Twas the nite before leavin’ …

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Twas the nite before leavin’ …

(use a recitation ‘rhythm’ similar to,
‘Twas the night before Christmas’)

Twas the nite before leaving, when all through the buses
Not a creature was stirring, least to say … us’s ..
The Fiskars and baggies, the gloves and step stools
We’re seed snatchin’ mommas and dumpster divin’ fools!

The gardens were silent, the plants all at rest
All needing relief and a snippin’ at best
Long went by the wayside .. overgrown with neglect
In need of dead heading – and begging respect.

The choir robes were hung all neat in a row
The triple D t-shirts were ready to go
The heifer was silent, all done with her moo’s
All ready for mornin’ .. were all of our tools

We’d settled in dozedom .. long awaited good sleep
Just started to count seeds … was supposed to be sheep
When out on the pavement, there arose such a clatter
Up jumped Magpye .. to see what was the matter.

The moon in its glory .. and oh, was suuuum bright
Clearly showed Equil, Terre_, Sweez, and Cherishlife
And lurkin’ nearby, shown by the moon beams
Was none other than .. our very own, Weezingreens!

They’d arose from their tents .. to start early the day
Left the rest of us dozin’ .. while planning our way
Dyson, and RB, and Ladyannes other half
Were long cutting Zz’s after going over city maps

Now, abreast of the layout .. and bee bonnets on hand
Ready to place on their heads .. if met by demand
Shovels and trowels made such awful clatter
There too, of course, was sugarweeds pool ladder!

Magpye folded beds, and readied the coffee pot
Supper dishes can wait, for there’s not a whole lot
Snacks’ll be called for .. once we get back
While sorting the bevy of goods from the beds we attacked.

No stone left unturned, not one plant left unthrashed
Ladyanne, NC, and hanna .. got the dumpster de-trashed
Tazzy’s hind end was the last that we’d see
Over the side, with a thump .. and an extended ‘whew-wheeeee!’

Now, out comes oceangirl, dstartz, and JodyC
Dodecatheon and ceeadsalaska zone3
Then creeps trufinov, vswilliams and Judycooksey
Philomel ! Kayaker ! .. Whar the two of yall be?

The tables are set with the markers and pens
For upon our return .. the real work begins!
Divisions of cuttings, seed heads - some plants there’s few.
With a bus full of goodies .. and all kinds of ‘em too!

How far will we go .. Will there be any end?
I think not folks .. We’re seed snatchers, my friend!
No dumpster shall defeat us, no boundaries prevail
If a lil trouble befalls us .. we’ll simply post bail!

But it shall not be long .. till the gardens we bound
These beds hold our treasures, there great ones are found.
Business, public and private .. gardens lay wait
For arrival of the snatchers – we come soon, and come late!

We’ve done our fine deeds, and shall call it a day
We’ll check the agenda - for our next escapade
We’ll toast our marshmallows and eat a snack or two
Until the next time …When we may come through!

And then in a twinkling, or, should say: a ‘vvvvroooooom’
The vehicles are cranked .. spit and sputter a tune
We’re all packed and loaded ... with a pledge nary to impede
The triple D .. Cleptobotaniacs .. A mitey proud bunch, are we!

- Magpye

Created .. in lovin' fun, shared respect, and some utterly awesome enjoyment .. with all
of the many others .. of which, all started here ..
(with, jes a wee lil touch of insanity, fer xtree spayshall flavorin') .. LOL ..
And dedicated to none other than .. our own, the 'Weez' (weezingreens).

This message was edited Nov 19, 2005 10:41 AM

Oh oh oh, gotta go pee before it runs down my leg!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Mags you're the best, now I gotta follow Equi.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh my gosh, Mags. Do you have a publisher yet? Do we have a honest to goodness writer in our midst? Wowser!

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

wonderful and so TRUE what fun to wear purple and make all stare

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

please wear a red hat with the purple..ok?

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

okey doe key . tazzy and hope43 ..

What on earth are ya tawkin' about .. with the purple stuff ... and the red hats ? ... ?

I'm definitely lost as a goose .. !! Somethin' I've fergotten about somewhere ..?..

LOL .. Enlighten me ..

- Magpye

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

Poem: when i get old i will wear purple google it

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Ahhhhh .. okay .. I gotcha! ..

Sure nuff, I remember seeing that now!! ...

Appreciate your replying so quickly .. I wassa wonderin' .. !!!


- Magpye

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

Also, there is a Red Hat Society!!!! , customers came in my Shop all the time looking for Red hats and Purple dresses, yes Mam, lol,

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I think they have a different statement of purpose than ours. I don't think Equi., and NCG for 2 look of age to be buying up purple.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

hanna1 .. sure nuff .. think too, that it was RikerBear that mentioned it .. on the same 'sneed snatchin' thread (part 1, I bleeve) ... that we've all been gabbin' and jabberin' on !! .. LOL ..
I've got 'sometimers' ya know ... (sometimes it works, sometimes it don't Hee) So, yall try to excuse me, or overlook it as best ya can.

- Magpye

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

You are such a crack up, specially since yr mates found Dave's too, LOL

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

SEE .. what I mean .. ? > My own .. Ref: " .. on the same 'sneed snatchin' thread ..

This hubby infiltration thing .. jes haint good. ha Blast his hide! .. hee hee ..
Dadburn it - I'm already loosin' what 'knack' I mighta thot I ever had !!
.. LOL ..

- Magpye

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

To ALL of you ..
Thank you, so very much .. for some of the most wonderful comments and compliments!!

You can betcha .. I'll be dishing such things as this, out .. left and right on that thar SNeed(hee)
Snatchin' bus tour tho' - that we jes may get together on .. one o'dese days, yet !! hee hee

Ya know .. stranger things have happened ...
( .. twilight zone theme starts to play .. ) .. hee

- Magpye

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

I for one am READY!!!! ;-)

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

I'm not physic but i see bars and white jackets to go with our purple and red ?

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Tazzy for me that would be a definite YES!

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

me too, and i don't even need to take the buss !

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)
And here ya go Magpye, this is for real, enjoy!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Hanna, where's you pic?

By the way - there's a number IV Seed Snatchin' thread now folks! Join on in! Number 3 was gettin' a mite bit slow...

See you there!!

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks GardenAddict, see ya there!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

I've not any clue as to how on earth I'd managed to miss this, from you tazzy .. >

I'm not physic but i see bars and white jackets to go with our purple and red ?


- Magpye

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

went dumpster diving to day got 12 good metal mesh shelves
and about cut of finger loading them .
It was about 23°at the time I jump back in car
to go to next place and there is blood
all over steering wheel ,door faceing ,down my arm over watch
and what made it the worst was it WAS MY BLOOD !
I had cut the end of finger and did not know till i saw the blood .
So i am ready for that sleeveless jacket ,
dumpster diving in this weather? D- U-H
Well flowers and green house must come first ? right ?
Tazzy has went over the edge?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Go tazzy go, but get some gloves!!!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Lordee sugarweed .. It'd be like closing the barn door after all the critters have escaped!! .. lol

Happy fer ye .. that you managed to 'apprehend' all of those metal shelves - but, mercy !!

Taz, please, tell us .. that you immersed that fanger in alkey-hol .. ASAP ? ! ? ! ? ! ?
Otherwise, a tetanus mite be 'in store' fer ye! ...

Heck, and the 'red' is supposed to be in conjunction to our 'hats' haint it - not loosin' our life fluids!

Hmmmmm, taz ... a couple of them strait jackets jes mite come in handy .. to keep ON the bus!
Strap one'em on you - 'til AFTER you've put ya gloves on - jes to keep ya safe from harm, 'ey?!
.. LOL ..

Gosh doggit, keep a check-in .. to let us know that your cut, don't develop into something truly naystee - OK?

- Magpye

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

Tazzy, now your be carefull from here on out! Can't be having you hurt, We need ya on tha bus!! Annie
Please post this on our snatching site, K?

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

This message was edited Dec 5, 2005 11:17 AM

This message was edited Dec 5, 2005 12:43 PM

Castro Valley, CA(Zone 9a)

Magpye, this is getten silly now, please do give us a super dooper good news that you hangin in there, please,

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Gosh, I'd forgotten all about Magpye's poem... it was really fun to read it again!

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