown.....see photo attached...


Thumbnail by deann
Medicine Hat, AB(Zone 3a)

Now I'm really confused! I found this at another website: It's not the greatest picture but it shows the shape. It's for tickseed coreopsis though and I don't think that's the kind I have. I'm definitely going to have to germinate every different shape in my pile and see what happens.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

deann's look right....that's the reason for having the germination test. Yours might be a bit inmature.

Medicine Hat, AB(Zone 3a)

I don't have anything in that mess that looks like Deann's pic, so maybe their is a difference among species or cultivars? Germination test in progress, I just threw some of everything that looks different onto the wet paper towel. They shouldn't be immature because they were totally dry and crunchy, but I guess we will see. Since they seem to be an invasive plant I'm sure their will to live is quite high!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Could they already have fallen out? As far as I've experienced, the Coreopsis seeds pretty much look the same.

Good idea on the germination may have seeds there and we're not able to identify them for you.

Medicine Hat, AB(Zone 3a)

I don't think they fell out becaue the whole head was pretty intact when I pulled them off but not entirely out of the question with the winds we get! Maybe I'll have a whole whack of babies in the spring! Oh well, they can invade away because I've got 4 out of 10 acres to myself! DH uses the other 6 for his business and whatever he wants. He's allergic to cut grass and I don't like having to mow for 2 days straight so I'm planting up as much as I can every year! Here's a place where invasive is good!
Thanks for the help and I'll keep you posted as to signs of life from the seeds!

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